Chapter 268 Bargaining

  At noon, the group had lunch at Xianyue Tower.

Shen Ling rarely ate out, and almost every dish in Xianyue Tower had its own characteristics. When she walked out of Xianyue Tower, she felt her stomach bulging.

"Miss Shen, if you feel tired, you can go back and rest in the afternoon. I have to meet another guest." Mrs. Gu was afraid of tiring Shen Ling.

Shen Ling usually had to take a nap after lunch, but he gained experience in the morning. He saw that Mrs. Gu was busy again in the afternoon, and Niu Niu beside her had her eyes wide open, and she didn't feel tired at all.

Even if Shen Ling was a little sleepy, she felt that she couldn't be compared to a six-year-old child.

"I'm not tired! Grandma Gu, I still want to go with you." Shen Ling said.

Mrs. Gu hesitated and said, "I see you yawned several times..."

Niu Niu also said: "Sister Ling, if you are sleepy, go back and rest quickly. Don't hold on, it is not good for your health."

Shen Ling gave Shen Changfeng a look.

Shen Changfeng was actually sleepy, but he didn't want to go back like this. He was afraid of missing something interesting, so he said, "Grandma Gu, don't worry, my sister is not sleepy. She rarely comes out to play, so she went back like this. I'm afraid Not willing to give in."

In fact, Mrs. Gu also likes the Shen brothers and sisters. They are all from high backgrounds, but they are both good children who are sensible and polite. Mrs. Gu was so worried that she didn't sleep well all night last night. She only found out after meeting her today. All my thoughts are redundant.

After all, Mrs. Gu couldn't bear to refuse the two children.

After meeting Li Yaren in front of another house, Li Yaren talked about the situation of this house in the afternoon.

"The person who came to buy a house was a young man, and the price was very generous. There should have been no problem originally, but he kept wearing a mask, he was too tall, and he had an evil aura about him. I always felt unhappy. Be practical, you have a lot of experience, please give me a hand and see if there is anything wrong with it," Li Yaren said.

It's no wonder that Li Ya people have such worries. This kind of hidden person is always easily associated with wanted criminals and the like.

But when Mrs. Gu saw the young master, she immediately screamed.

"Brother Xie, why do you want to buy a house?"

When Niu Niu saw Xie Xingchuan, she immediately rushed over: "Brother Xie, I haven't seen you for a long time. Niu Niu misses you so much!"

Xie Xingchuan hurriedly hugged Niu Niu. He was also surprised to see the Gu family, but he has never been a person who likes to laugh and talk. Even if he holds the delicate and soft little girl in his arms, he still bites his lower lip desperately. , just stopped the corners of his mouth that wanted to raise.

"Brother Xie, you were picked up by your family as soon as you got off the boat. I also wanted to ask where you live and go visit you to play, but you didn't even leave me an address." Niuniu complained.

Xie Xingchuan ignored the others, but when facing Niuniu he was always afraid of scaring her, so he could only say: "I'm sorry, I didn't know you wanted my address."

Niu Niu said: "Brother Xie, of course I want your address. You are my father's savior and my very favorite big brother. Niu Niu also wants to go and play with you!"

Xie Xingchuan thought about what happened after he returned to Beijing. When he was at home, he also thought about Niu Niu and the Gu family whose family was too harmonious.

But what he thought more about was that he was just a companion on the ship for a while. With so many people doting on Niu Niu, would Niu Niu really think of him? Will the Gu family care about their whereabouts?

On the other hand, Mrs. Gu said doubtfully: "Brother Xie, the old lady vaguely remembered that your home is in the capital. Why, you don't live at home now and you want to move out?"

Xie Xingchuan hesitated for a moment, but finally shook his head and opened his mouth, not knowing how to explain. Seeing him like this, Mrs. Gu sighed and said, "My second son told me that you don't like to talk. If you don't want to talk, don't talk."

Mrs. Gu's respectful and considerate attitude made Xie Xingchuan feel guilty in his heart.

He did save Gu Mingda, but during those days on the ship, the Gu family also tried their best to take care of him. That kind of caring care was not pretended. Xie Xingchuan could naturally feel the sincerity of the Gu family.

Mrs. Gu continued: "Since it's Brother Xie and you want to buy this house, I will definitely help you negotiate the price!"

Li Yaren didn't expect that the two groups actually knew each other.

"Li Yaren, don't worry. Brother Xie is General Xie's only son. He has had injuries on his face for a long time. He is only twelve years old. He is not a person of unknown origin." Mrs. Gu also asked Li Yaren to relax. .

When Li Yaren heard "twelve years old", he had the same reaction as others. He couldn't help but secretly look at the tall and powerful Xie Xingchuan.

"Twelve years old is a head taller than me, and this food is so good." Li Yaren sighed with emotion in a low voice.

But he was also sincere. After confirming that Xie Xingchuan was fine, he still took the initiative to say: "Don't worry, old lady, although you know each other, as long as this business is completed, the money I should give you will definitely not be less."

Mrs. Gu didn't want to make this money, so she pulled Li Yaren aside and whispered: "I won't take this money. Please use the money to buy some useful things for Brother Xie, and don't mention me, just Is it okay to say that the landlord doesn’t want it?”

Li Yaren was looking forward to a long-term cooperation with Mrs. Gu, so when he heard this, he naturally would not refuse.

Xie Xingchuan also didn't expect that as soon as he entered and exited, the house price dropped by thirty taels of silver.

Such a big fluctuation scared him, a silent little mute, and he couldn't help but ask: "Grandma Gu, why is it suddenly so cheap? Is it because you helped negotiate the price?"

Mrs. Gu nodded, picked up the water bag at her waist and took a sip. She suddenly stopped drinking water and looked at Xie Xingchuan with wide eyes:

"Brother Xie, didn't you originally plan to negotiate the price?"

Xie Xingchuan's body suddenly froze.

Mrs. Gu thought that this child didn't even like to talk, and that others could kill him however they wanted. She slapped her thigh: "You child, with such a temper, I don't know how much you will suffer!"

Niu Niu also pulled Xie Xingchuan and said, "Brother Xie, seeing you suffer a loss makes grandma feel even more uncomfortable than you!"

Xie Xingchuan believed what Niu Niu said, because Mrs. Gu now looked ugly as if she had been defrauded of hundreds of taels of silver.

Mrs. Gu hammered her heart hard, but she couldn't hold it back anymore and complained: "You kid, you are still too young and don't know the benefits of bargaining!"

Niuniu nodded vigorously on the side, looking very much in agreement.

Xie Xingchuan looked at the seriousness of the old man and the young man, and couldn't help but feel guilty. Could it be that he had really done something outrageous?

Shen Ling and Shen Changfeng on the side also looked like they had been hit by an arrow in the knee. It seemed that they didn't have the habit of bargaining?

Of course, with an eldest princess mother, they were never short of money.

But seeing Mrs. Gu killing everyone while bargaining, the Shen brothers and sisters felt very majestic.

Mrs. Gu made a comprehensive decision on the spot and said with a proud face: "Brother Xie, what else do you want to buy here? I will buy it for you! I guarantee that you will buy the best at the lowest price. thing!"

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