
Bai Yixuan's eyes showed some doubts, and he looked down at his body subconsciously: "Professor? What does this mean?"

Lv Yongchang smiled and explained the nanorobots.

Bai Yixuan was silent for a moment.

"As the captain, this is what I should do."


Proxima b, Proxima b.

Incubation center.

A thin Proxima Centauri man struggled to swing his slightly weak lower limbs and returned to a small room.

That was the "collective dormitory" for the Marus working in the incubation center.


The door was closed, and under the dim light inside, he slightly opened his breathing hole and exhaled a breath of turbid air.

"No. 12."

A listless voice came from the side: "Why did you come back so late today?"

Hearing his code name, he turned his head and looked in the direction of the voice.

An equally thin Proxima Centauri man was lying on the dirty bed, looking at him indifferently.

That was No. 2.

The oldest one among their batch of Marus.

"No. 12?" No. 2 Marus urged.

"I, I have more tasks today, so..." he explained softly.

Hearing this, layers of fine wrinkles suddenly appeared on the top of No. 2 Marus's thinking organ: "The task has become heavier again?"

"Huh!" A heavy exhalation came from the other side, "Yes, the tasks of the incubation center have become heavier day by day recently, and I don't know what's going on."

He turned his head and took a look.

That was No. 7.

As the voices of the three people talked, one by one, the figures hidden in the darkness gradually emerged.

There were a total of 11 Marus, all squeezed in this small and dim room.

As the last of the 11, No. 12 Marus did not speak, but quietly retreated to his bed.

But obviously, his wish to hide himself was not realized.

"Hey, No. 12, you came back the latest today, did you hear what the adults said?" No. 7 asked him in a low voice.

The moment he heard this, he felt his thinking organ tremble violently!

Involuntarily, he recalled the conversation he heard in the incubation center.

"No, no!" he said in a quick and shrill voice.

No. 7 was startled by his words, and then said in a dissatisfied tone: "No, no, why are you so excited..."

He didn't say anything, but shrank back towards his bed again: "I, I'm a little tired, I'll rest first."

The other 10 Marus ignored him and started chatting again.

"By the way, do you remember that Atoka?"

"Atoka? The Atoka who was executed a few years ago?"

"Well, why mention that unlucky guy? Didn't they say that he made a huge mistake in his work? I heard that it had a great impact on our detectors, and he deserved to die!"

"Shh, keep your voice down! I recently heard another story..."

"Hmm? Tell me about it!"

"I heard that Atoka liked to use an astronomical telescope to observe the stars. When he observed the main star, he found something. After reporting it, a Lyle took away his observation results!"

"How is this possible?! How could Lyle take Atoka's things?! He should make up a decent story!"

Lying on the bed, No. 12 Marus listened to the discussion of the crowd silently.

When he heard the word "main star", his thinking organ involuntarily recalled the conversation he overheard.

‘The main star is about to go out...’

‘We need to build a large number of starships, they are the best labor force...’

“Hey! No. 12!” A shout interrupted his thoughts, “What do you think about that Atoka?”

It was still No. 7 Marus who was asking him questions.

His three pairs of narrow visual organs trembled slightly: “I, I think, there is this possibility.”

“I, I heard a conversation today.” Before everyone could speak, he continued, “It was said by a Lord Rex.”

There was silence in the small room.

The other 10 Marus widened their visual organs and looked at him.

“No. 12, don’t keep us in suspense, just say what you have to say!” No. 2 Marus said with some dissatisfaction, seeming to be a little impatient.

He glanced at the people in front of him, opened his breathing hole, took a deep breath and explained.

There was a dead silence.

A few minutes of dead silence.

In the whole room, only the breathing sounds of the 11 Marus were left.

After a long time, No. 7's low voice sounded: "No. 12, you mean... Lord Rex said that our main star is about to go out?"

"And, they are going to build a starship to escape?"

Faced with doubts, No. 12 Marus's limbs trembled slightly, and he said in an extremely weak voice: "This, this is all I heard."

"And I just heard you say that the executed Atoka found something on the main star. Could it be..."

He stopped talking in time.

There was another dead silence.

Although no sound was heard, he could feel from the gradually changing atmosphere around him that everyone present believed his words.


A dull slapping sound came from No. 2 Marus.

"How could this happen?!"

"We, we are abandoned just like that?!"

He lowered his thinking organ and looked at the ground silently.

"I'm afraid it's not just us." No. 7's low voice sounded again, "According to No. 12, they should have abandoned most of the Proxima people, not just us Marus."

"Then, what should we do?"

"Just wait to die? No, I don't want to die!"

"What else can we do except wait to die? We are just Marus! Look at your arm, it's only half the thickness of a normal Proxima person, we are just a group of low-level creatures!"


A chaotic noise sounded instantly.

"Okay! Be quiet!" No. 2 Marus narrowed his narrow visual organ and shouted in a low voice!

The room returned to silence again.

"No. 12, I ask you, are you sure these things are true?"

Faced with No. 2 Marus's inquiry, his three pairs of visual organs revealed some uneasiness and panic.

"Yes, it's true..."

No. 2 Marus didn't speak, but just closed his visual organ silently.

For a long time.

"Perhaps, there is a way to gain a chance of survival..." No. 2 Marus muttered to himself.

The impatient No. 7 quickly turned around and asked, "What method?!"

"If we spread this news, what do you think will happen?"

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