As the question was raised, the atmosphere between the two gradually became tense.

After a long silence, Mao Zhengzhi breathed out gently and shook his head vigorously.

"The direction is wrong. We should not start with deep-sea fluids."

"With deep-sea liquids that are about the same density as air, this is almost impossible to achieve!"

Lu Yongchang didn't speak, just nodded silently.

He raised his head and looked at the white mouse with several tubes inserted into its body and quietly sinking in the light yellow deep sea liquid.

Gradually, his dim eyes gradually brightened.

"you say……"

Lu Yongchang said in a slightly deeper voice: "Why don't we directly insert the catheter into the lungs?"

"Just like a gastric tube, deep-sea fluid is directly injected into the lungs of hibernating mice, and then the exchange of deep-sea fluid is assisted by a catheter?"

Mao Zhengzhi's eyes suddenly lit up!

"That's right!" He stretched out his hand, slapped his thigh hard, and said with a slightly excited expression, "That makes sense! Since they can't inhale deep sea liquid after hibernation, can't we just pour it in directly?"

As he spoke, he stood up excitedly and walked to the experimental table.

The laboratory is rich in equipment, and it didn't take long for a small tube similar to a gastric tube to appear in front of Lu Yongchang's eyes.

Different from a simple stomach tube, considering that the lung tissue is relatively fragile and the organism has two left and right lungs, the end of the main duct of the "pulmonary duct" is divided into two slender ducts.

After the equipment was completed, new problems arose again.

Unlike the gastric tube, the insertion of the lung tube is obviously countless times more difficult.

For one thing, the airways in the lungs are intricate.

Lung tissue, on the other hand, is extremely fragile.

Therefore, it took the experimenters a lot of time just to insert the lung tube into the lungs of the hibernating mice.

After inserting the lung tube and connecting it to the machine, Mao Zhengzhi carefully placed the mouse that had entered deep hibernation into a glass container filled with deep-sea fluid.

After confirming that all operations were correct, Mao Zhengzhi breathed a sigh of relief and reached out to wipe the sweat on his forehead.

"Okay, there shouldn't be any problems now."

He said with a relaxed look: "Professor, this deep-sea fluid should be used together with hibernation!"

"Huh?" Lu Yongchang was stunned and asked subconsciously, "Why do you say that?"

Mao Zhengzhi smiled bitterly: "Professor Lu, you have never seen a white mouse put into deep sea liquid."

"Breathing liquid is against biological instinct, so the initial process of inhaling deep-sea liquid is extremely painful."

"Hibernation technology perfectly solves this problem."

I have to say that although this plan is a bit simple and crude, it does play a certain role.

Unlike the fate of the previous mouse, this one spent several days and nights in the pale yellow deep-sea liquid unharmed.

"It seems it was successful this time."

Even Lu Yongchang felt relieved when he looked at the stable vital signs data.

"Now, the question we need to consider is how to intubate quickly."

"It can't be that when it's applied to people, several doctors will be needed to intubate it, right?"

Hearing this question, Mao Zhengzhi showed a bit of embarrassment on his face.

That's right.

At present, the difficulty of intubation seems to be the only disadvantage of this plan.

"Is it okay to let Zero do the operation?"

Mao Zhengzhi subconsciously looked at the camera on the side.

The next moment, a holographic projection appeared.

Zero's image is still that of a gentle man in a suit.

"Academician Mao, at present, my computing power is not enough to support the intubation of billions of people at the same time."

"Besides, even if I were to perform the operation, the entire intubation process would take more than ten minutes."

Mao Zhengzhi nodded thoughtfully.

Intubation time of more than ten minutes is not a big problem.

After all, after entering deep hibernation, the oxygen carried in the human blood is enough to sustain consumption for several hours.

"It means that if the computing power allows, this operation can be realized?" As he said this, Mao Zhengzhi turned his attention to Lu Yongchang for help.

Lu Yongchang: "..."

Facing Mao Zhengzhi's eyes full of "clear words", he silently shook his head.

"The third-generation quantum computer technology is still in the development process, and I haven't heard any good news from Academician Mo recently."

"Hey..." Mao Zhengzhi sighed with disappointment.

Just as Lu Yongchang and Mao Zhengzhi were about to continue discussing the intubation plan, Zero's voice suddenly sounded.

"Professor, something happened to that little white mouse."

When the two hurried back to the laboratory, the white mouse had already been placed on the dissecting table by the researchers.

"What's going on?"

As soon as he entered the door, Mao Zhengzhi asked hurriedly.

"Academician Mao, the mice still died of hypoxia." A researcher said with a heavy expression.

"Lack of oxygen?"

"Is the lung tube useless?"

Facing Mao Zhengzhi's inquiry, the researcher just shook his head silently: "We are also checking the specific reasons. The data has just been uploaded to the server. It is estimated that it will take some time to get the analysis results."

Perhaps because of another failure, the atmosphere in the laboratory seemed particularly heavy.

Every researcher stood quietly, with his head lowered, waiting for Mao Zhengzhi's order.

Lv Yongchang, who sensed that the atmosphere was not right, did not speak, but walked slowly to the disemboweled mouse and examined it carefully.

Peculiar bleeding under the pulmonary serosa and epicardium.

Typical features of death by suffocation.

"Where is the pulmonary duct?" Lv Yongchang suddenly asked the researcher beside him.

"Ah?" Faced with Lv Yongchang's sudden question, the researcher was stunned, and then quickly pointed his finger, "It's probably in this area."

Lv Yongchang frowned slightly: "So short..."

"Professor Lv, there is no way, the lung tissue is too fragile, we can only lower the pulmonary duct to this extent."

Looking at the yellowish liquid remaining in the mouse's lungs, Lv Yongchang said in a deep voice: "Take a sample of the residual liquid in the lungs to check the oxygen content."

"Also, Zero, model the lung structure of the mouse."

Lv Yongchang's voice was like a shot of cardiotonic to the laboratory that was originally a little depressed. In just a few minutes, all the researchers returned to their posts and began the inspection work according to his instructions.

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