Yoshino Yuuki looked at the empty plate on the table and said sadly:

"They ate it all, not a bit left!"

"Woo woo woo, I really want to try Master Luo Yu’s careful squirrel fish!"

"Isn't it too tempting? How can you not leave any!"

In Polar Star House, it is not easy to taste Lu Xuanyu's craftsmanship.

Tanaka Hui touched Yoshino Yuki's head and said soothingly:

"I'll have a chance in the future, I'd also like to try it"

"Every dish of Luo Yujun has his heart and ingenuity."

"Today is a class test, Yuki, don't be too sad."

The conversation between the two was heard clearly by Hojo Miyoko.

In the hall, Hojo Miyoko saw two women beside Lu Xuanyu.

Especially Tanaka Hui, who had been trained by Lu Xuanyu in junior high school and had initially gained a certain degree of fame.

She is now working as Lu Xuanyu's secretary. Anyone who pays a little attention to Lu Xuanyu knows

"Two students, Chef Xuanyu made an extra portion"

"If you don't mind, we can eat together."

Hojo Miyoko took the initiative to suggest.

After all, it was Lu Xuanyu's work, so there was no reason for him to enjoy it alone and let his friends not have it.

"Another one?"

"Hojo-san, you are such a nice person!"

"Is it really possible? Can you really taste it?"

"I have a small appetite, just a little bit is OK!"

After hearing this, Yoshino Yuuki excitedly held Hojo Miyoko's hand.

Hojo Miyoko was quite uncomfortable with her familiarity.

Usually, because of her height and aura

, both male and female classmates rarely choose to communicate with her.

Suddenly being treated like this, I really don't know how to respond.

"Of course it’s true. It was originally prepared by Chef Xuanyu."

"You are Chef Xuanyu's friends, you don't need to thank me"

"You... know me?"

Hojo Miyoko asked curiously.

"Of course, Hojo-san, you are very famous in our grade, okay?"

"We all know you in the dormitory. You and Master Xuanyu... hehe, you are also very familiar with each other."

"It is only natural that I should know you."

Hojo Miyoko:"……"

After Yoshino Yuuki finished speaking, Tadokoro Megumi immediately pulled her aside, fearing that she would say something explosive and draw the wrath of Hojo Miyoko.

"Student Lu Xuanyu, you made a perfect dish"

"My evaluation is that it is acceptable.

Mizuhara Fuyumi regained her composure and gave her evaluation as a mentor.

"The evaluation is very high. Thank you Mizuhara-senpai for your guidance. It taught me a lesson."

"I hope we can have further exchanges in the next few days!"

Lu Xuanyu looked at Mizuhara Fuyumi with a meaningful look.

In terms of talent and ability, Lu Xuanyu is absolutely unprecedented in Totsuki Academy.

In terms of personality, he seems to be... a potential bad guy!


A few minutes later


【Congratulations to the host, the food guide is the original Totsuki Polar Star Ryota no Kei!】

【Points earned: 80 points!】

【Congratulations to the host, the food guide is about Yoshino Yuuki from Shikahara Totsuki Polaris Dormitory!】

【Points earned: 60 points!】

【Congratulations to the host, the future female chef of Food Guide Hojo Building, Hojo Miyoko!】

【Points earned: 60 points!】

【Current accumulated points: 2430 points!】




"Uh ah……"

The ultimate delicious enjoyment made the three girls indulge in it.

In a world full of chefs, as long as the cooking skills are high enough, it is not complicated to conquer.

Especially when facing innocent girls who have been through social experience, showing your strong cooking skills is better than any charm.

"It’s amazing, even better than the dishes Young Master Xuanyu has made before!"

"Is today the real strength? The sweet and sour sauce is really special, with a refreshing taste in the sweet and sour taste."

"This refreshing taste makes people completely unable to stop eating. What is it?"

Yoshino Yuuji can feel the taste impact from the sweet and sour sauce.

If you eat too much sweet and sour sauce, you will feel tired of the sweet taste.

But the sweet and sour sauce prepared by Lu Xuanyu does not have this feeling at all.

What is the source of the refreshing taste, Yoshino Yuuji can't find the answer

"It's basil vinegar!"

"A seasoning vinegar often used in Italian cuisine!"

Before Hojo Miyoko explained, Tanaka Megumi spoke first.

Her face was full of rosy pink, still recalling the delicious fantasy of the squirrel yellow croaker.

"Tanaka-san, you are amazing."

"Did she find the answer during the tasting process?"

Miyoko Hojo looked at Megumi Tadokoro in surprise.

She participated in the entire cooking process of Lu Xuanyu, so she knew the answer.

If she had just let Miyoko Hojo taste it, she didn't think she could tell that Lu Xuanyu used basil vinegar in the sauce.

"Not really. Actually, Xuan Yujun told me before"

"Once, we ate at a small Chinese restaurant near my hometown and ordered a Chinese dish, sweet and sour pork tenderloin."

"The sweet and sour sauce made by the kitchen is too sweet. Xuan Yujun told me that if it were him, he would use the fragrant acetic acid to alleviate the sweetness."

"He said basil vinegar might be a good choice for an interesting sweet and sour sauce."

"It was my first time eating it too, and I didn’t expect he could actually do it!"

"Xuan Yujun has a magical talent for integrating wonderful ideas and creativity into his own cooking!"

Tanoko explained her reasons, focusing on basil vinegar.

After she finished speaking, she found that Yoshino Yuuki and Hojo Miyoko stared at her with wide eyes and looked at her in disbelief.

"Eh? What happened?"

"I, did I say something wrong?"

"Or... not basil vinegar?"

"Did I guess wrong?"

Tadokoro Hui said at a loss.

Yoshino Yuuki put her hand on Tadokoro Hui's shoulder and said with a look of relief:

"It turns out that Xiaohui and Master Xuanyu have already reached the point where they have to go back to their hometown to meet their parents."

"When you become Mrs. Lu, don't forget me, your poor best friend."

"If the restaurant under Master Xuanyu's name needs workers, please remember to give me a chance, Mrs. Lu!"

Tian Suohui waved her hands quickly:

"No, no, no!"

"Really not!"

"During the last week-long vacation, Xuan Yujun went hiking and happened to go to my hometown."

"We didn't go back together, we didn't make any appointment in advance!"

"Don't misunderstand Xuan Yujun, Youji, you are thinking the wrong way!"

Yoshino Yuji nodded repeatedly:


"I see"

"Xiaohui, your face is so red. I will be careful about my words and actions."

"Make a good impression on the chairman's wife"

"Okay, I understand. I promise to keep your secret.

Looking at the two girls playing,

Hojo Miyoko felt very complicated.


After Lu Xuanyu and Mizuhara Fuyumi had a"friendly exchange", the girls left the classroom together.

Some of the assigned teaching areas were far away, while others were close.

Many people had to take a bus to get to the teaching area.

They were lucky because they were not far from the assembly hall.

""Chef Xuan Yu, can I have a chat with you alone?"

On the way back, Hojo Miyoko hesitated again and again, and finally couldn't help asking.


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