Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 209 Chairman of the Council: I'll take you out to relax

The picture described by Tao Yuda appeared in the minds of academicians and professors.

The light in Lu Yongchang's eyes became brighter and brighter.

"...Professor, I'm done." Feeling the strange atmosphere in the conference room, Tao Yuda swallowed slightly and whispered.

There was a brief silence in the conference room.

Just when Tao Yuda was feeling uneasy, a slight burst of applause sounded.

Tao Yuda looked in the direction of the applause in surprise.

It's Professor Lu.

I saw a slight smile on Lu Yongchang's face, and his eyes were full of appreciation.

"Not bad, not bad."

"It is indeed a completely new direction. Although I don't know if it is feasible, I am encouraged to have this idea!"

As Lu Yongchang finished speaking, the other solemn-looking academicians and professors in the conference room also cast friendly glances at him.

The nervous look in Tao Yuda's eyes gradually relaxed, and there was also a little excitement in his eyes.

Lu Yongchang turned around and scanned the crowd. After pondering for a moment, he said again: "I will verify the direction of nanorobot mining. As for you... continue to try the traditional method. Of course, try to overcome the difficulties mentioned above as much as possible."


"Happy New Year's Eve, professor."

In Mars City No. 1, in Lu Yongchang's office, the holographic image lit up, and Zero's virtual image appeared in front of him.

After hearing Ling's question, Lu Yongchang raised his head from the pile of documents in front of him and blinked his slightly confused eyes.

"Lunar New Year's eve……"

After reacting, a bit of loneliness and anxiety flashed in his eyes.

"Has another year passed so quickly?" Lu Yongchang murmured to himself, "There are only less than nine years left for mankind..."

Nine years, this is still an optimistic statement.

In real terms, there are only about six years left that humans can use.

The reason is simple.

According to model calculations, the sun will erupt in a helium flash in 2045.

At the moment when a helium flash occurs, humans must flee far enough to escape the disaster.

According to calculations, the Kuiper Belt, located outside the orbit of Neptune, is a safe area.

Therefore, the destination of the 380 Luan I starships carrying 3.8 billion humans is the cold Kuiper Belt!

As a result, including the time for stockpiling supplies and interstellar navigation, the time left for mankind to develop technology and build interstellar spacecraft is only the last six years!

"Six years..." Lu Yongchang murmured to himself, with a hint of sadness flashing through his eyes again.

"Professor, there is good news." Ling seemed to be aware of Lu Yongchang's bad mood, and quickly said: "There is news from the escape fleet."

"None of the 380 Luan Type I starships malfunctioned, and all personnel arrived in the Kuiper Belt."

"Now, these 380 starships have entered standby mode and can be awakened again at any time!"

Lu Yongchang couldn't help but feel refreshed!


This is the best news he has heard since coming to Mars!

"Zero, tell the chairman of the assembly this news. The New Year is here, so that he can be happy too!" Lu Yongchang's face showed a bit of joy.

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his hand to interrupt Zero's movements: "Wait! Forget it, I'll go to the Council Chairman myself!"

The door of the Speaker's office.

Lu Yongchang was about to raise his hand to knock on the door, but saw the door quietly opened.

In the office, the old man looked at him with a smile and nodded gently: "Yongchang, come in."

"Zero said, do you have good news to tell me?"

Lu Yongchang was stunned for a moment, then lightly glared at the holographic image on the side.

"Hahahaha!" Seemingly seeing Lu Yongchang's little movements, the old man clapped his hands and laughed.

"Yongchang, is there a breakthrough in mining nanorobot technology?"

Hearing this question, the corners of Lu Yongchang's mouth twitched, and the expression on his face suddenly dimmed.

Seeing Lu Yongchang's expression change instantly, the old man sighed slightly.

"Not successful yet?" he asked softly.

"Hey..." Lu Yongchang sighed deeply and shook his head slowly, with a bit of confusion in his eyes, "There is a difficulty that I can't break through."

"It feels like I'm stuck in a dead end."

The old man was silent for a while.

Then, he stretched out his hand on the desk in front of him and said, "Let's go!"

"Go?" Lu Yongchang looked at the old man blankly, "Where are you going?"

"Go outside." The old man's eyes became softer. "Since arriving on Mars, I haven't seen you leave the laboratory or office."

"Scientific research is not done behind closed doors. You have to go out to change your mood occasionally, right?"

As he spoke, the old man stretched out his dry but extremely warm palm, grabbed Lu Yongchang's arm, and pulled him towards the door without any explanation.

Faced with the "stubborn" actions of the chairman of the parliament, Lu Yongchang had no choice but to smile bitterly, relax, and walk slowly behind the old man.

Mars City Port 1.

Lu Yongchang couldn't help but froze in place as he looked at the Congressman who expertly put on his space suit.

"President, you..."

The old man's face was full of smiles.

"What? Surprised?"

"Although this Mars city is big, compared with the Earth, you can't see the sky and it's too depressing." The old man's eyes showed a bit of nostalgia, "Therefore, in more than a year, these scientific researchers came up with the idea A way to relieve stress and relax.”

Then the old man pointed to the hatch: "Although Mars is not as good as the Earth, at least you can see the scenery, especially in recent times."

Lv Yongchang's eyes showed some doubts.

"Scenery? Recently?"

"What beautiful scenery can there be on Mars..."

The old man ignored Lv Yongchang's words and just pointed to the space suit beside him.

"Here, put it on first."

Looking at the persistent expression on the face of the chairman of the parliament, Lv Yongchang had to swallow the words of resistance in his mouth and reluctantly reached out to grab the space suit beside him.

More than ten minutes later.

Looking at the fully armed Lv Yongchang, behind the mask, the old man showed a satisfied smile on his face.

"Let's go, I'll take you out to relax!" The old man skillfully operated the radio in the space suit and spoke to Lv Yongchang using the team radio.

Then, he pressed a button on the side.


"The pressure has been balanced."

As the prompt sounded, the green indicator light indicating safety lit up on the hatch of the airlock.

The old man refused Lv Yongchang's help and turned the last hatch of the airlock with great effort.

"No need for help!"

"I told you, I'm taking you out to relax." The old man said cheerfully while turning the hatch, "Just enjoy it."

Looking at the old man's slightly thin back, Lv Yongchang couldn't help but fall into silence.

The hatch opened quietly.

A stream of red Mars dust blew into the airlock with the breeze, gently hitting the masks of the two people.

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