Yuanyue Resort

【Totsuki Li Palace Hotel, Grand Banquet Hall.

The students who were present were arranged to gather on site.

In the banquet hall, many familiar faces were met.

Nakiri Alice stood in a row on the left and gave Lu Xuanyu a"friendly" smile.

The bet between the two was made in the past few days.

He was looking forward to the little maid who came for free.

The classmates who had taken classes with him would greet Lu Xuanyu in a friendly manner when passing by him.

Even those who were several rows apart would deliberately come over and walk around to talk to him.

Among them, there were mostly girls.

Many of them were acquaintances among 66's former rumored girlfriends.

Lu Xuanyu understood their thoughts.

They found that he had outstanding cooking talents, ranked high among the top ten, and was also a mysterious invisible rich man. The former indifference turned into active kindness now.

Unfortunately, most of the passers-by are no longer within Lu Xuanyu's hunting range.


It is natural to play with young and beautiful girls to make it more memorable.

Among the girls who came to talk to him, only one left a deep impression on Lu Xuanyu.

""Hey, Lu Xuanyu, do you remember me?"

A steady and refreshing voice came from behind him.

Lu Xuanyu turned around and saw a girl who was almost at eye level with him, wearing a sexy red patterned cheongsam.

With an arrogant expression on her face, she approached him.

Because it was a training camp held by the school, most students were wearing Totsuki school uniforms.

The fact that she dared to show up in a cheongsam on such an occasion showed how courageous the girl was. She had short purple hair, with only a strand of hair tied back behind her head, which was quite eye-catching.

She had fair skin, a cool face, and an explosive figure that could not be covered by the cheongsam.

Such a unique girl was naturally very eye-catching in the crowd.

Hojo Miyoko!

Nickname: Miss Iron-fisted Fire Dragon!

65 of the 66 girlfriends in the scandal!

She was also the one who had been with Sakaki Ryoko the most recently before the scandal.

"Midori, long time no see. It’s been three months since the second semester of the third year of junior high school, right?"

"Haha, do I look like such a forgetful person? How could I forget you?"

The first time I met Hojo Miyoko was at a Chinese cuisine research activity on campus.

At that time, Lu Xuanyu verbally expressed many creative ideas about Chinese cuisine.

Hojo Miyoko's interest was piqued, and the two had dinner together many times.

Hojo Miyoko was even more amazed at Lu Xuanyu's endless Chinese cuisine creativity.

Other rumored girlfriends might just have dinner and touch hands.

There was no actual interaction or further actions.

Hojo Miyoko was completely different.

Lu Xuanyu was her... first kiss predator!

The two became very close because of their common love of Chinese cuisine.

In addition, Lu Xuanyu was eloquent and knew how to compliment people, so the two almost became real boyfriend and girlfriend.

After a dinner, even his mouth was full of praise. They both kissed, but in the end they failed to win him over.

However, unlike other girls who cared about the identity of a"C-grade student"

, in junior high school, Hojo Miyoko was the second girl besides Tansho Kei who believed that Lu Xuanyu had real ability.

When she found out that she had feelings for Lu Xuanyu, she fell into deep distress.

She is the daughter of the chef of a Chinese restaurant and grew up in the kitchen of the Hojo building.

The traditional idea of favoring boys over girls is very obvious in Chinese restaurants.

In order to prove her own strength, to prove the value of female chefs and to gain greater prestige, she chose to come to Totsuki Academy.

For her, an intimate lover and a beautiful relationship are luxuries for climbing up.

This emotion became the fundamental reason why the two could not be together.

"Tsk, it seems you have a good memory"

"I watched your fight with Eiyama Ezuya"

"Very good, very high level... Although I already knew you were very good"

"Why did I have to spend the three years of junior high school so ordinary?"

Miyoko Hojo has always wanted to ask Lu Xuanyu this question.

Since the day Lu Xuanyu won the top ten, Miyoko Hojo wanted to know.

"Yu Mei, let Xuan Yujun talk, we'll go to the front first."

Looking at the atmosphere of the conversation between the two, it seems that something is wrong.

Tanaka Hui took Mito Yu Mei's hand and temporarily separated from Lu Xuan Yu.

Leaving the scene to the two of them, Lu Xuan Yu can play freely without worrying about being heard by others.

"Miyoko, the reason is very simple. I didn’t like troublesome things before. I just wanted to live my youth well."

"After entering high school, I suddenly wanted to try a different approach."

"Maybe it's puberty, I want to do something rebellious"

"Not everyone cares about standing at the top, I have something more important in my heart"

"Shouldn't youth be about following one's heart and doing whatever one wants?"

Lu Xuanyu looked directly at Hojo Miyoko and gave his answer.

Hojo Miyoko bit her lower lip unconsciously, revealing a gloomy and bitter expression. The reason why she didn't look for Lu Xuanyu at school before was because she didn't dare to face him.

She chose the path of asceticism and gave up the sweet love of youth.

In her subconscious, there was always an idea that she had betrayed Lu Xuanyu.

Facing Lu Xuanyu's words, the guilt was magnified again.

At this moment, Lu Xuanyu's heart:

"Damn it, I should make myself sound more innocent and positive!"

"The words I just used are still not heavy enough."

"Guilt, more guilt, and more guilt"

"The girl who chose cooking and gave up her youthful love, please give me more extreme guilt!"

"Hehe, Miyoko, Miyoko, let's see how long your chuunibyou soul can burn."


Lu Xuanyu was thinking sinisterly.

He would take advantage of Hojo Miyoko's guilty mood and Lu Xuanyu's own current achievements.

Sooner or later, he would bring her into trouble!

"Maybe, maybe you are right."

"But not everyone has the power to do whatever they want."

"I wish you good luck and success in the training camp."

"from now on……"

"Nothing, goodbye."

Hojo Miyoko hesitated and took back what she wanted to say.

It was her own choice that caused the alienation between her and Lu Xuanyu.

In the future, the relationship between the two may drift apart and never meet again.

When Hojo Miyoko was about to leave, Lu Xuanyu spoke again:

"The Miss Fire Dragon I knew before was not so depressed."

"Miyoko, are you pretending to be like"everything is over" just for me?"

"After all, you are the girl who took my first kiss, so don't look so sad all the time!"

Hojo Miyoko:"!!!"

In such a public place, even if there was no one around to listen, he suddenly revealed such a secret past between the two of them, which surprised Hojo Miyoko.

So he... cares a lot!

"I don't have a bitter face."

"It’s also... it’s also my first kiss, okay!"

"Anyway, you...you are fine."

"I'm leaving."

Hojo Miyoko had such a strong personality, but she blushed and her heart beat fast when Lu Xuanyu said that.

Even after a few months, when she faced Lu Xuanyu again, Hojo Miyoko still felt her heart beat faster.

Lu Xuanyu looked at Hojo Miyoko's back as she left:"……"

"Over there, Miyoko!"

"Didn't you come from that side?"

Hojo Miyoko was stunned again.

She lowered her head and quickly left in the opposite direction.

She was still mumbling,"Damn it!"

However, she herself didn't notice it.

While mumbling, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but curl up.


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