Chapter 273 Calling Mother

Niuniu banged on the door for a long time.

There was no movement in the house.

Gu Mingda and Zhang Yuniang looked at each other, and the couple felt their hearts tremble.

This is not normal.

The Gu family is not far from this house, and the time it takes for Mrs. Gu to come and go, even if the whole family gathers together to talk and laugh, will not last more than half an hour.

The door was locked from the inside. It was so early and there was no reason for Xie Xingchuan to fall asleep so quickly.

"Knock again!"

Gu Mingda and his wife also accompanied Niuniu to knock on the door.

The neighbors were all startled when they heard the sound.

"Who is here, looking for trouble at night?" A middle-aged man in his thirties came out of the neighbor's house.

Gu Mingda apologized warmly: "I'm sorry, I'm a junior living there, but I didn't open the door for a long time. I don't know what happened inside."

Seeing that Gu Mingda was indeed anxious, the middle-aged man did not continue to embarrass him and just said: "This kid went out in the evening and came back with two jars of wine in his hand. Is he drunk?"

Hearing this, Gu Mingda's face darkened.

Zhang Yunniang became even more anxious. The twelve-year-old boy actually drank! Will you get drunk in the house and become stupid?

The couple turned around and continued to bang on the door.

The middle-aged man kept staring at the family of three. Seeing that there was no sound after taking pictures for a long time, he said, "How about kicking the door open? I can help."

Gu Mingda did not agree immediately, but showed hesitation.

But Niuniu was still banging on the door hard, her white and tender palms were red from the slaps.

"Brother Xie, why are you ignoring people? If you keep doing this, Niu Niu will be unhappy too! Open the door!" Niu Niu shouted towards the inside in confusion.

Gu Mingda didn't even know that Niu Niu could knock the door open, but he didn't expect that some noises suddenly came from the quiet house.

After a while, the courtyard door was opened from the inside.

Xie Xingchuan forced himself to stand up straight, looking at Gu Mingda and Zhang Yuniang with confused eyes.

"You...why are you here..."

Xie Xingchuan only had time to say this sentence before his body tilted and he fell to one side.

Gu Mingda caught him in a hurry.

Niu Niu wrinkled her nose: "Brother Xie smells so bad."

Gu Mingda thought, his whole body smelled like alcohol, how could it not stink?

If Xie Xingchuan hadn't passed out now, Gu Mingda would have wanted to give this kid a good beating. A twelve-year-old kid actually dared to imitate adults and drink to drown his sorrows!

Gu Mingda helped Xie Xingchuan into the house. Even though Mrs. Gu helped buy a lot of things today, the house was still very empty.

"I'll make him a bowl of hangover soup." Zhang Yunniang turned and entered the kitchen.

But soon she came out.

"There is no firewood." Zhang Yunniang spread her hands with helplessness on her face.

Gu Mingda sighed and said, "Spend some money and ask your neighbors to help make a bowl."

Gu Mingda left his mother and daughter to help take care of Xie Xingchuan, while he went to find his next door neighbor with a lantern.

The middle-aged man next door was also kind-hearted. After hearing Gu Mingda's request, he took the money and urged his mother-in-law to start cooking soup. Not long after, he delivered the bowl of hangover soup, along with a bundle of firewood. This was the first time for Xie Xingchuan to drink. His head was groggy. He seemed to see a dim light in a trance, and a familiar figure was taking care of him carefully.


Xie Xingchuan suddenly shouted.

When Zhang Yuniang heard this voice, she almost burst into tears. She asked Gu Mingda to help the child up, and then brought the sobering soup.

Zhang Yunniang scooped up the hangover soup with a spoon and blew it carefully to ensure that the hangover soup had cooled down before feeding it to Xie Xingchuan's mouth.

"Come on, be good, drink some hangover soup."

Listening to the woman coaxing him softly, Xie Xingchuan reluctantly opened his mouth, drank the sobering soup in one gulp, and spit it out the next second.

"How much alcohol did this child drink? Why did he vomit so much?" Zhang Yuniang couldn't help complaining.

Niuniu stretched out her hand and pointed to the two empty wine jars in the corner.

Zhang Yunniang and Gu Mingda's eyebrows suddenly furrowed so much that they could kill a fly.

"This kid is going to die! This is his first time drinking so much!" Zhang Yunniang muttered softly.

When she saw the two empty wine jars, her anger rose, and then she asked Gu Mingda to hold her up again.

"He must drink this sobering soup." Zhang Yunniang said.

Her movements before were gentle and delicate, but this time, perhaps with anger, they were much rougher.

Xie Xingchuan felt as if the spoon was forced into his mouth.

After taking a sip, Gu Mingda forcibly raised his neck and asked him to swallow the hangover soup.

The drunk Xie Xingchuan felt as if he was undergoing some kind of torture. The gentle woman he had seen in a trance turned into a yaksha and forcefully stuffed the soup into his mouth.

The kind-hearted man on the side also turned into an official under the execution of the punishment, forcefully forcing him to eat hangover soup that was even more bitter than Coptis chinensis. It was so painful that he couldn't help but recall the painful past of the first half of his life.

"Brother Xie, you should drink more hangover soup so that you can sober up as soon as possible." Niu Niu said pitifully, holding Xie Xingchuan's hand.

But from Xie Xingchuan's perspective, he felt that the originally cute and smart fairy boy had turned into a difficult kid.

Xie Xingchuan was forced into half a bowl of sobering soup, and his whole face wrinkled up.

"Do you want to continue feeding? He doesn't seem to be feeling well." Gu Mingda said hesitantly. Xie Xingchuan's expression was too ugly.

Zhang Yunniang glared at Xie Xingchuan and said: "Hey! If you don't feed him more, how can he sober up? You have forgotten that there used to be a child in our village who got a high fever after being coaxed and fed by adults. In the end, he was so feverish that he went crazy. "

When Gu Mingda heard this, the unbearable feeling in his heart immediately dissipated: "Drink, you must feed him to finish drinking!"

The couple worked together and poured the remaining half of the bowl of sobering soup into Xie Xingchuan's mouth.

After Xie Xingchuan drank a whole bowl of extremely unpleasant hangover soup, he felt as if his soul was floating in the sky. He thought in a daze: If this was the punishment for drinking, then he really would never drink again.

"Do you think the child's complexion has improved a lot?" Zhang Yunniang asked her husband.

Gu Mingda looked at Xie Xingchuan's face carefully under the light and said, "It's much better. It shows that this hangover soup works."

Niu Niu also nodded vigorously and said, "My parents have taken good care of Brother Xie. If we don't go back tonight, shall we stay here to take care of Brother Xie?"

Gu Mingda was reminded by her and looked around. There was no resting environment for a family of three in this place.

"I'll take you back first, and I'll be with him later." Gu Mingda said softly.

Zhang Yunniang nodded and was about to leave with Niu Niu.

But Xie Xingchuan, who was still asleep on the bed and didn't know who was going on, suddenly shouted: "Mother..."

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