Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 137 Professor, a little white mouse has woken up


"Everyone, I have a plan here, how about you listen to it?"

After the secretary general nodded, a gleam flashed in Councillor Li's eyes.

He adjusted the microphone in front of him and said softly.

"Before proposing, I want you to watch a video."

After that, the old man turned his head and winked at Hong Qiming who was standing behind him.

Hong Qiming understood and quickly took out a USB flash drive from the file bag beside him.

The secretary general looked at the old man with a puzzled face and reached out to take the USB flash drive handed over by Hong Qiming.

Not only the secretary general was puzzled, but everyone present except Xia Guo and Su Guo was confused.

Seeing the USB flash drive inserted into the computer and the projector started working, Councillor Li's expression became more serious.


The video started playing.

A plane with forward-swept wings and gray and white color appeared in front of everyone.

A line of subtitles appeared at the bottom of the video.

"Xuan Nu-X."

The camera zoomed out, and twenty Xuan Nu-X took off vertically from the ground in unison!

The next moment, the noses of twenty planes rose up at the same time, drawing a beautiful arc and leaping into the air.

Almost everyone's eyes shifted to the old man.

Facing the eyes of the crowd, the old man took a deep breath and slowly put down the teacup in his hand.

"The latest news from this station."

"At present, the latest results of the United Nations meeting have been released."

"In order to deal with this solar crisis, the world has united for the first time and established the Earth Human United Community of Shared Destiny, referred to as the Human Union..."

A few days later, the voice of the news anchor spread throughout Xia Country.

After a short silence, Xia Country was boiling!

"What the hell? What the hell? What happened a few days ago?!"

"Ah? What's the situation? This is the community of shared destiny?"

"The Earth Human United Community of Shared Destiny? Why does it feel like something incredible happened at the United Nations General Assembly..."

"Blind guess, the table was overturned!"

"Yes, at the scene, I was that table!"


Unlike the laughter and joy in Xia Country, other countries were obviously not very happy.

But things have developed to this point, and it has reached a point where it cannot be reversed.

A few days later.

Xiaguo No. 1 Laboratory.

Lv Yongchang put his hand on his forehead and sat on a chair with a frown.

“Zero, how is the condition of the mice?”

As soon as he finished speaking, the computer screen in front of him lit up: “Professor, a total of 100 million mice have been tested.”

“But the situation is not ideal.”

“So far, more than 5 million mice have died.”

Lv Yongchang’s face sank.

In the past few days, after he and Mao Zhengzhi stayed up all night to study, they successfully extracted a relatively pure special biological enzyme from the inside of the Martian fungus.

At the same time, the biological sub-laboratory has also carried out a simulation experiment of this special biological enzyme.

They specially adjusted the concentration of the injection to an extremely low level.

On the one hand, it was to buy a buffer time for the immune system of the mice.

On the other hand… the samples brought back by Xuannv II seemed a lot at the time, but facing 100 million mice, these samples were not enough!

Such an operation was also taken to save raw materials.

After all, it takes a lot of time to "pick up" on Mars!

Ideals are beautiful, but reality is cruel.

This operation, while solving two major problems, also caused a very serious problem.

Because the concentration was too low, these mice did not enter the original "pseudo-death" state, but entered a state similar to the hibernation of Earth creatures.

And it was an irreversible "hibernation"!

The metabolism rate of mice is extremely high. Even if the energy consumption rate in the body has dropped a lot, it still can't last for a few days.

Originally, in Lv Yongchang's plan, nutrient solution could be used to maintain the lives of these mice.

But... after the number increased, even Zero could not take care of the status of all the mice.

And this situation, but there is no relief.

It will only get worse with the passage of time.

According to Zero's estimate, 90% of the current 100 million mice will die within three days, and by the fifth day, basically all of them will die.

Lv Yongchang sighed deeply.


At 3:58 a.m. the next day.

Lv Yongchang fell asleep on his desk with a coat on his body.

Even in his sleep, he still frowned.

The reason was simple. In just one day, the number of dead mice soared from five million to twenty million!

It can be said that in just a few days, the lives of twenty million mice were on his hands!


In the quiet office, a slightly mechanical electronic synthesized voice suddenly sounded.

"Professor, a mouse has woken up."

The next second, Lv Yongchang opened his eyes suddenly.

He stretched out his hand, rubbed his somewhat stiff face vigorously, and asked in a deep voice: "Zero, are you sure you are awake?!"

"Of course!"

As the electronic synthesized voice fell, the computer screen in front of Lv Yongchang quietly lit up.

"Look, this is the picture of the FN1A2 breeding cage in Factory B."

On the computer screen, a little white mouse buried its head in the feed bowl in front of it and ate and drank. Obviously, it was starved by the "hibernation" in the past few days.

Looking at this scene, Lv Yongchang stood up suddenly, his eyes flashing with excitement!

"Zero, wake up Mao Zhengzhi and ask him to go to this area immediately!"

While speaking, Lv Yongchang put on his coat, opened the office door and walked out!

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