Chapter 220 Please help

After finishing the noodles, Li Yaren couldn't wait to say: "I just listened to your ideas, and I chose five places. I will show you the houses from near to far, okay?"

As soon as these words came out, the Gu family naturally had no dissatisfaction.

Unlike the previous uncooperative attitude of Wang Yaren, Li Yaren was honest and diligent. While eating noodles, he had already planned where to go.

Although Li Yaren is young and has not been in this business for a long time, he is more attentive. He led a group of people to look at the houses one after another.

"This house is also equipped with a well in the yard. The only drawback is that the yard is too small and the road in front of the door is too narrow. If the car is slightly wider, it may not be able to get out. It is not convenient to transport goods out. It is far from your home. It’s too far.”

"But the advantage is that the price is cheap and can barely meet your requirements."

Li Yaren knew that the people he served were the Gu family, so he took what Zhang Yunniang and Liu Xiaoru said to heart from beginning to end, and he strictly followed their requirements when choosing a house.

If one place failed, Li Yaren took him to the next place. After failing three places in succession, Li Yaren was not discouraged at all.

Li Yaren was even comforting them: "I'm too pressed for time today. Let me think about it and see if there are any other suitable houses."

Shopkeeper Luo also said to the sisters Zhang Yunniang: "Don't worry, just settle on the house this month."

Zhang Yunniang felt relieved.

But when they reached the last courtyard, they saw the same house in Hongye Lane. The layout of the house was slightly different from the haunted house they had seen before, but it was all complete.

"There is a well in the courtyard and a stone mill. It was originally a tofu workshop, but after the old man died, the tofu made by the current head of the family always tasted bad. The business was poor, so he had to sell the house and go to the suburbs to make a living. ." Li Yaren explained in detail the reason why the owner sold the house.

Confirmed that it was not a haunted house, everyone couldn't help but nod.

Niu Niu opened her arms and ran around the yard. She turned around and asked her mother with a smile: "Mom, are we going to buy this place?"

Zhang Yunniang nodded and said, "If you like it, then buy it here."

When Li Yaren heard this, he added: "Mrs. Zhang, the reason why this place was put last is because the landlord asked for a high price and he was unwilling to lower the price. If not, this place would have been sold long ago. "

While talking, Li Yaren drew another number for Zhang Yunniang.

20% higher than the market price.

"Are they short of money?" Zhang Yunniang was puzzled.

Li Yaren explained: "This family was born and raised in the capital, and their ancestors were once rich. It is said that in the previous dynasty, they were promoted to the minister of household affairs. Unfortunately, they declined after the change of dynasties, and they could only make a living by selling tofu. ”

"The current head of the family cannot make good tofu, but he has raised a son who is fond of gambling, and he can't quit even after breaking an arm. This time he plans to sell the house and buy land in the countryside. He is also looking forward to leaving the capital. , Prodigal sons can quit gambling.”

The Gu family all frowned slightly when they heard that it was a gambling dog, but there was really nothing wrong with the house.

"Mom, buy it. It's close to home and the road in front is wide. I like this place too. If I don't have enough money, I'll pay for it. It's said in the poems I just learned. It's said in the poem that after all the money is gone, you'll come back again..." Niu Niu La Wearing Zhang Yunniang's sleeves to act coquettishly.

Zhang Yunniang had thousands of reasons not to buy it, but she only needed one reason to buy it: Niuniu liked it.

Neither she nor Liu Xiaoru would refuse Niuniu's plea. After hearing this, they decided to buy this place on the spot.

The house where you open a workshop is different from the house you live in. The marinade workshop is now the foundation of the Gu family, so you must buy the house first to feel at ease.

Although Mrs. Gu cares about money, she also knows that her son and his wife are now in charge of everything at home.

When it came time to really negotiate the price with the homeowner, Mrs. Gu knew it was time to take action herself.

The old lady's cloudy eyes suddenly became sharp, and her critical eyes swept across the entire courtyard, picking out countless faults in a very short period of time. One sentence after another, the landlord was forced to retreat step by step.

The homeowner didn't even want to do business anymore and said, "If you don't want to buy it, forget it..."

When Mrs. Gu heard this, she raised her eyelids and said, "Your house has been sold for so long and no one has bought it. If you lose me as a buyer, who else can you sell it to?"

The homeowner lowered his head.

The matter was similar to what Mrs. Gu said. There were many people looking at the house, but not many people who were really willing to buy it. But he was also anxious.

What he didn't tell Yaren was that his son could no longer be held captive.

If the whole family hadn't been strictly guarded, my son would have gone out to gamble during this period.

If it really goes to the gambling table, it’s up to you whether the house can be saved.

Mrs. Gu looked at his expression and pursued her victory, saying, "Let's buy it out of mercy. Don't you want your son to quit gambling? We can also help you find a way."

When the homeowner heard this, he suddenly became excited and asked, "Do you really have a way to make my son quit gambling?"

Mrs. Gu said: "It depends on whether you are willing to let it go."

The homeowner shook his head vigorously and said, "He is my only child, and I won't let him be treated too harshly."

Mrs. Gu said, "Do you have any grandchildren?"

The landlord sighed and said, "How can he get a wife like this?"

The old lady said: "You should find him a wife."

The homeowner said: "A girl from a good family, who doesn't know his situation, so I can only go to other places to find someone."

Mrs. Gu felt that in this situation, there was no need to harm a good-natured girl, and said: "Go find a girl with a strong temper and explain your family's situation clearly to her. If your son is like that, even if you are looking for a widow, Okay, use money to seduce him, and find a way to keep him behind."

"After he is detained, if he is ruthless, he will break his legs. If he is not ruthless, he will be forced to farm every day."

But the landlord said: "How can my son, who has tender skin and tender flesh, be able to farm?"

"Then you are willing to let him lose his money after gambling? How can you, a father, be so cruel!" Mrs. Gu accused her on the spot.


The house was finally sold, and the price didn't drop too much, but it was still much cheaper than before.

"Grandma is so awesome. Every time you take action, you can save a lot of money for the family!" Niu Niu looked at Mrs. Gu with admiration.

Mrs. Gu calmly smoothed the corners of her clothes and said, "Grandma has lived for most of her life and followed you to the capital. She has to help you gain a foothold in the capital no matter what."

When Mrs. Gu said this, she completely forgot how she was afraid of going to the city in the first place.

But Li Yaren said from the side: "Old lady, you are smart, experienced and sharp-tongued. If you were not short of money, I would have asked you to help me."

Second update

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