Fudo Yusei and the others naturally didn't know what Long Yalong was thinking.

On the other hand, in the duel screen, the materials for the three hero monsters have been accumulated!

Then the next step is how to use the three hero cards to summon the ace monsters!

The noble Yin Xiong player:"Okay, after watching the basic operations of the hero, the next step is the operation of the next step."

The noble Yin Xiong player:"I believe the next steps are also operations engraved in DNA!"

"The first thing is to launch the fusion of bionic human search!"

"Combine Skyman with any hero card in your hand"

"By fusing with Shadow Mist Girl, you can search for mask changes!"

"It doesn't matter if you integrate other"

"The key point here is what kind of monster is formed by the fusion!"

"Without a doubt! It is [Elemental Hero Sunrise】!!!"

【Card Name: Elemental Hero Sunrise (7*)】

【Attribute: Light】

【Race: Warrior】

【Attack and Defense: 2500/1200】

"In this way we can activate the effect of Sunrise Man and retrieve the Miracle Fusion!"

"Not only that, Sunrise can also increase attack power and provide destructive capabilities!"

"With these three effects, Sunrise Hero decks must have it, no problem."

After saying this, all the duelists in the world were silenced again.

Sunrise? Elemental Hero?

Which Fusion Monster is this?

Yuki Judai immediately took out his deck and kept searching!

It was confirmed that there was no Sunrise!

This was definitely a card that only existed in that world!

"Sunrise Man? What a powerful effect!"

"Summon to search for miracle fusion!"

"Even! You can use miracle fusion to fuse again!"

"It's outrageous!"

Yuki Judai's muttering made Asuka and others beside him look solemn.


Miracle fusion can continue to fuse!


This video does not use miracle fusion!

Instead, it starts to show the latest summoning method!

That's right!

Link! It's link summon!!!

After a beam of light flashed, the incremental people and bionic people on the scene began to link data and roll the link value for connection summoning!

The noble Yin Xiong player:"Here it comes! I must link the hero ace immediately!"

The noble Yin Xiong player:"The next monster to come out is the special hero that we will invest in!"

The noble Yin Xiong player:"Everyone loves the special hero! Crossman!!!"

【Card Name: Special Hero Crossman (link2)】

【Attribute: Dark】

【Race: Warrior】

【Attack: 1600】


【Effect: 2 Warrior monsters】

【The effects of this card name can only be used once per turn. During the turn when this card's effect is activated, you can only Special Summon"Hero" monsters.】

【①: If this card is successfully Link Summoned, you can activate this effect by targeting 1"Destiny Hero" monster in your Graveyard. Special Summon that monster.】

【②:You can activate this by releasing 1"Destiny Hero" monster on your field. Add 1"Hero" monster from your deck with a different name than the released monster to your hand. 】

After the video blogger suddenly yelled excitedly!

In front of everyone! The information of the new Link Summoned monster appeared!

Unique Hero! Crossman!!!...

DM World!

Seeing another strange summoning method! And the moment this monster was placed in the mysterious extra grid!

Kaiba Seto! Muto Yugi! Pharaoh and others!

All stared at this so-called link summoning method with wide eyes!

Combined with the operation animation and the information of link monsters!

They also indirectly understood what link summoning is!

It turns out!

It is to use 2 monsters, and send the monsters that meet the link summoning requirements to the graveyard for link summoning!

That's right!

It's that simple!

And link monsters! No stars! No defense!

Only a link value and a link arrow!

These suddenly extra information!

Although they understand how to summon, they are still confused!

Arrows and values! What do they mean?......

GX World.

Yuki Judai and Ed Phoenix almost vomited blood!

Even though they had noticed the fields of special heroes when looking at the construction!

But when they saw the actual summon!

They still felt it was as unrealistic as a fairy tale!

"No? This is how the special hero appeared?"

"I was stunned, so this is how you play it!"

"This special hero is quite something! It seems that he can also assist in summoning!"

Yucheng Judai couldn't help but speak.

The professional player style of Ed Phoenix beside him also disappeared a lot.

"The tenth generation may not be as simple as we thought"

"I don't know if you found out."

"These powerful hero field cards all involve a more general field"

"That is, hero"

"That's right, the Skyman effect involves heroes, and the Bionic Man effect also involves heroes"

"They don't all involve the simple family"

"Without limitations, naturally......"

Ed Phoenix did not continue to talk.

Because there was no point in talking any more.

This system was no longer the hero they knew.

This deck was the hero.

Yes, it could only be summarized by the hero field!

"Mamma Mia!"

"I never thought that the hero cards with so many fields could become one family"

"I don't understand you guys."

"I'm looking forward to ancient machinery now."


Professor Chronos next to him looked at Yuki Judai and Ed Phoenix with a gloating look.

Similarly, as a professor, he was more looking forward to the performance of the ancient machinery in that advanced world!

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