FN1 area of ​​plant B.

Wearing protective clothing, Lv Yongchang ran breathlessly to the area mentioned by Ling.

Just as he was about to look for the so-called A2 cage, a burst of hurried footsteps came from behind him.

"Yongchang!" Mao Zhengzhi's voice came.

Because of the protective clothing as a barrier, his voice seemed particularly dull: "I heard from Ling that a little white mouse woke up?!"

Lv Yongchang nodded gently, but did not look back, just looking for it in a pile of cages.

"Quick, Ling said it was A2 cage, help me find it!"

Mao Zhengzhi nodded gently and hurriedly bent down to look for it.


A few minutes later.

Mao Zhengzhi took a small iron cage from the shelf in front of him.

In the cage, a little white mouse was jumping and scratching the cage.

"Unbelievable..." Looking at this energetic little white mouse, Lv Yongchang took a deep breath, his eyes full of amazement.

From this little white mouse, he once again felt the miracle of life.

Lv Yongchang took the breeding cage from Mao Zhengzhi with trembling hands, raised it in front of him, and looked at it deeply.

The little white mouse also stopped scratching the cage and looked at Lv Yongchang.

"God bless Xiaguo... No, God bless Renlian!"

Lv Yongchang realized his slip of the tongue and quickly corrected with a smile: "When the experiment is over, I will keep it in the office!"

"From now on, it will be called Aurora, Aurora!"

Mao Zhengzhi's eyes moved slightly: "Latin goddess of dawn?"

Lv Yongchang nodded vigorously, and the smile in his eyes became more and more intense: "Not bad!"

"It makes me see the dawn of human beings to achieve long-distance interstellar travel!"

As he spoke, Lv Yongchang raised his head and looked at the deep night sky again!

It is estimated that it will not be long before he can enter space again!

The scene of the last time he took Xuannv No. 1 to the sky was still vivid in his mind. The magnificent painting was flashing in his dreams all the time.

"So, Yongchang, what should we do now?" Mao Zhengzhi raised his eyebrows and interrupted Lv Yongchang's sigh.

Lv Yongchang, whose thoughts were interrupted, curled his lips slightly and looked at the breeding cage in his hand again.

"What else can we do?"

"Prepare for a blood test!"

"Today, I must find out the reason why it woke up!"

Mao Zhengzhi: "..."

"Ahem, Yongchang, you have to take it easy."

"I told you in advance that we have transferred all the mice here. If there is no miracle in a short period of time, this is our only experimental subject!"

Lv Yongchang: "..."


A few hours later.

The little white mouse Aurora shrank in the corner of the breeding cage trembling with fear, and her small black eyes were filled with fear.

Squeak! (Do you know how I spent these few hours?!)

"How is it? Are the results out?"

Lv Yongchang's voice came from a distance.

After hearing this voice, Aurora shrank her thin body again.

"Some of the results are out!" Mao Zhengzhi's voice was full of excitement.

"It's almost the same as we guessed. Aurora has an unknown antibody in her body."

"It is this antibody that has solved all those proteases!"

Lv Yongchang snapped his fingers lightly, his eyes flashing with excitement: "Good!"

"Have the antibodies been separated?"

Seeing Mao Zhengzhi nod, Lu Yongchang's eyes were more excited.

"Quick, go and try the effect of these antibodies!"

As he said, Lu Yongchang nodded at the fifteen experimental group mice lying on their backs in the cages in the distance.


Mao Zhengzhi carefully pushed a little liquid medicine in the syringe into the mice in front of him.

Because the number of antibodies is currently scarce, they have to use them sparingly.

As for the tens of millions of mice outside...it depends on fate.

Thinking of this, the light in Mao Zhengzhi's eyes dimmed a little.

As a biologist, although he knew that the final outcome of these mice was death in the laboratory, he felt a strong sense of guilt when he thought that he had killed nearly 100 million mice with his own hands.

"Pa!" Lv Yongchang reached out and gently patted Mao Zhengzhi on the shoulder.

As the person who made the decision, he knew Mao Zhengzhi's mental state at this time better than anyone else.

He sighed slightly: "You don't need to feel guilty, after all, this is my order."

"If, if there is really such a thing as fate, this debt should be repaid by me!"

Mao Zhengzhi shook his head gloomily, but did not say anything.

"Don't worry, after the experiment is over, I will apply to the chairman of the parliament to erect a monument for these mice." Lv Yongchang said seriously, "Human civilization must never forget them!"

Hearing this, Mao Zhengzhi's face was less guilty.

He opened his mouth and wanted to say something else, but his attention was attracted by the scene in front of him.

"Yongchang!" Mao Zhengzhi exclaimed, "Look! It's awake! Mouse No. 1 is awake!"

Lv Yongchang quickly looked at the cage in front of him.

Sure enough, the paw of the mouse with the No. 1 label twitched slightly, and a pair of small black eyes opened.

In just a few seconds, mouse No. 1 turned over and sniffed in the cage with its nose arched.

Lv Yongchang smiled: "Yes, it seems that this antibody can indeed solve this strange protease inside the Martian fungus!"


While waiting for the other 14 mice to wake up, Lv Yongchang sat on the chair and slowly closed his eyes.

Driven by his thoughts, he entered the technology tree system space again.

The white light spot spread rapidly, lighting up a cursor that was originally dim.

[Hibernation technology: preliminary mastery! ]

Then, a light spot extended from this cursor.

Seeing this scene, Lv Yongchang was slightly stunned.


After the hibernation technology, what other technology is there?

The light spot gradually dimmed, and a cursor with only about 10% brightness appeared in front of him.

[Overweight state balance technology: deep sea mode]

Lv Yongchang subconsciously focused his attention on this cursor.

A dizziness came.

The familiar feeling made Lv Yongchang panic.

Good guy, he is not going to faint again? !

Not that bad? !

Perhaps because the system continued to strengthen the brain and body, the dizziness lasted for a few seconds and then slowly disappeared.

As the dizziness disappeared, a glimmer of enlightenment slowly emerged in the depths of his mind.

It turned out to be this technology...

Starting from Xuannv No. 1, the speed of aerospace planes, or starships, has become faster and faster, and their acceleration capabilities have become stronger and stronger.

The maximum G value that professionally trained astronauts and pilots can accept with the help of anti-gravity suits is about 12G.

But the G value that ordinary people can accept is only about 3-4.

This is a bit too small for interstellar navigation.

Even if the future starship can really reach the so-called 1% or 10% of the speed of light, the acceleration time it needs is unimaginable!

What's more, it is extremely unfriendly to the human body to endure excessive G values ​​for a long time.

A few minutes may be better, once the time is extended to several days, months, or even years, I believe no one can bear it.

Therefore, humans need a technology to balance internal and external pressures under overweight conditions.

That is the deep sea mode given by the system.

The so-called deep sea mode is actually a bit like breathing underwater.

This technology has actually been studied for a long time.

Perfluorocarbon (PFCs) liquid.

It has extremely strong oxygen dissolving capacity.

Therefore, some people try to use this liquid instead of air for "underwater breathing".

But the reality is cruel.

Compared with air, perfluorocarbon liquid is extremely dense.

It is impossible for a normal person to breathe it normally with his lung capacity.

Even if the lung capacity is large enough to breathe, if the liquid cannot be completely expelled from the body, humans will quickly die of pneumonia and a series of complications.

After sorting out a series of knowledge points in his mind, Lv Yongchang sighed slightly and slowly opened his eyes.

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