Chapter 221 Always Believe

 Old Mrs. Gu just felt that she had nothing to do.

When she was in Guang'an County, she could still help her family in a braised food shop. Now she has opened a braised food workshop. Her family wanted to hire someone else to do the work. Not only did her family not need her help, but they also specially found someone to serve her. Mr. Gu I was so idle all of a sudden that I had mushrooms growing on my head.

She is not the kind of old lady who is used to being pampered and pampered. If she were to have some free time, she would feel uncomfortable all over.

"Are you serious about what you said? Do you really think I can help? If you really say that, I will take it seriously." Mrs. Gu said to Li Yaren.

Li Yaren was stunned when he heard this, and then quickly said: "Look at what you said, I can't fool you even if I fool anyone. But you are the mother-in-law of the Juren Master. Are you really willing to help me?"

Although the Juren Master is not yet a Jinshi, he is already in the upper class of society. The Yaren are considered to be the lower class and would not normally be mixed together.

When Mrs. Gu heard this, she hesitated for a moment and looked at Zhang Yunniang beside her.

Zhang Yunniang said with a smile: "Mom, if you like it, you can go. If you are unhappy, just come back. My husband and I will not stop you."

Mrs. Gu immediately smiled crookedly. As people get older, they are most afraid of becoming useless. Now not talking about this matter can make her feel useful and earn some money to supplement the family income.

But after returning home, Mrs. Gu talked about this matter with Gu Mingda at the dinner table. She was still feeling uneasy, not only afraid that her son would not allow it, but also afraid that this matter would embarrass him.

Gu Mingda's reaction was similar to Zhang Yunniang's: "Mom, you have worked hard for this family for most of your life. Now just act according to your own wishes."

Mrs. Gu nodded and said, "Okay, second brother, don't worry, I'm working outside and I will never tell others. I'm here to help others."

Gu Mingda didn't care about this and said: "It's not like Jurenniang can't do her job anymore. You make money based on your ability. There's nothing shameful about it, but you must not tire yourself out."

Mrs. Gu only felt happy when she heard this, but she still made up her mind to keep her mouth shut, fearing that others would find out and laugh at Gu Mingda.

"Don't worry, second brother, Li Yaren also said that what I want to do is to help people bargain, and I will only take action when I encounter such tough situations. I usually just stay at home, I won't be tired."

After hearing what the adults had said, Niuniu asked: "Grandma, when will you start working? Can you take me there too? I want to see the world."

When Mrs. Gu saw that even the children at home did not find the work she did embarrassing, she felt anxious.

"It's not possible now. You have to wait until grandma gets a firm foothold before she can take you to see the world, otherwise my boss will be unhappy." Mrs. Gu said.

Niu Niu did not continue to dwell on the matter. After eating, the little girl entered the backyard accompanied by Zhang Yunniang.

Shuying is packaging the prepared snacks.

At Niuniu's request, she made four portions of snacks.

But Niuniu could see at a glance that one of the portions was particularly large, and the oil paper bag was filled to the brim.

Shuying also pulled Niuniu, pointed to the largest portion, and said: "Princess, save the largest portion for you to eat slowly. If you finish eating, just tell me and I will make it for you."

"You can keep the remaining small portions for others to enjoy."

The "appreciation" in Shuying's mouth refers to none other than Gu Yan, Gu Zhao and the greedy Shen Changfeng.

Niu Niu opened the packages with a stern face.

"I don't want to be alone, we are all the same." Although Niu Niu is young and greedy, she is not a solitary person.

Seeing that she was about to do it herself, Shuying hurriedly stopped her and said, "Okay, okay, Third Miss, please rest quickly and I will divide them again."

While Shuying was repacking, she was still mumbling: "Your temper has not changed at all in all these years..." Zhang Yunniang has always been very curious about the girl in Shuying's mouth, so she asked: "Who is your master?" what kind of person?"

When Shuying heard this, she stopped packing the snacks. She looked directly at Zhang Yunniang, with pure and sincere reverence in her eyes.

"Miss Third is a person as warm as the sun. She is not the sun in summer, she is the warm sun in winter. She truly cares about each of us..."

"The empress is both the master of the harem and the umbrella of the concubines. She protects everyone tenderly, showing mercy to the poor and the weak..."

"I have never seen a cuter girl than the princess. She is as kind as a fairy child in the sky..."

Zhang Yuniang listened to Shuying's gushing praises. The crazy girl's words were confused because of her confusion. If someone who didn't know heard it, they would have thought that the three people she was praising were three people.

Shuying talked until her mouth went dry, and she just stopped.

Although they are all good words, there are actually no specific deeds at all, and they don't even mention whose lady, queen, or princess these three images are.

"What's the third lady's last name?" Zhang Yunniang asked.

Shuying said casually: "What other surname can there be? Our lady is the daughter of the Duke of Guo. She has brought good luck to the Palace since she was born. She is the most glorious daughter of the Duke of Guo."

Zhang Yunniang didn't know why, but her heart suddenly tightened and she asked: "Which Duke's mansion?"

Shuying opened her mouth to answer, but before the words came out, she covered her head and cried out that it hurt.

Seeing her like this, Zhang Yuniang didn't ask any more questions. She quickly helped the person aside and asked, "Does it hurt a lot? I'll have someone call a doctor for you right now."

But Shuying held her back and said, "It's okay, Mrs. Jiu, I have this old problem. I just need to rest for a while."

Zhang Yunniang immediately asked her to rest.

But Shuying struggled to get up, and said: "I haven't finished my work yet, the princess is waiting for me to work."

Shuying only had to do the work of packing the snacks. Zhang Yunniang held her down and said, "I'll pack it while you rest."

Shuying didn't insist anymore and just sat on the chair, her eyes always staring at Niuniu.

Niuniu walked over briskly and asked, "Sister Shuying, do you have anything to ask me?"

Shuying approached Niuniu and lowered her voice and said, "Miss Third, you have to be careful about that woman. She doesn't even know your identity. She must be sent by a bad guy!"

The woman Shuying mentioned was no one else, but Zhang Yunniang.

But when Niuniu came out of the backyard, she told Zhang Yunniang about this.

Zhang Yuniang didn't expect that she would be called a "bad guy" because she was too curious, and she suddenly felt like crying.

"My dear, why aren't you afraid that Shuying's words are true?" Zhang Yuniang asked with a smile.

Niu Niu raised her head, her young face was like a flower about to bloom, and her big bright eyes were like twinkling stars in the sky.

"I don't care what she says, I will always believe mom."

First update

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