Chapter 270 Loud Voice

No matter how loud the shop owner's voice was, it was never louder than Mrs. Gu's.

As Mrs. Gu gets older, her ears are not so sensitive, and she usually makes loud noises unconsciously.

The shop owner was really shocked by Mrs. Gu. He shrank in fear and said, "I have a small business and I can't afford to bargain like this."

Mrs. Gu said: "If you can't afford it, if you really don't want to sell it, we can just find another one, and we can still embarrass you!"

"My family..." The shop owner wanted to continue complaining.

Mrs. Gu made a statement on the spot: "I don't care about your family. I don't have time to chat with you. Children, let's go."

The shop owner immediately stopped being a monster and said, "Okay, okay, eighty cents, I'll sell it!"

"No, fifty cents!" Mrs. Gu was determined.

The boss continued: "Seventy-five cents, it can't get any cheaper!"

Mrs. Gu originally had the patience to argue with him, but now she just said decisively: "Fifty Wen, no less nonsense!"

The boss had no choice but to say: "Old lady, you are so powerful, just fifty cents, just think of it as making a friend..."

When she left the shop, Shen Ling still looked frustrated, but Shen Changfeng cheered: "We bought it! We are good at bargaining!"

Hearing this, Shen Ling turned her head and looked at Shen Changfeng in disbelief.

Shen Changfeng shrank from being stared at and said, "I...I also helped..."

Mrs. Gu patted Shen Changfeng on the shoulder and said, "Changfeng is right, thanks to Changfeng's help."

Shen Changfeng straightened his back again.

Mrs. Gu discovered the problem with the brother and sister. They always had no confidence when bargaining.

"Don't believe what these shop owners say. If they can't get rid of the pot, or if there are seniors and juniors, they really don't want to sell to you, so they won't tell you so much. They should expel you just like the previous iron shop did. go out."

"Since they are willing to talk to you, it proves that there is still room for things to be discussed and they can be discussed carefully."

Mrs. Gu patiently taught her life experience to the Shen brothers and sisters. Even though she knew in her heart that based on their backgrounds, these two people might never need these market skills in their lives, she still taught them seriously.

The Shen brothers and sisters learned this just for fun. Seeing how carefully the old lady taught her, they all listened obediently. Even Niu Niu listened very seriously.

After Niuniu heard what the old lady said, she whispered: "Grandma, you actually have a face that is good at bargaining. When they see you, the shop owners are afraid."

Mrs. Gu laughed when she heard what she said and said, "Grandma has a bad temper. She was like this when she was young, and she still can't change it after so many years."

The world's requirements for women are always to be gentle, virtuous, and have a bad temper, which is actually not a good thing.

But Niu Niu said: "Pao Zhan has a fierce temper. No one else dares to bully grandma. I want to learn to be as good at fighting as Aunt Liu and as good at bargaining as grandma!"

When Mrs. Gu heard this, she immediately said: "This won't work. When your father passes the Jinshi examination, you will be an official lady in the future, and you must look like an official lady."

Niu Niu tilted her head and asked: "If you become an official lady, can't you be more powerful?"

Old Mrs. Gu: ...Old Mrs. Gu didn’t know what to say for a moment.

But the real official lady on the side was still nodding.

"Yes, Grandma Gu, it's always good to learn more skills. Maybe you'll be able to use them sometime," Shen Ling said.

Mrs. Gu really couldn't figure out what kind of situation it was that a lady from the official family had to learn how to fight and quarrel with others.

Shen Ling added: "I also figured it out. Grandma Gu's aura was too strong. When she rushed in to pat the table with the shop owner just now, I almost thought I saw my mother!"

When Mrs. Gu heard this, she immediately beamed with joy, but soon she calmed down and said: "Look at what you kid said, your mother is the eldest princess, and I am just an old lady from the countryside. I only have a little business skills, how can I do that?" Compare me to your mother."

Shen Ling wanted to say more, but was stopped by Mrs. Gu.

Although the old lady likes to be praised, she also understands the principle of being humble and disrespectful. She said: "Return the child, don't say such words again, it is not a good thing for others to listen."

Shen Ling didn't say anything more, just asked: "Grandma Gu, the shop owner is so afraid of you, probably because he was overwhelmed by your momentum. My brother and I are too young, maybe we can be so scared when we are older."

Mrs. Gu said: "You are kind-hearted, but you are always afraid that others will suffer losses, so you are like this. Just do this with me. Don't be afraid of embarrassment. Anyway, if you can sell it, we will go to the next one. If you really want to buy it, then go to the next one." If you can't bargain for something, let's just say a few soft words and coax it."

Encouraged by Mrs. Gu, the Shen brothers and sisters plucked up the courage to enter a shop.

After a cup of tea, the two of them ran out happily and happily circled around Niu Niu and Mrs. Gu.

"We bought it! It cost us a full twenty cents!" Shen Changfeng's face was full of excitement.

Shen Ling's face turned red with excitement: "I didn't listen to the boss's nonsense, so I just followed what you taught me, grandma. I'm so fierce! I pulled my brother and wanted to leave. I was so scared that the boss hurriedly lowered the price!"

Mrs. Gu also felt very pleased when she saw the two of them starting their training.

Niu Niu was the only one standing by. After being happy for them, she looked at their empty hands and asked, "What did you buy?"

"The copper basin I bought!" After Shen Ling said this, she looked at Shen Changfeng.

Shen Changfeng also looked at Shen Ling blankly. The money was paid, but the two of them were so excited that they forgot to pick up the goods.

After a while, the brother and sister quickly rushed into the shop not far behind them.

When the shop owner saw the two of them returning to get the basin, he suddenly felt regretful and lied casually: "I shouted several times, but you didn't hear me."

The two took the copper basin they picked and walked out happily.

But as soon as it was delivered to Mrs. Gu, the old lady couldn't help but frown.

"There is a hole in this basin." Mrs. Gu said, lifting the basin and looking at the sky.

The two brothers and sisters were inseparable from grains and did not check the things when they bought them. When they saw such an obvious hole, Shen Changfeng said quickly: "This boss has such a dark heart, I will go find him!"

Shen Changfeng rushed into the shop, and soon ran out dejectedly: "They don't want to admit it, forget it, I'll buy another one from somewhere else, and I'll pay for it."

But Mrs. Gu said: "No need."

The old lady took the three children and rushed into the shop again. The shop owner didn't admit it at first, but was Old Madam Gu that easy to bully?

"Sue the official! I'm going to sue the official now! If you do this business, I'll see how the government decides!" Mrs. Gu slapped the table too many times today, and her hands started to hurt a little.

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