"Professor, the modeling is complete."

Zero's electronic synthesized sound sounded from the side, and at the same time, a blue holographic projection appeared in front of everyone.

The lung structure of the mouse is clearly shown on the projection.

"Zero, add the lung tube, the location is at these two places." As he spoke, Lu Yongchang stretched out his hand and made a virtual point in the air.

The next moment, two lung tubes appeared in the lung model.

"Simulating deep-sea fluid injection scenarios."

In the holographic projection, deep-sea fluid passes through the lung ducts and is slowly injected into the mouse's lungs, gradually filling the entire lungs.

"Stop!" The moment the mouse's lungs were filled with deep-sea fluid, Lu Yongchang suddenly said: "Zero, simulate the flow of deep-sea fluid near the alveoli in detail."

The picture in the holographic projection quietly enlarged, and the dense alveolar structure of the mouse's lungs appeared in front of him.

Looking at the state of the deep-sea liquid in it, Lu Yongchang murmured to himself: "Sure enough..."

"Brother Mao, look."

"Although the lung tubes are constantly injecting fresh deep-sea fluid, it can only replace the part of the fluid near the lung tubes. It cannot help circulate the deep-sea fluid in the alveoli."

Mao Zhengzhi walked quickly to Lu Yongchang and observed carefully.

"Professor Lu, the test results are out!" The researcher's voice came from the side, "The oxygen content of the deep-sea fluid near the alveoli is about 50% lower than the oxygen content of normal deep-sea fluid!"

The test results undoubtedly verified the zero simulation results.

Mao Zhengzhi's eyes dimmed for a moment: "It's a pity...the lung tube is of no use."

"It's not useless, at least it's in the right direction." Lu Yongchang smiled and patted Mao Zhengzhi on the shoulder, "It's just that we may have to redesign a lung tube."

"To be precise, we need to insert the lung tube deeper, preferably to reach the alveoli."

"Impossible!" Mao Zhengzhi shook his head repeatedly. "The structure of the lungs is too complex. The average diameter of adult alveoli is only 0.2 mm. Coupled with the complex terminal bronchioles, no catheter can be inserted into them. of!"

Lu Yongchang did not speak, but frowned and looked at the holographic projection in front of him, trying to find a solution.

After thinking for a long time without finding the answer, he could only sit back in his chair, pretending to rest and close his eyes.

In the fluorescent green system space, linear technology trees stand quietly in the void.

After Lu Yongchang took a deep breath, he focused on the slightly dim cursor.

A familiar feeling of dizziness came over.

At the same time, a "tip" appeared in his mind.

【Nanorobotics Technology】

After receiving the prompt, Lu Yongchang quickly separated his consciousness from the system space.

After opening his eyes, his first reaction was to raise his wrist to check the time.

It didn't take long, it only took about five minutes.

He breathed a sigh of relief, endured the waves of dizziness deep in his brain, stood up and said to Mao Zhengzhi standing aside.

"Brother Mao, I have an idea."

"Nanobots, do you understand them?"

Half a month later.

Inside the main laboratory.

On a clean and tidy experimental table lies a silver-white instrument.

"Zero, start the instrument and see the effect."

The moment he said these words, Lu Yongchang's eyes showed a bit of nervousness.

"Yes, Professor!"

The electronic synthesized sound sounded, and the indicator light on the silver-white instrument lit up.

At first, nothing seemed to change in the instrumentation.

But soon, a small white substance appeared above the instrument.

As time went by, there was more and more white material, and finally it "grew" into a tube of more than ten centimeters!

"Fifteen minutes." Lu Yongchang frowned slightly, "It's still a bit slow."

"Professor, this is only the first generation of technology, and there is still a lot of room for improvement." Zero reminded thoughtfully.

"That's true."

Lu Yongchang laughed loudly and reached out to pick up the silver-white instrument on the experimental table. After looking at it carefully, he said: "Zero, make a few finished products and let's try the effect."

Biology sub-laboratory.

Mao Zhengzhi stared blankly at the video in front of him that had been accelerated several times.

Lu Yongchang explained carefully with a smile on his face.

"A large number of nanorobots, under Zero's control, form a conduit that can be freely customized in shape."

"With zero control, this catheter can open holes anywhere in real time and perfectly conform to the organism's lung structure."

"In this way, we can accurately deliver deep-sea fluid to each alveoli of hibernating organisms."

As Lu Yongchang finished speaking, the accelerated video ended.

"Then...how to take it out?"

Perhaps he was shocked by the sci-fi scene in front of him, so Mao Zhengzhi asked a slightly stupid question in a daze.

Lu Yongchang chuckled: "Since these nanorobots can form conduits, they can naturally be decomposed and re-formed into the form of nanorobots."

"It's useless to talk more. Just try it and see the effect."

As he spoke, he took out a small silver-white instrument from his pocket and handed it to Mao Zhengzhi, who was dazed at the side: "Here, the nanorobots inside should be just enough for a white mouse to use."

A white mouse that had been injected with hibernation and fell into a state of suspended animation lay sprawled on the experimental table.

"What should I do?"

Mao Zhengzhi, holding the silver-white instrument, swallowed slightly and asked Lv Yongchang nervously: "Are there any preparations needed?"

Lv Yongchang laughed dumbly and pointed to the tip of the mouse's nose: "Just point it at the nose and put it there."

"Try to get closer. If you put it too far, the amount of nanorobots may not be enough."

The silver-white instrument was placed at the tip of the mouse's nose. Perhaps because of Lv Yongchang's reminder just now, Mao Zhengzhi pressed it tightly against the mouse's nose.

"Zero, start."

"Got it!"

The indicator light on the surface of the silver-white instrument lit up quietly.

Hundreds of millions of nanorobots swarmed out from the front opening, stacking up continuously to form a thin and long catheter.

Watching the white lung tube slowly penetrate the tip of the mouse's nose, Lv Yongchang explained softly.

"Considering that this is something used in the lungs, I specifically used a softer material."

"Coupled with the emergency procedures, even if the lung tube is pulled hard after it is formed, it will not cause too much damage."

Looking at the white lung tube, Mao Zhengzhi subconsciously rubbed his itchy nose tip and asked in a deep voice: "How long does this process take?"

"It takes about half an hour at present."

"After the technology is improved, it may be accelerated to about ten minutes."

"Of course, the ultimate goal is definitely to complete this series of operations in tens of seconds or seconds."

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