Chapter 311: Call me uncle

As soon as the girl opened her mouth, she showed her familiarity with the palace, as if she was superior to others, and her words were full of contempt for Niu Niu.

Niu Niu looked at her doubtfully and asked, "Do you know me?"

The girl glanced sideways at Niu Niu and said: "I know all the others, but you are the only one I know. Naturally, I know that you are that country girl. The palace is not other places, and it is not just a casual talk in your home that can prove that you are true." blessed."

Niu Niu was not angry when she heard this.

But Qin Jingshu already looked angry: "Miss Li San, it's not you who has the final say whether you are truly blessed or not! Don't humiliate people like a country girl. Niuniu is my friend, and I won't allow you to Such contempt for people!"

When Miss Li San heard this, a flash of displeasure flashed in her eyes and she said, "Our two families are in-laws. Instead of helping me, you are helping an outsider!"

"It doesn't matter if they are in-laws, I want to help with the marriage or not!" Qin Jingshu said decisively.

When Miss Li San heard this, she stamped her feet angrily. If she hadn't known that this was the palace, she would have scolded Qin Jingshu.

"Thanks to my father for telling me to take care of you! This is how you repay me!" Miss Li San said angrily.

Qin Jingshu ignored her, but pulled Niu Niu aside and said, "Li San has a very bad temper and is not a good friend. We won't play with her!"

Niuniu looked puzzled and asked, "She doesn't seem to like me. Why is that?"

As a relative, Qin Jingshu knew some inside information.

"When Miss Li San was two years old, she was brought into the palace by Concubine Li to help recruit children. However, when she was seven years old, Concubine Li still had nothing to do. Concubine Li also raised her own brother, but she still didn't bring any children. The Queen Mother then spoke and sent the siblings back."

"Miss Li San and her brother were sent out. Although they did nothing wrong in the palace, they still had the reputation of being unlucky, so she has never heard of the word "lucky" in the past two years."

Listening to Qin Jingshu's explanation, Niuniu asked doubtfully: "So is it her reason why she doesn't like me?"

Qin Jingshu thought this was a bit strange, but after thinking about it carefully, there seemed to be nothing wrong with it.

Niuniu had just been hit by someone, and now she started laughing again.

Qin Jingshu was puzzled: "Why are you not sad at all?"

Qin Jingshu left it to herself to save others, feeling that if this happened to her, she would definitely be sad for a long time.

But Niu Niu didn't feel inwardly, but said in a matter-of-fact tone: "It's her fault. Why should I use other people's mistakes to make myself feel uncomfortable? In the words of my Aunt Liu, this is..."

When Qin Jingshu saw that Niuniu had stopped talking, she immediately asked, "What is it?"

"Then if the words are unpleasant, don't ask." Niu Niu whispered.

Qin Jingshu refused and asked, "Now that you've said your words, you have to stop talking and make me hang here."

Niuniu had no choice but to say: "It's like bringing someone else's dead person back to mourn."

When Qin Jingshu heard this, her first reaction was that she felt vulgar, but after thinking about it, there seemed to be nothing wrong with it.

At this time, she turned back to look at Li San, and she felt something was wrong.

Niu Niu asked in a low voice: "Do we really have to wait here for an hour or two?"

Qin Jingshu was about to nod when suddenly a fair-faced, beardless man who looked to be in his fifties or sixties came out of Shoukang Palace. "The Queen Mother summons you, please." Li Shunfu said with a cold face.

Qin Jingshu glanced at Niu Niu in surprise. Niu Niu's mouth was so clever. She was able to go in as soon as she arrived, which made those of them who had been waiting for a long time a bit stupid.

A group of little girls immediately lined up and followed him.

Miss Li San took two steps forward and squeezed out the little girl who was walking in front.

That little girl was not as familiar with the palace as Li San, so she had to suffer the loss of being mute and could only endure it silently.

"Is there any benefit in rushing to be the first to see the Queen Mother?" Niu Niu couldn't help but asked Qin Jingshu in a low voice.

Qin Jingshu shook her head and said she didn't know.

However, the slap in the face came too quickly.

Miss Li San, who rushed in first, didn't know how she walked, but she bumped into a reckless little palace maid.

The little palace maid was carrying a basin of water. After the collision, all the water was poured onto Miss Li San.

"Miss, forgive me! I didn't mean it! The ground here is too slippery, and I was not careful!" The little palace maid knelt on the ground to apologize.

Miss Li San raised her eyebrows and wanted to fight and scold her. She still remembered that this was Shoukang Palace and it was not a place where she could act wild.

She turned to look at Li Shunfu, the **** in charge of Shoukang Palace.

"Eunuch, these are my newly made clothes. They have been soaked like this. It is not appropriate to meet the Queen Mother." Miss Li San said.

Li Shunfu glanced at the little palace maid and said: "Miss Li, don't worry, the Zajia family will teach this little girl who doesn't know how to advance or retreat. Just go and change your clothes. The Zajia family will help you explain to the Queen Mother."

Miss Li San felt relieved after hearing this, and Li Shunfu asked other palace maids to take Miss Li San to the side hall to change clothes.

After the people left, Li Shunfu looked at the little palace maid kneeling on the ground.

The little palace maid had just knocked her head heavily on the ground: "My father-in-law, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to collide! I don't know why my feet slipped!"

"You don't have to be careful when doing things! You have to take care of yourself." Li Shunfu said casually.

Niuniu's eyes suddenly focused. From her angle, she could just see the place where the little palace maid fell. The ground was smooth, reflecting a layer of oily sheen.

She took two steps forward, tugged on Li Shunfu's sleeve, and whispered: "Uncle, there is oil on the ground. She didn't mean it."

Qin Jingshu was frightened. She never thought that Niuniu would be so bold. She would dare to run forward and take the initiative to talk to Li Fushun, and still beg for mercy for a little palace maid she didn't know!

Li Fushun turned his head when he heard this, his cold eyes fell on Niu Niu, and said: "The Zajia family is not your uncle. Who is your father? Does he want you to have such an uncle?"

Niu Niu's face was puzzled: "Uncle looks older than my father. My father's name is Gu Mingda. He taught me that those who look older than him are called uncles, and those who are younger than him are called uncles."

Li Fushun sneered and said in a sinister tone: "She turns out to be the lucky daughter of the Number One Scholar's family. Miss Gu, you'd better not go back and tell the Number One Scholar about this. He probably won't be happy."

The world despises eunuchs, and scholars are the worst among them. It is not wrong for Li Fushun to think so.

Niu Niu was still puzzled and said: "Why is my dad unhappy? I did what he taught me. Are you younger than my dad? Did I call you wrong? My dad is thirty and six this year. How old are you, uncle?" Huh? If you are younger than my father, then I will call you uncle instead."

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