Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 204 Do you want to start the wake-up procedure?


More than two months after the Gale Crater bacterial crisis.

The medical cabin project led by Academician Mao Zhengzhi was finally announced to be completed.

In the biological sub-laboratory in Mars City No. 2, Mao Zhengzhi waved his hands excitedly at Lv Yongchang in front of him.

"Professor, after our experiments, this medical cabin can solve more than 90% of human diseases!"

"Except for those diseases caused by specific gene defects, it can solve almost all bacteria, virus infections, and organ lesions and cancers very well!"

"According to estimates, after the large-scale promotion of medical cabins, the average life expectancy of humans will achieve a qualitative leap!"

Lv Yongchang turned his head to look at the streamlined medical cabin next to him, with a bit of surprise and satisfaction in his eyes: "How old is the expected average life expectancy?"

"Conservatively estimated, 90 years old!" Mao Zhengzhi said firmly, "If you add regular full-body examinations, the average life expectancy may be increased to more than 95 years old."

Lv Yongchang's expression was slightly stern, this is the average life expectancy!

Don't underestimate the gap of 20 years.

Twenty years is the time it takes for most humans to master basic scientific knowledge.

This means that humans will have more time to pass on and learn knowledge.

"Zero, notify Mo Zeyang and ask him to bring Mr. Lin here." Lv Yongchang's eyes moved and he whispered, "It's time for Mr. Lin to wake up."


More than ten minutes later.

"Professor Lu!"

The door of the biological sub-laboratory was pushed open, and Mo Zeyang's voice with a bit of expectation in his excitement came from afar: "Professor! I brought Mr. Lin here!"

Lv Yongchang and Mao Zhengzhi turned their heads to look at the door at the same time.

I saw several mechanical arms carrying an old-fashioned hibernation capsule into the biological sub-laboratory.

As for Mo Zeyang, he stood behind the old-fashioned hibernation capsule with an excited look on his face, and stretched out his hand to greet Lv Yongchang.

Seeing the bright smile on Mo Zeyang's face, Lv Yongchang also showed a faint smile on his face.

When the old-fashioned hibernation capsule passed through the door, Mo Zeyang hurriedly trotted all the way to Lv Yongchang's side.

He first glanced at the streamlined hibernation chamber next to him, then turned his head to look at the old-fashioned hibernation chamber that looked like a coffin, and the smile on his face was gradually replaced by worry.

"Professor, can Mr. Lin... wake up?"

Mo Zeyang asked softly.

Faced with Mo Zeyang's question, Lu Yongchang slowly shook his head.

"I don't know."

"At present, medical nanorobots can only remove lesions inside the human body. If..."

Lu Yongchang stopped talking and did not continue.

Mo Zeyang fell into silence.

He understood what Lu Yongchang meant.

It's very simple. If Mr. Lin's body has reached the point of exhaustion, even if all the cancer cells in his body are removed by nanorobots, Mr. Lin still can't hold on for long.

The scenes before Mr. Lin hibernated kept flashing in his mind. Mo Zeyang's eyes were slightly red. He took a deep breath and whispered, "Professor, let's try it first."

Lv Yongchang naturally noticed Mo Zeyang's mood. He raised his hand, patted his shoulder gently, and said again after a moment of silence.

"Don't worry, we will try our best to wake Mr. Lin up."

"We, or humans, will never let down such a hero!"

As he said, Lu Yongchang winked at Mao Zhengzhi on the side: "Brother Mao, let's start."


After all the deep-sea fluid was discharged, the hatch of the old hibernation chamber slowly opened, revealing the pale-faced Lin Hongsheng.

The body that had been eroded by lung cancer for a long time looked particularly thin.

Because he had not been injected with anti-hibernation hormone, Lin Hongsheng was still in hibernation at this time.

Mao Zhengzhi sighed deeply, stretched out his hand to roll up his sleeves, and picked up Lin Hongsheng, who was covered with light yellow deep-sea fluid, without any disgust.

The moment he picked up the old man, Mao Zhengzhi's heart skipped a beat.


So light!

In his feeling, it seemed that only a skeleton was left of Mr. Lin.

His eyes turned red, and he quickly turned around and put the old man into the open medical cabin.

"Zero, you will control the nanorobots." Lv Yongchang's voice sounded, "Mr. Lin is too weak now, try to reduce unnecessary damage."

Zero's holographic image appeared around everyone.

He nodded gently: "Got it, professor."

The door of the medical cabin slowly closed.

Under Zero's control, a needle was slowly and firmly inserted into the old man's arm vein.

Then, the silver-white nanorobots swarmed into the old man's body through the needle.

A weak and thin human body structure diagram emerged in the holographic image above the medical cabin.

The silver-white medical nanorobots gradually dispersed to every corner of the human body through the blood vessels.

There was silence in the laboratory, and everyone watched the picture silently.

More than ten minutes later.

"Professor, the full body check is complete." Ling's voice broke the silence of the laboratory.

"How is it?!" Before Lv Yongchang could speak, Mo Zeyang on the side couldn't wait to ask.

Ling's simulated image glanced at Mo Zeyang and shook his head slowly: "Academician Mo, the situation is not optimistic."

"..." Mo Zeyang looked sluggish, his mouth opened slightly, but he couldn't say a word.

"What's going on?" Lv Yongchang's gentle voice sounded, asking the question for Mo Zeyang, "What is the probability of successful treatment?"

"Professor, Academician Lin's lung cancer has reached the advanced stage, and the cancer cells have spread throughout the body." Ling explained softly, "Medical nanorobots can accurately remove these cancer cells, but..."

"Mr. Lin is in poor health, and I cannot guarantee that he will wake up from hibernation after removing the cancer cells."

Lv Yongchang and everyone present fell into silence.

After a long time, Lu Yongchang said in a dry voice: "Ling, remove the cancer cells first."


"The removal process is long, and it is expected to take 4-5 hours."



In the biological sub-laboratory, Mo Zeyang sighed continuously.

"Don't worry too much." Lu Yongchang patted Mo Zeyang's shoulder reluctantly, "Everything is not over yet."

"Maybe, Mr. Lin has a strong willpower and survived?"

Mo Zeyang smiled bitterly, shook his head and said nothing.

Others don't know, how can he not know Mr. Lin's condition?

The last bit of time basically overdrew all of Mr. Lin's vitality.

In this case, unless a miracle happens, otherwise...


"The cancer cells have been completely removed. Do you want to start the awakening procedure?"

A holographic image appeared in front of the two, and Zero's voice sounded.

Lv Yongchang turned his head to look at Mo Zeyang and sighed slightly: "How about not awakening it yet and wait until there is better technology later?"

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