Chapter 310 I have something to say

Niu Niu looked puzzled when she heard this.

Zhang Yunniang felt it was inappropriate and was afraid that her daughter would take what the crazy girl said to heart and accidentally expose it in front of the nobles after entering the palace. She pulled the crazy girl aside to prevent the girl from saying more words that were not suitable for Niuniu to hear.

"I know that you have a lot of grievances in your heart, but we have the same intention for Niuniu's good. There is no way to change the matter of entering the palace. It is better to say these few words." Zhang Yunniang persuaded her earnestly.

The crazy girl was just crazy, not stupid. She knew not to miss a word in front of outsiders. Although she felt uncomfortable at this time, her concern for Niu Niu prevailed and her expression calmed down.

"I have something to say."

Zhang Yunniang didn't dare to let the crazy girl talk to Niuniu again.

The crazy girl said directly: "It is a palace matter, the taboos of the ladies in each palace, the preferences of the Queen Mother, and the emperor's preferences."

When Zhang Yuniang heard this, she looked dubious.

The crazy girl said categorically: "If you are really good for the third lady, you shouldn't stop me. No one in this world hopes that she will have a good life more than me!"

Zhang Yunniang hesitated for a moment, but finally agreed to let the two continue to interact.

"The Queen Mother's taboo is the dead King Pingnan. Remember, don't mention King Pingnan in front of her, don't mention the albizia flower, let alone break into the small Buddhist hall of Shoukang Palace. These are her A taboo for the elderly.”

"There are not many good people in the palace. Please ignore them. You must especially beware of the concubine named Li. Remember this!"

Zhang Yunniang was very confused and said: "There seems to be no high-ranking concubine named Li in the palace."

Ever since I learned that my daughter was going to be a lucky baby in the palace, I had asked people about the situation in the palace.

In terms of favor in the palace, the concubine is the only one in the class. Let alone being a concubine alongside her, the concubine seats are all empty, and most of them are low-level concubines.

"Who else could have the surname Li? Of course it's Concubine Li! She always wants to compete with the empress, but she has evil intentions, and the whole family ends up without a heir!" the crazy girl said seriously.

When Zhang Yuniang heard this, a drop of cold sweat fell from her forehead.

The King of Pingxi that the crazy girl mentioned previously existed. He was the uncle of the current emperor. When the emperor first succeeded to the throne, this uncle served as an assistant minister, but his end was miserable.

Zhang Yuniang thought about it over and over again, but she really didn't know who this Concubine Li was.

The crazy girl continued: "Concubine Li is greedy for vanity and loves to exercise power. She relied on her status as the emperor's concubine to force her sister to marry into a wealthy family, and then gave her unlearned brother an official position... It's really disgusting shame!"

"Which family did her sister marry into?" Zhang Yuniang felt that she was probably crazy, and she actually wanted to confirm that what the crazy girl said was not nonsense.

"Who else could it be? It's naturally the bunch of fools like Duke Xianguo!" the crazy girl replied casually.

Zhang Yuniang was stunned when she heard this. She thought about it. The Duke Xian's mansion now only has two rooms, and there is no wife named Li.


Zhang Yuniang suddenly realized something and asked, "Concubine Li? Her brother's name is Li Rude?"

When the crazy girl heard this, a fierce look flashed in her eyes: "That's the man! That's him! Taking advantage of his sister's favor, he acted unscrupulously and killed the Ninth Master!"

Zhang Yunniang was shocked.

She has been called "Mrs. Ninth" by the crazy girl, and her husband is the "Master Ninth" in the mouth of the crazy girl!

"Li Rude is this insidious villain. His sister poisoned the empress in the harem, and he attacked Master Ninth in the court! They two siblings caused misery to the empress and her family!" the crazy girl said angrily.

Zhang Yunniang wanted to pretend that she had not heard these words, but her concern for her husband and daughter prevailed.

"So, it's not Concubine Li, but Concubine Li! That character is pronounced "severe", right?" Zhang Yunniang asked. The crazy girl nodded and said, "It is indeed Li, but your accent is not quite right."

Zhang Yunniang felt bitter. The crazy girl's own accent was unusually strong, and she in turn accused others of having wrong accents.

The crazy girl added, "I don't have time to correct your accent. I'm in a hurry to talk to you."

The crazy girl turned to Niuniu and continued to give a lot of instructions.

Niu Niu always looked ignorant, and the little girl didn't even understand many words. She just knew that the crazy girl was doing it for her own good, so she still listened honestly.

When the carriage from the palace came to pick them up, the crazy girl was still dragging Niuniu to talk. She was not in the palace, but she knew the palace very well. It seemed that she didn't make any mistakes for three days and three nights.

Under the reluctant gaze of the Gu family, Niu Niu was carried by Gu Mingda himself and put on the carriage.

"Be good, don't be reluctant to give up money, spend what you should spend." Gu Mingda warned.

Niuniu nodded vigorously.

Gu Mingda gave the old grandma who came to pick her up a thick red envelope again: "My daughter is young and naughty by nature. Please take care of her."

The old woman took the money and smiled as brightly as a chrysanthemum, but she still gave Gu Mingda a reassurance: "Don't worry, the number one scholar, your girl will be raised by the Queen Mother herself when she enters the palace. This is not the case for others. It’s an honor that no one can ask for.”

Niu Niu had a lot of luggage, and the Gu family felt that she needed this and needed that, so the carriage was filled to the brim with her luggage.

Carriages entering the palace are subject to inspection as usual.

She is just a six-year-old girl. Although she has a father who is the number one scholar, almost everyone knows that this number one scholar has a mediocre background.

Although the servants in the palace had the old rule of plucking the hair of geese, they mostly focused on fat sheep and did not pay much attention when checking Niu Niu. They even missed two wooden boxes and forgot to check them.

The two locked boxes, which looked ordinary in the package, were filled to the brim, including one box of gold and one box of silver.

After all, no one could have imagined that Niu Niu, who was very simply dressed, would carry so much gold and silver with her.

Niuniu was taken all the way to Shoukang Palace. At this time, there were five little girls waiting outside the door.

She spotted Qin Jingshu in the crowd at a glance.

"Niuniu, why are you here so late? Fortunately, the Queen Mother has not summoned you yet." Qin Jingshu said in a low voice.

Niu Niu blushed slightly when she heard this and said, "My family doesn't want to leave me, so I gave them a few more words..."

When Qin Jingshu heard this, she couldn't help but feel envious.

When she received the news that she was about to enter the palace, her mother could not wait to stuff him into the palace on the spot. Before leaving, she only gave a few instructions to make the ladies in the palace happy.

Niuniu asked again: "Are we going to wait here all the time? If the nobles don't summon us, will they just stand there all the time?"

Qin Jingshu nodded with a grimace and said, "We've been waiting the longest here for half an hour."

Niu Niu felt a little distressed and asked, "Are your legs sore?"

Qin Jingshu nodded slightly: "A little bit."

Niu Niu sighed and asked, "How long do we have to wait?"

Before Qin Jingshu could speak, a girl who looked about ten years old and was dressed plainly but with a haughty expression spoke up: "You can't rush a noble person to summon you. Sometimes it's common to wait for two or three hours. The last time I waited for the summons, I waited for two and a half hours. You, a girl from the countryside, should be careful about what you say and do. Don't speak randomly after entering, so as not to hurt us. "

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