Chapter 269 Cut in half

Xie Xingchuan was still a little stunned when he heard this.

Mrs. Gu was still mumbling: "You kid, you are just tall but not smart. Although I don't know why you want to buy a house and move out, but the most important thing in life is money. You never know when you will need money for emergency." , can save a little bit..."

Xie Xingchuan has always been taciturn. He should have been tired of these narrations, but at this moment, he only felt that it was not harsh at all.

"Okay." Xie Xingchuan said suddenly.

This time it was Mrs. Gu's turn to be stunned. After the old lady came to her senses, she said, "Brother Xie, just don't think I'm nosy. You should save some money when you are living outside."

Li Yaren took Xie Xingchuan to transfer the property, while Mrs. Gu took a string of little tails and went to the nearest street to buy things.

"A quilt is so expensive? Are you trying to steal money? For two cents of silver, forget it if you don't sell it. I'll go to another place!" Mrs. Gu said confidently.

When the shop owner heard this, he immediately shouted: "Old lady, you are really killing me. The purchase price of this quilt is more than two coins. Where can I sell it to you?"

Mrs. Gu looked at him sideways and said, "Do you think I've never sewn a quilt? If others don't know the price of this thing, how can I not know it? For two cents of silver, if you can sell it, just sell it. If you can't, forget it. Let's go." , let’s go somewhere else.”

Mrs. Gu left immediately without any hesitation.

"No, no, no!"

The shop owner hurriedly stopped the person and said with a grimace: "Old lady, let's discuss it later."

Mrs. Gu rolled her eyes and landed on a bamboo basket nearby.

"Okay, for two coins, I can buy this quilt, and you can give me a bamboo basket as an extra." Mrs. Gu said.

The shop owner said: "Old lady, why are you keeping the price lower and lower? Isn't this embarrassing?"

Mrs. Gu looked at him and said with a half-smile, "If this business really couldn't be done, you wouldn't have held me back for so long."

The owner of the shop was able to see through his thoughts and had no choice but to deal with the old lady Gu. He still wanted to start this business and said on the spot: "Okay, okay, old lady, two coins, you can take the things and leave quickly. I I'm scared of you."

Mrs. Gu took the things and drew another cake: "Boss, you are an honest person. Don't worry, I will help you introduce more businesses later. I tell you the truth, I am helping Yaren sell his house. From now on, this area will be around When a house is sold, I tell them that your stuff is affordable.”

When the shop owner heard this, he immediately beamed and said, "That's a good relationship. I'm counting on you to enjoy the meal."

After leaving the shop, Shen Ling immediately asked: "Grandma Gu, what else do you want to buy? I'm here to help negotiate prices. I've already learned how to do it!"

The Shen brothers and sisters, who had just watched Mrs. Gu bargaining at close range, felt that they were terrifyingly strong.

Mrs. Gu hesitated for a moment, and seeing that the two children looked eager to give it a try, she finally nodded in agreement.

"Let's go, Niuniu, look at how your senior brother and I kill everyone!" Shen Lingzhi was very proud.

Shen Changfeng also held his head high, holding Niu Niu with one hand, and swaggering with the other hand to look powerful.

"How much does this iron pot cost?" Shen Changfeng asked.

"Four cents of silver," said the iron pot seller without raising his head.

Shen Changfeng and Shen Ling looked at each other. According to the bargaining rules they had just learned, Shen Changfeng cut the price in half: "Sell it to us for two cents of silver!"

Shen Ling also said: "Yes, you will also give us a spatula!"

When the iron shop owner heard this, he finally raised his head and glanced at the Shen brothers and sisters. Then he slapped the things in his hands on the chopping board and said loudly: "Where did these two idiots come from to make trouble? Go, go, go, don't buy anything." Get out!"

Shen Ling and Shen Changfeng were driven out by the iron shop owner with a broom. Niu Niu went in with them. When she saw this situation, she immediately said obediently: "Uncle boss, I will go out by myself."

The owner of the iron shop saw that Niu Niu was cute, but he didn't want to be cruel to her. He just forced out a fierce smile and said: "Little baby, your brothers and sisters have no brains. You must not imitate them!"

Niu Niu walked out one step behind and saw the Shen brothers and sisters standing on the street corner with their heads lowered and puzzled expressions on their faces.

"It's obviously the same thing, why did he hit someone?"

"Yes, why are you bullying us so much? Is it because we don't have wrinkles on our faces?"

The two unworldly young masters and ladies couldn't figure out the key.

At this time, the two of them turned to look at Niu Niu and asked, "Good boy, why?"

Niuniu didn't understand why, so she could only walk over and sigh with them.

After taking one look at these unlucky children, Mrs. Gu turned around and walked into the shop. After a while, she came out carrying a big iron pot.

"Grandma Gu, how much did it cost?" Shen Changfeng asked immediately.

Shen Ling also opened her big eyes, anxiously waiting for the old lady's answer.

"Three hundred and seventy yuan." Mrs. Gu said casually.

One piece of silver is one hundred cents, and Mrs. Gu's price means that she only cut off thirty cents.

Shen Changfeng asked directly: "Grandma Gu, you are so powerful, but you can only cut so much money?"

Shen Ling also nodded vigorously, with a puzzled look on his face, and even asked in a low voice: "Grandma Gu, are we dragging you down? The boss saw that we are a team?"

Mrs. Gu shook her head and said, "What does this have to do with you? The price of iron is there. Even if you bargain, it will be difficult to reduce it too much."

Shen Changfeng and Shen Ling suddenly realized how they could have imagined this.

But even so, by the time they got to the next store, the brother and sister stopped arguing about the price.

However, Mrs. Gu took the initiative to say: "How can you stop trying without success? It's normal to hit a wall. Saving money depends on who can be more embarrassed."

When the Shen brothers and sisters heard this, they managed to cheer up, but this time Shen Ling learned the lesson and asked Mrs. Gu in a low voice: "Grandma Gu, can the things in this shop be cut in half?"

Mrs. Gu couldn't help laughing and said, "You can try it."

Shen Changfeng walked in and asked the price.

"It's too expensive. It's cheaper, fifty cents!" Shen Changfeng still gave it half the price.

The shop owner immediately said loudly: "Hey, young man, you are young and don't seem to be short of money. Why are you here to tease us? Let me tell you, if you ask from the street to the end of the street, no one will dare to give you this price!" I have an eighty-year-old mother above me and a baby waiting to be fed. You are asking our family to die."

The shop owner's chatter made Shen Ling and Shen Changfeng couldn't help but blame themselves.

Is the price you quoted really excessive?

Shen Ling even wanted to pay for the item on the spot at its original price.

Mrs. Gu ran over like a gust of wind, slapped the table hard, and said with great momentum: "Sell it if you can, no nonsense!"

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