As Hope's voice fell, the holographic projection inside Xuannv 2 changed rapidly.

A countdown appeared in the sky.



Young Hope looked at the numbers jumping in the air, with a flash of excitement and anticipation in his eyes.

I wonder what Professor Lu will say later?

within a certain meeting point.

It was crowded.

The bright lights couldn't hide the gloomy atmosphere in the air.

Everyone's expression seems to be carved out of the same mold.

Silent, negative, face ashen...

Slight sobs came from all corners, mixing together to form a noisy base.

The depressing environment created a negative feedback, making everyone feel a little heavier again.

The person in charge frowned as he looked at the scene in front of him.

He sighed softly, turned to the staff around him and said, "This can't go on like this!"

"What's the difference between a person who has no hope and a walking dead?"

The staff member nodded silently, and he was also affected by the depressing atmosphere.

Even though he knew that such an atmosphere was very unfavorable to his escape plan, what could he do?

Everyone present has more or less experienced life and death.

Who can feel better when watching their relatives and friends die in front of them?

The person in charge who received no response sighed again: "I heard that Professor Lu is going to speak later, but I don't know what happened to the escape plan."

"I hope it's good news..."

The staff looked numbly at the people in front of them.

Good news? Hope so.

The bright lights at the assembly point dimmed quietly.

The sudden change caused everyone to stop moving, and many people even had a bit of panic in their eyes.

The next moment, the lights on the large holographic projection equipment installed around the assembly point a few days ago came on.

The light of the holographic projection lit up over the assembly point, and a countdown followed.

There was a commotion in the crowd.

The person in charge's eyes moved slightly, and he quickly picked up the phone and explained.

Upon hearing that Professor Lu was speaking, the original commotion gradually subsided, and many people had a look of anticipation in their eyes.

Inside Xuannv No. 2.

Time passes minute by minute.

When the countdown turned to 00:00, Hope held her breath!

Like Hope, at this moment, countless people around the world are holding their breath!

Everyone's eyes are turned to the screen or holographic projection in front of them!

"Hello fellow humans."

A calm, gentle male voice sounded: "I am the chief scientist of the People's Federation, Lu Yongchang."

As the sound sounded, the picture in the holographic projection gradually became clearer.

Lu Yongchang, wearing a Chinese tunic suit, sat quietly behind a desk covered with draft paper.

Hope opened her eyes wide and looked at the desk.

The draft paper was densely filled with complex symbols and calculations.

After just one glance, Hope looked away dizzily and looked at Lu Yongchang sitting behind the desk again.

The dark circles around his eyes and the peeling lips all showed the tremendous pressure on him.

"Ever since the sun began to accelerate its changes, humankind's living environment has continued to deteriorate..."

Lu Yongchang's voice continued to sound, and as he spoke, the scene quietly changed, and the disasters that had occurred in the past few months began to play back bit by bit.

Forest fires, tsunamis, hurricanes...

Looking at the picture on the holographic projection, Hope's face turned slightly pale.


Lu Yongchang changed the subject and raised his voice a little higher: "Humanity has not surrendered!"

"During this period, in order to survive, we completed countless projects that were unimaginable before!"

The holographic projection screen changes again.

Xuannv-2 took off one after another from the ground, carrying a large amount of supplies to an altitude of 91,000 kilometers.

A long cable slowly hangs from the sky. With the endless work of countless robots and mechanical arms, a "ladder" to the sky gradually takes shape.

"[Tower of Babel], this is mankind's first space elevator."

"[Jianmu], as of now, most of the construction work has been completed, and it is expected to be officially put into use in half a month."

The camera cuts again.

In space, a huge silver-white "disk" appeared at the end of the space elevator.

On the disk, there are also billions of robots and mechanical arms.

"As you can see, the space port has begun to take shape. Next, the Luanniao Project will also be launched simultaneously."

"Thanks to these projects, we can send some of humanity off Earth."

meeting point.

Everyone silently looked up at the holographic image in the sky.

The spectacular and grand construction scene in the picture brought some changes to these numb faces.

"At this moment, we are suffering unimaginable difficulties and setbacks."

"In the past few months, according to incomplete statistics, the global death toll has reached more than one billion."

"Among them, there are old people who voluntarily quit their escape plans, and there are children who bear the hope of mankind..."

"But I still have a dream."

"I dream that we can escape from this disaster. I dream that we can find a planet suitable for survival. I dream that humans in the future will no longer be constrained by external things!"

Lu Yongchang stood up excitedly, waved his right hand and shouted loudly.

"Come on! Fellow compatriots!"

"Human civilization will never surrender!"

Lv Yongchang's voice echoed around the world: "Imagine that when hibernation ends, we have arrived at a planet suitable for survival, where we can..."

The originally numb face gradually showed some vitality.

Everyone's eyes once again showed some hope.


I don't know where a cheer suddenly came from.

Afterwards, shouts came one after another, gradually converging into an extremely loud voice.


The moment Lv Yongchang's voice sounded again, the originally noisy gathering point quickly quieted down.

Everyone looked eagerly at the holographic image in the air.

Lv Yongchang in the picture showed some fatigue in his eyes, slowly raised his hand, and saluted the camera.

"May the glory of mankind last forever!"

At this moment, everyone let go of their obsession with the country!

Everyone whispered the same sentence!

"Humanity, glory forever..."

"Humanity, glory forever."

Inside Xuannv II, Hope's eyes flickered with a little light, and he muttered to himself.

In his young heart, an extremely strong emotion suddenly rose!

"Hope, we're here."

Zero's voice came.

Hope was stunned for a moment and turned his head to look.

At some point, Xuannv II quietly landed in the nearest city.

The hatch was already open, and outside the door were several excited soldiers and a tarmac as bright as day.

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