Chapter 274 It tastes terrible

Zhang Yunniang's footsteps suddenly seemed to be frozen by something.

She turned her head and looked at the child on the bed who looked extraordinarily strong even though his whole body was curled up in the dim light.

The heartache for this child came suddenly.

"Mother... mother..." Xie Xingchuan, who was lying on the bed, was still shouting.

Zhang Yunniang's heart seemed to be caught by something.

"How about you send Niuniu back, I'll stay with him here." Zhang Yunniang said to Gu Mingda.

Gu Mingda was stunned when he heard this, and then said: "I know you feel sorry for this child, but people's words can be scary."

Xie Xingchuan is twelve years old and twenty years old. If neighbors see the two of them in the same room, they will probably gossip.

Gu Mingda saw the distress on his wife's face almost overflowing. He sighed and said, "I'll send Niuniu back, and we'll stay with him here together."

Zhang Yuniang glanced at her husband gratefully.

But Niu Niu started making trouble again: "If you don't go back, I don't want to go back either. I want to take care of Brother Xie here!"

Zhang Yunniang asked: "Do you know how to take care of people?"

Niu Niu took out a handkerchief on the spot, dipped it in water, and lay beside the bed, gently wiping the sweat from Xie Xingchuan's forehead. She then carefully untied Xie Xingchuan's collar and covered him with the quilt.

"Oh, our Niuniu actually knows how to take care of people." Gu Mingda said sourly.

As a father, he didn't even enjoy Niuniu's care a few times, but Xie Xingchuan was very lucky.

Niuniu turned around and asked, "Mom, can I stay? I think brother Xie needs my care. It's so hard for you guys to run back and forth at night."

Zhang Yuniang saw that she insisted on doing this. After looking at each other, Zhang Yuniang nodded helplessly.

"You can stay, but if you feel tired, just tell us and we will take you back, you know?" Zhang Yunniang said.

Niu Niu let out a cheer, then rushed to Xie Xingchuan's bedside and continued to wipe the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief.

"Brother Xie has been sweating." Niu Niu suddenly said.

When Gu Mingda heard this, he immediately became alert. He stepped forward and put his palm on Xie Xingchuan's forehead: "Fortunately, there is no fever, just sweating."

Niu Niu wiped her sweat again and asked, "Did Brother Xie only drink wine and eat nothing else at night?"

When Zhang Yuniang heard this, she thought of the food she had brought and asked Gu Mingda to help him up.

"Let him eat something to cushion him first. He can't just be hungry like this." Zhang Yunniang said.

But Xie Xingchuan, who was being helped up, suddenly threw himself forward. As if he couldn't control it anymore, he turned his head and vomited on the floor.

The room was suddenly filled with the sour and rancid smell of vomited food.

"It's uncomfortable..." Xie Xingchuan said with a bitter face.

Zhang Yunniang looked at him distressedly, then brought a glass of water to his mouth.

Xie Xingchuan almost gulped down the glass of water.

"Mom, my head hurts so much." Xie Xingchuan said to Zhang Yunniang.

Although he was tall, he was actually only twelve years old. His drunken headache made him particularly want to seek some kind of support. At this time, his eyes were blurred and he couldn't see clearly who was in front of him. He could only hold on to Zhang Yunniang's clothes. sleeve.

"It hurts, mother. I have a headache and my face hurts..."

Zhang Yuniang was so heartbroken by his shouting that she seemed to see her lost second son in a trance, thinking that he was sent to the palace by those **** kidnappers.

How could such an older child endure the pain of castration?

Niu Niu climbed onto the bed and gently took off the mask on Xie Xingchuan's face.

"Niuniu, don't!"

Niuniu's movements were too fast, and Gu Mingda was one step behind in stopping her.

Niu Niu whispered: "Brother said his face hurts. Is it because he was pressed by the mask, making him uncomfortable?" The mask fell off, revealing a face full of scars.

Gu Mingda sighed. Xie Xingchuan didn't like to take off his mask. He was afraid that the child would be unhappy when he woke up.

"Forget it, we have all seen your brother Xie's face under the mask. He probably won't be angry with you because of this." Gu Mingda said.

Niuniu puffed up her belly and said, "Thank you, brother, you have the best temper, so you won't blame me."

Gu Mingda thought of Xie Xingchuan's cold face all year round, and couldn't figure out where Niu Niu's confidence came from.

Xie Xingchuan vomited on the ground, and Zhang Yunniang dug a pile of soil to cover it, and the smell in the house finally dissipated a little.

The couple wanted to feed Xie Xingchuan some food, but as soon as the child heard that he wanted to eat, he closed his mouth tightly. Neither of them could pry it open, so they had to give up.

"Let your child sleep on his side. If he vomits again while sleeping on his back, his throat will probably be blocked. He will be very uncomfortable." Zhang Yunniang reminded softly.

Gu Mingda gently turned Xie Xingchuan's body sideways.

Niu Niu, who originally wanted to take care of Xie Xingchuan, couldn't help but rub her eyes.

"My dear, eat something before going to bed. You didn't eat anything at night." Zhang Yunniang reminded softly.

She fed part of the hot meal to Niu Niu.

Niu Niu kept nodding her head while eating, looking sleepy like a chicken pecking at rice.

When they were almost done eating, Zhang Yunniang said again: "Be good, go walk around the yard twice and then come back to sleep."

Niuniu stayed on the chair and refused to get up. She was too sleepy.

Zhang Yunniang had no choice but to take the child down and gently and firmly pulled her around the yard twice.

"You can't go to bed right after eating. At least you have to eat." Zhang Yuniang said softly.

Niu Niu was so sleepy that she couldn't even open her eyes. She closed her eyes and stretched out her hands, asking for a hug.

Zhang Yunniang had no choice but to hold the child in her arms as if resigned to her fate. Almost as soon as she picked her up, Niu Niu tilted her head and fell on Zhang Yunniang's shoulders. Zhang Yunniang had no choice but to carry the child back to the house.

"Asleep?" From the direction of Zhang Yunniang, Niu Niu's face buried behind her shoulder could not be seen.

Gu Mingda nodded, and then pointed to the other side of the bed.

After Zhang Yunniang put Niu Niu down gently, she covered her with the quilt, turned her head and looked at the ground with a frown.

Xie Xingchuan vomited again.

"With so much vomiting, how can a person be so hungry if there is anything in his stomach?" Zhang Yunniang said softly.

Gu Mingda had no choice but to say: "As soon as this child heard about eating, he shut his mouth tightly and could only starve."

Zhang Yunniang shoveled some more soil and covered it with the new vomit.

The two children slept on the bed, and the couple sat in chairs all night. The night was not stable, and Xie Xingchuan vomited twice more.

When daybreak came, the couple's eyes were all covered with red bloodshot eyes.

"I'm going to make something to eat." Zhang Yunniang forced herself to go into the kitchen to make breakfast.

Gu Mingda stopped her and said, "I heard the neighbor got up. Spend some money and ask the neighbor to cook some food. You can close your eyes and squint for a while."

The neighbor's family was very happy to be able to earn extra money.

The middle-aged man said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, as long as you like it. Does anyone like the food made by my wife?"

When Gu Mingda first heard this, he thought it was a little weird. The aftereffects of staying up late caused his brain to spin slowly, so he didn't think about it deeply.

When the couple next door diligently delivered the prepared breakfast, Xie Xingchuan also woke up.

Four people sat at the table. As soon as they picked up the bowl and took a bite, the four of them almost vomited out together.

"It tastes bad!" Niu Niu said with a wrinkled face.

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