After the students had gathered, teacher Roland Chapelle picked up the microphone and started by talking about the rules of this training camp.

Lu Xuanyu didn't listen carefully, as the rules were clearly written in the manual.

Moreover, he was not restricted by the rules at all.

This time he came here purely for fun.

He wanted to see how many points he could get through a training camp.

The speeches were at the final stage, and finally the highlight came.

"Regarding the review process of this training camp, we specially invited a guest lecturer"

"They are the outstanding graduates of Totsuki Academy who took time out of their busy schedules to come here!"

After Teacher Chapelle finished speaking, a group of star graduates came on stage from the side.

Each of them is a star chef in the industry, and they are often seen in cooking magazines.

They were able to successfully graduate from Totsuki Academy, and they defeated most of their peers, the best talents...

Shinomiya Kojiro!

Chef of the French restaurant SHINOS!

Mizuhara Fuyumi!

Chef of the Italian restaurant RistoranteF! Inui

Hinatako! Chef of Kiriya Japanese Restaurant!

Donato Wutongtian!

Chef of Tesoro Hotel!

Seki Morihei!

Chef of Ginza Nichirin Sushi Restaurant!


These are the star representatives of this mentor group.

When he first appeared on the stage, Shinomiya Kojiro was just like in the original novel.

He directly ordered a boy who used hairspray to drop out of school.

In his pursuit of the culinary path, Shinomiya Kojiro pays great attention to details.

Working hard in a foreign country, errors in details may have a fatal blow to the reputation of a restaurant.

Lu Xuanyu protected Tanosho Kei behind him, worried that some strange mentor would see her and say something strange.

He looked at the mentors carefully.

The satisfaction of brushing up the points of ordinary people is not strong, and the points are also very small.

If you can get more points from them, it should be very good.

""Everyone please be quiet!"

A loud voice interrupted the noise.

A tall and strong man in a suit stood at the front of the star tutor group.

Dojima Gin!

Chief chef and board member of Totsuki Resort!

The highest-scoring graduate in the history of Totsuki.

He rejected more than 800 job offers from all over the world and chose to stay at Totsuki Resort.

His efforts to cultivate generations of unpolished gems are truly touching.

"Welcome everyone to our Yuanyue Resort!"

"Today's graduates have their own restaurants around the world."

"For the next six days and five nights, they will treat you like restaurant staff."

"If you can't satisfy them, your fate will be... expulsion!"

Dojima Gin threatened the students present with great momentum.

For young students who have not seen much of the world, this trick is very useful.

After the atmosphere on the scene was mobilized, Dojima Gin cheered everyone up again.

Then, he ordered everyone to move according to the assigned classes and go to their own assessment places.

Lu Xuanyu:"Let me see, my name is in the B-zone classroom, is there anyone going the same way as me?"

Tansho Kei:"Me! Great! Luo Yujun, we are in the same classroom!"

Yoshino Yuki:"Hehehe, and me too, long live! We have to help each other!"

Mito Yumei:"I am in D zone, does anyone have a D zone?" Sakaki

Ryoko:"Yumei, if we form a group, the two of us can be in one group!"

Yoshino Yuki:"The big evil monster group!"

Mito Yumei, Sakaki Ryoko:"The great plains!!"

Yoshino Yuki:"You are too much, woo woo woo"


After everyone discussed it, they found that there were fellows from the Polaris Dormitory in almost every area.

Lu Xuanyu:"Everyone, after the event, let's gather in the lobby. I'll have someone take you to your exclusive room."

Everyone from the Polaris Dormitory:"It's a deal!!"


Everyone moved to the classrooms according to their respective zones.

Lu Xuanyu led the two girls to Zone B classroom.

Judging from the plot of the original novel, the instructor for the first stage should be Qian Hinatako.

He was also familiar with the examination topics. He had a clear idea of

what kind of dishes to make and what kind of ingredients to find.

Walking into the classroom door, a blue-haired girl who looked like an underage girl squatted on the lecturer's chair, observing the students present with a lazy look.

"This is not the room. We went to the wrong place."

Lu Xuanyu said subconsciously.

Tanaka Hui and Yoshino Yuki hurriedly grabbed Lu Xuanyu:

"Young Master Xuanyu, this is it, this is the classroom in Area B!"

"That's right, Xuanyu Jun, it's written on the sign at the door."

Lu Xuanyu walked to the sign to confirm.

It's really Classroom B!

It's changed, it seems because of the participation of this unknown variable.

The subtle plot has changed again.

The instructor of the first class is not Qian Hinatako, but... Mizuhara Fuyumi!

"Great, it’s Mizuhara Fuyumi-senpai!"

"It is said that among the star mentors, she has the highest passing rate in the assessment of her juniors!"

Yoshino Yuuki said happily with her hands on her face.

"The people in the classroom are almost all here, Xuanyu-kun, Yuki, let's go in first."

At the reminder of Tansho Kei, the three entered the classroom.

Lu Xuanyu looked around and found that there was no forest or river nearby.

It seems that the task of finding ingredients should be gone. If

I had known, I would not have thought so much in advance. The rehearsal in the virtual kitchen would be completely useless.

If you want to conquer the star tutor Mizuhara Fuyumi, it seems that you must be able to improvise and show some real skills.

When the three passed by Mizuhara Fuyumi, they nodded and greeted Mizuhara Fuyumi.


Mizuhara Fuyumi remained squatting, and suddenly raised her finger and pointed at Lu Xuanyu.


""What's wrong, Senior Mizuhara?"

Lu Xuanyu asked suspiciously.

"Come over and sign in."

Mizuhara Fuyumi said briefly, with no change on her face.

"Oh, okay, so we still need to sign in."

Lu Xuanyu muttered, and Tadokoro Megumi and Yoshino Yuuki followed him over.

"You two don't need to, one representative can sign in."

Mizuhara Fuyumi waved her hand again, stopping Tadokoro Megumi and Yoshino Yuuki.

The two girls nodded and went to the empty seats first.

"This is a pen"

"Just sign in the blank space."

"Write neatly."

Mizuhara Fuyumi kindly handed over the pen and took out a piece of paper and placed it on the table. She covered the front of the paper with her palm and pointed at the blank space with her other hand.

Her speed and tone were particularly strange, giving people a feeling of being weak and not wanting to say a word more.

"I see. It's written here, right? Each group can just send a representative to sign. I thought everyone had to sign.……"


Lu Xuanyu just wrote the word"Lu".

He was suddenly stunned!

When he entered the room, he deliberately looked at the students in the classroom.

They were basically in groups of two. How did the three of them determine who was the representative?

Moreover, the place where Mizuhara Fuyumi asked for a signature was spotless, and no one else had written on it.

So... he was the only one who needed a signature?

Lu Xuanyu glanced up slightly, at the place covered by Mizuhara Fuyumi's hand.

It was not very clear, but one thing was certain.

The words on it were... printed!


Lu Xuanyu pretended that he didn't hold the pen firmly and rolled the pen in front of Mizuhara Fuyumi.

"Sorry, Mizuhara-senpai, I didn't hold it firmly, can you help me pick it up?"

Mizuhara Fuyumi:"……"

She seemed not to hear and continued to hold the paper in her hand.

"Mizuhara-senpai? Pen! The pen fell in front of you. How can I sign without a pen?"

Mizuhara Fuyumi:"……"

Still nothing happened.

Something was wrong!

Something was wrong!

""Hahaha, Senior Sister Mizuhara, I... let you go!"

Lu Xuanyu was caught off guard and exerted force, quickly pulling the paper out from Mizuhara Fuyumi's hand.

When he saw the densely printed words on it, Lu Xuanyu was shocked and broke out in a cold sweat.

The title of the document clearly read:

【RistoranteF restaurant appointment letter】!


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