Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 139 Codename: Tower of Babel

"Are you awake?"

As soon as Lv Yongchang opened his eyes, he heard Mao Zhengzhi's voice.

"How are the mice?" Lv Yongchang asked subconsciously.

Mao Zhengzhi pointed to the breeding cage next to him with a smile: "Look, they are all awake and healthy. No sequelae have been found so far."

Lv Yongchang turned his head subconsciously.

When he saw the fifteen mice jumping around, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Next, it's some routine operations."

"Artificially synthesize this protease and mass produce antibodies..." Mao Zhengzhi said with a relaxed look, "By the way, this protease and antibody have not been named yet. Do you want to give it a name?"

"... Let's call it hibernation hormone and anti-hibernation hormone." Lv Yongchang frowned and said with a headache.

As a bad namer, he really couldn't think of any good names.

Mao Zhengzhi naturally looked at Lv Yongchang speechlessly, muttering to himself: "I should have known not to let you name it, what a crappy name..."

Lv Yongchang's mouth twitched and changed the subject.

"The technology is not mature enough at present, so let's experiment on chimpanzees first."

"Remember, make sure it is foolproof before applying it to humans!"

"In addition, there is another research task for you." Seeing Mao Zhengzhi's slightly contemptuous eyes, Lv Yongchang rolled his eyes and said in a deep voice, "Have you heard of the deep sea model?"



Familiar office.

"Chairman, I apply to start the space elevator project."

Lv Yongchang said in a deep voice while standing in front of his desk.

Hearing this, the old man looked a little dazed.

He slowly put down the teacup in his hand: "Space elevator?"

"If I understand correctly, you are talking about the kind of elevator in science fiction movies that can reach space directly?!"

Even though he has become the chairman of the People's Union, the old man couldn't help but exclaimed: "This thing, do we have the technology?"

Lv Yongchang shrugged and shook his head quickly: "Of course not."

Seeing the increasingly strange look on the old man's face, Lu Yongchang quickly added: "Oh, by the way, I'm talking about now."

Hearing this, the expression on the old man's face did not ease, but became even more strange: "You mean... you already have a clue?"

Lv Yongchang nodded quickly, and at the same time stretched out his hand and gestured: "After studying for this period of time, I have a little clue."

Member Li: "..."

He raised his wrinkled right hand, gently supported his forehead, and then sighed deeply.

This is the same statement again.

If he believes this again, he will be a ghost!

"Since you said so, let's start the project." Councillor Li said unhappily, "Why? Do you still want me to approve your funding now?"

Lv Yongchang laughed awkwardly, with a hint of "shyness" in his eyes.

"Chairman, I'm not here to ask you for funding."

Councillor Li raised his eyebrows slightly, reached out to pick up the teacup and took a sip: "Then what do you want?"

"The top scientific research talents in the Asian division are basically concentrated in your laboratory."

"As for the American and European divisions... they are a bit troublesome over there, and it will probably take some time for them to come."

The smile on Lu Yongchang's face became more and more awkward.

"Chairman, I'm here to ask you for a piece of land."

"Land?" Councillor Li breathed a sigh of relief, "It's just a piece of land, why do you ask me for such a small matter?"

"How much do you want, what do you want to build, you can just find someone to apply for it, really... is there anyone who will hold you back now?"

As he spoke, the old man shook his head helplessly while drinking tea.

Lv Yongchang: "...The land I want may be a bit large, used to build the foundation of the space elevator."

"At least it should be the size of a normal city, and it needs to be near the equator."

"Puff! Cough cough cough!" The old man coughed hard.

The expression on Lv Yongchang's face became more and more embarrassed, and he tried to explain: "I plan to build a spaceport based on this space elevator. At that time, the Luanniao No. 1 aerospace mothership can be manufactured in the spaceport, which can save a lot of trouble, so...this space elevator may be bigger."

Member Li frowned slightly.

"Is Africa okay?"

"The population is slightly smaller, and it is also near the equator."


"The latest news from the Human Union."

"The first space elevator project has been approved and is located on the African continent. The project code name is: Tower of Babel!"


In the TV station, the original news channel has changed its appearance.

Zhao Zijie looked at the TV in front of him, with a bit of trance in his eyes.

For more than half a month, it was like living in a dream.

The name of the community of human destiny sounds like a scene in a novel.

The TV in front of him was no longer showing some "small things" in Xiaguo.

Instead, it was showing the progress of various giant projects.

For example, the space elevator project just now.

He subconsciously opened Weibo on his phone.

In just a few days, Weibo also upgraded to a major version.

Because of the establishment of the Human Union, Xiaguo has become the so-called "center of the world".

Various scientific researchers and elites are constantly going to Xiaguo.

Weibo has naturally replaced Twitter as the first "melon-eating" weapon of the Human Union.

Although there is real-time translation, Chinese has become a must-learn language.

"The space elevator project begins!" 》

Looking at the familiar black and red words, Zhao Zijie subconsciously clicked in.

"Good guy, I call you good guy!"

"Space elevator, when did our Xia country have such technology?!"

"Those upstairs, please be careful and call the People's Association (squints and smiles)."

"A space elevator is going to be built in Africa... Do you think housing prices there will skyrocket soon?"

"...Brother, the earth will be gone in 14 years, what are you going to do with this house?"

Looking at the words on his scarf, Zhao Zijie chuckled and turned off his phone, looking at a book on the table in front of him.

"Aerospace Plane and Starship Piloting: From Beginner to Mastery"

Books like this have been appearing in bookstores since a few days ago.

Originally, Zhao Zijie didn't believe it.

But when he saw the portrait of Lu Yongchang printed on it, he decisively bought a copy.

Although he also knew that this thing was definitely not written by Professor Lu, the fact that Professor Lu's portrait was printed on it just illustrated a problem.

This book was published by the People's Federation.

You don’t need to think about the reason to know.

It is estimated to be for mass training of drivers.

Considering the need to say goodbye to the earth after 14 years, Zhao Zijie made up his mind.

You must learn starship piloting skills.

At least, you don't have to look at people's faces when you escape in the future.

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