Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 168 Me? You can call me Zero

Time passes bit by bit.

The sound of the waves of the sea is getting weaker and weaker.

Looking at Hope, who had already fallen asleep in his seat, a doting smile appeared on the corner of the woman's mouth.

She parked her car at a charging station on the side of the road.

After charging the car, she returned to the car.

After locking the car door, the woman slowly closed her eyes.

The fatigue accumulated from driving for a long time made her fall asleep quickly.

She was awakened by the rapid sound of rain.

Looking at the huge raindrops on the windshield in front of her, her face suddenly turned pale.

It’s over!

Her last escape experience taught her a profound lesson.

Never travel on a rainy day!

As global temperatures rise, extreme weather becomes more common.

You never know if the rain in front of you will turn into a hurricane!

"Damn it!"

The woman cursed lightly and quickly fastened her seat belt: "Hope! Wake up! We should go!"

Hope, who was in the passenger seat, opened his eyes drowsily.

Hope suddenly sobered up when she saw raindrops on the windshield.

A flash of fear flashed deep in his eyes.

The scene that happened not long ago appeared in his mind again.

During the heavy rain, a man was hit by a telegraph pole blown down by strong winds. He then fell into more than ten centimeters of water and never responded to his family's calls...

"Hope! Fasten your seat belt!" A high-pitched shout came from the side, "The wind is not strong now, we have to go to the next city quickly!"

After coming back to his senses, Hope looked solemn and quickly fastened his seat belt.

"Charging pile..." Hope pointed out the window and reminded loudly.

The woman gritted her teeth, took a deep breath, turned around, opened the car door and rushed out.

A gust of wind brought heavy raindrops into the car.


The car door is closed.

Hope's heart also lifted.

After dozens of seconds, the car door opened again.

The moment he saw his mother, Hope breathed a sigh of relief.

"The wind is getting stronger!" The woman became more and more anxious. She quickly sat back in her chair and hurriedly started the car. "There is no shelter from the rain nearby. We have to find a house quickly!"

With that said, the woman stepped on the accelerator hard.


There was a harsh screeching sound from tires.

Immediately afterwards, a powerful recoil force pressed Hope hard onto the chair.

Half an hour later.

On the empty road.

A car with orange-yellow double-jumping lights was parked quietly on the side of the road.

The road is broken.

Several large trees blown down by the wind cut off the entire road.

In the car, the woman looked pale and her body was trembling slightly.

Perhaps because she had been soaked by the rain just now, there was an abnormal blush on her cheeks.


The woman gritted her back molars, tried her best to suppress her trembling teeth, and said softly, "The wind is getting stronger and stronger outside, and we can't stay in the car anymore."

Looking at the swaying trees outside the window, Hope's eyes were full of panic. He shrank back, holding the seat belt tightly with his little hands, and said with a hint of crying in his voice: "Then, where are we going?!"

"It's so windy outside, you'll die if you go out!!"

The woman said nothing and started the car again.

Her eyes turned to the big trees that had been blown down by the wind.

The next moment, the car swayed forward.


The front of the car hit a tree trunk.

There was a creaking sound, and the vehicle formed a perfect triangle with two opposite fallen trees.

The woman breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's get out of the car!" After turning on all the lights in the car, she said firmly to Hope, "We are hiding in this triangle area. Whether we can survive... depends on luck."

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, but the wind was slowly getting lighter.

Looking at his mother who fell into a coma next to him, Hope's eyes were full of horror.

"Mom, mom..." He pushed his mother tremblingly and called softly.

No response.

He followed his mother's example and put his hand on her forehead.

So hot!

He quickly withdrew his hand, and large drops of hot tears fell from his eyes.

what to do? !

He tried to drag his mother back into the car, but failed many times.

He was still a child after all, and he was so exhausted that he couldn't even stand firmly, let alone pick up an adult from the ground and carry him back to the car.

Seeing the blood on his mother's face getting lighter and lighter, Hope's heart gradually sank into the endless abyss.

Just when he was about to give up hope, an engine roar came from the side.

Hope suddenly raised her head and looked to the side.

Several faint blue flames came into view.

Above the flames is a huge creature with signal lights flashing all over it!

Xuannv No. 2?

Xuannv No. 2! !

He stood up suddenly from the ground and shouted loudly.

The hatch opens.

A silver-white robot walked out of it and walked steadily to the big tree.

"Signs of life detected, rescue initiated."

An electronic synthesized sound sounded.

The next second, the huge tree trunk was slowly moved away, revealing an opening for people to pass through.

Inside Xuannv No. 2.

As soon as he entered Xuannv No. 2, Hope was stunned.

Silver-white robots stood quietly on the spot.

"No... no one?"

He asked timidly.

"No, this Xuannv II is carrying only robots."

After putting the unconscious woman on the simple hospital bed, the robot turned around and spoke in an electronic synthesized voice.

"Then... who are you? Where is the driver?"

"Me? You can call me Zero. I am an artificial intelligence." As the electronic synthesized voice sounded, a holographic projection appeared in the air, "I remotely control this Xuannv II."

"Next, I will send you to the nearest city, where you will be properly settled."

Hope's eyes were full of confusion, and he nodded as if he understood.

The next moment, he seemed to remember something, and suddenly bowed to the robot: "Thank you!"

"If it weren't for you, maybe we would all..."

Zero in the holographic image shook his head, silently hiding his image, and replaced it with the appearance of Lu Yongchang.

"Don't thank me, you should thank my creator."

"Your creator..." Hope looked at the familiar face in front of him and suddenly widened his eyes, "I recognize him! He is, he is..."

"Professor Lu Yongchang."

Zero reminded softly.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Hope tapped his head lightly, and his eyes flashed with light as he looked at the holographic projection, "I want to be like Professor Lu in the future!"

"Okay, after hibernation is over, you can choose your life." Zero said softly, "In ten minutes, Professor Lu will speak to all human beings on the earth, do you want to listen?"


Hope nodded vigorously.

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