The search for the hero of destiny has become a masked hero.

This shows that the mixed field may not be that simple!

But people did not think that the mixed field would be very strong because of this expansion!

The important reason for the change of view!

Instead, it was the expansion 2 of the following video blogger, the noble Yin Xiong player!

The noble Yin Xiong player:"Expansion 1 is a painful expansion. After being interrupted, this is the only way to protect the lower limit."

The noble Yin Xiong player:"Next, let's take a look at the expansion 2 without cards and interruptions!"

The noble Yin Xiong player:"I believe that after reading it, you will definitely change your mind."

After that.

In the duel screen.

The second expansion appeared, and the video blogger's commentary began.

"If you have [Elemental Hero Skyman] in your hand, don't think too much and just Normal Summon Skyman."

"Next, we activate the Skyman effect."

"When this card is Normal Summoned or Special Summoned, you can select 2 effects!"

"1 is to explode the card. If there are many heroes on the field, you can explode more cards to cooperate with the backfield."

"The second is to add 1"Hero" monster from the deck to your hand. Note, it's a hero!"

"We searched for [Phantom Hero Loner], if you have it, change to another search"

"Then we can activate the effect of the Good Samaritan and throw away a hero special to recruit the Good Samaritan."

"The Loyalist takes effect, and the deck pulls out [Phantom Hero Increment] and places it in the magic trap area!"

"The additional person takes effect, freeing the loner to jump out of the magic trap area, and then the deck special recruits [Phantom Hero Bionic Man】"

"Bionic Man takes effect, the deck sends [Destiny Hero Magic Man] to the graveyard, the deck searches for magic card [Fusion】"

"So far, this is the most basic hero operation. I think every hero player will do it?"

"If you don't, then don't play heroes."



Deathly silence.


It's not the video that is silent.

It's all the duelists in the duel world!

The DM world.

Kaiba Seto has been attracted by this series of operations.

Seeing this, he was already dumbfounded and speechless.

Muto Yugi and Atum blinked their eyes, and their dull eyes seemed to say.

They don't understand it!

How come there are 3 hero monsters standing on the scene?!

How come there are so many materials accumulated in the graveyard? Jonouchi was shocked and suddenly woke up!

Isn't this the linkage of multiple fields!

No way! It really works!....

GX World.

Hero players Yujo Judai and Ed Phoenix are crying!


Hero players are really crying!

This basic operation! Is it something that every hero player can do?


Then what are they?

What are their heroes?

You call this a basic operation? What the hell is this a basic operation?

What is the elemental hero Skyman?

What is the phantom hero Do-gooder?

What is the phantom hero Incremental Man?

What the hell is the phantom hero Bionic Man?

These cards!

Unheard of!

It is completely beyond the understanding of Yujo Judai and Ed Phoenix!

"Is this a hero? You call this a hero? Pulling out three monsters in one go?"

"Wow! This is better than Yuki Judai and professional player Ed Phoenix, right? This is the first time I've seen it!"

"The multi-field scheduling is too scary! Just these few operations! It already involves the Destiny Hero, the Phantom Hero, and the Elemental Hero! If there are mask changes, even the Masked Hero!"

"Shit! This is a bit outrageous! And this is definitely not the final scene! I can still continue the operation!"


The surrounding voices continued one after another.

Asuka, Kaiser Ryo, Misawa Daichi, Maruto Sho and others looked at Yuki Judai and Ed Phoenix with strange eyes.

Their eyes made the two blush.

But there was nothing they could do!

Who said that they had never seen such a hero operation before?.......

5DS world.

Seeing that this system does not need a coherent axis at all!

Yusei Fudo, Jack Atlas, Izayoi Akira and others were silent.

In their worldview, those who have a coherent axis are the mainstream.

For example, Blue-Eyes White Dragon has the Elf Dragon and the Blue-Eyes Silver Dragon.

That's barely acceptable.

But this hero.

Doesn't need a coherent axis to have such explosive development ability.

Then we have to re-examine it!

"There are always people outside of people, and there are always decks outside of decks"

"The decks in this world are indeed not to be underestimated"


"Long Yalongke, seems to be a good match for you guys."

Fudo Yuxing looked at Long Yalongke jokingly.

The brother and sister both shook their heads.

"Forget it! I think our deck is more interesting."

"I can't like any hero."

Long Ya curled his lips and waved his hand.

In fact, his inner desire was daunted by the complicated operation.


It looks difficult!

This is just basic operation!

What the hell is this?

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