At this time, the sun had just set and the night of Mars had already arrived.

But outside the city of Mars, the lights were bright.

Rows of high-power street lamps illuminated this barren land as if it were daytime.

Lv Yongchang looked up.

At the end of his sight, there was still a deep darkness.

When he saw the picture of street lamps and red dust, Lv Yongchang couldn't help holding his breath.

"How is it?" The elderly voice of the councillor came from the radio, "I didn't lie to you?"

"This place has long been recognized as a relaxation area. I guess only you, the chief scientist, don't know."

Lv Yongchang turned his head and glanced around, slowly exhaling a breath of turbid air.

Perhaps because he had stayed in the city of Mars for too long, when he suddenly saw this vast world, Lv Yongchang felt that his whole body suddenly relaxed.

The heavy feeling that had been pressing on his heart also faded a lot.

He felt that his stiff brain began to move slowly.

That's enough.

Is it time to go back?

He turned his head and looked at the old man wrapped in a space suit, his lips moved slightly.

Before he could speak, the chairman had reached out and grabbed his arm tightly: "Follow me."

"I want to show you more than just this wild scene."

After saying that, the old man dragged Lv Yongchang towards the hill beside him.

It was a small meteorite crater.

Walking on the sloping earth slope, Lv Yongchang's eyes showed some doubts.

"Chairman?" Lv Yongchang asked tentatively in a low voice.


No response.

There were only some slight breathing sounds and electric current sounds on the radio.

Obviously, the chairman was not going to explain anything to him at this time.

Lv Yongchang, who was following behind the old man, had a bitter smile on his face, and he didn't know what the chairman was going to take him to see.

He put aside his doubts and followed the old man silently, thinking about the problem that had troubled him for a long time in his mind.


"We're here."

The old man's voice came from the radio again.

Lv Yongchang, who had been thinking silently with his head down, suddenly raised his head.

His eyes suddenly widened.

The water was sparkling.

A small lake appeared in front of him.

On the lake, there were twinkling stars and the lights of Mars City.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lv Yongchang's eyes flashed a little trance.

If it weren't for the red soil around him reminding him all the time, he would even think that he had traveled back to the old earth again.

"This lake slowly appeared more than a month ago." The old man's voice sounded again.

"At first, the soil was just a little wet, and we didn't care much."

"But who knew that as time went on, it slowly accumulated into a small lake."

"...Is the underground ice layer starting to melt?" Lv Yongchang was silent for a while and asked softly.

The old man nodded silently.

"After the sun began to become a red giant, the surface temperature of Mars continued to rise."

"The underground ice in this crater also began to melt gradually, and finally formed this lake."

"That's what the researchers told me." The old man shrugged and added, "I don't know about this either. I just know that this is a good tourist attraction."

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Lv Yongchang's mouth.

Then, he thought of a question.

"Have they tested the biological conditions?"

"Will there be any harm?"

The old man waved his hand and said with a smile: "Don't worry, they have all been tested."

"Since the Gale bacteria incident, the disinfection measures in Mars City have been strengthened a lot. With the medical nanorobots, these microorganisms will not be brought back under normal circumstances."

"Not to mention, Zero is always monitoring this area."

Hearing this, Lv Yongchang breathed a sigh of relief and looked up at the lake again.

Suddenly, his eyes moved slightly.

He seemed to see something by the lake.

"Chairman?" Lv Yongchang frowned slightly and pointed to a shadow in the distance, "Do you see that?"

The old man's laughter came from the team's radio.

Lv Yongchang frowned even deeper.

Did he see it wrong?

Just as he was struggling, the old man's voice sounded again: "You finally found it!"

Lv Yongchang's eyes were more suspicious.

The old man did not give an answer, but walked towards the small lake silently.

Lv Yongchang, who was afraid of accidents, hurriedly stepped forward to catch up with the old man.

As the distance got closer, Lv Yongchang gradually discovered the true face of the circular shadow.

A plant.

No, to be precise, it should be a fungus.

Just like mushrooms on Earth, but larger in size.

The purple-red cap with a diameter of more than one meter lay quietly on the ground.

"Is this the fungus we found before?" Lv Yongchang walked quickly to the fungus, turned his head and asked the old man, "Is it revived?"

The old man smiled and nodded gently: "Yes, it is the fungus that provides hibernation hormone."

"Life will always look for a ray of hope when facing despair."

Lv Yongchang's eyes were full of amazement.

The miracle of life was completely revealed in front of him at this moment.

Even after countless billions of years of changes, the life underground on Mars still survives in an extremely tenacious way.

"In the past month, traces of these fungi have been found in many places near the equator of Mars." The old man walked to Lv Yongchang and gently touched the purple-red mushroom cap. "According to Zero's calculation, the underground ice layer and the ice caps at the poles of Mars will gradually melt in the next year."

"In the next few years, Mars will even become the second Earth."

"What a pity." Lv Yongchang stood up and said after a long breath, "The good times will not last long."

"When the helium flash breaks out, these lives that have finally waited for a second spring will still fall into despair."

"Yes, it's a pity." The old man nodded with emotion.

Then, the old man put his hand on Lv Yongchang's shoulder and patted him twice: "Don't put too much pressure on yourself, you have done well enough."

Lv Yongchang nodded silently, looking deeply at the purple-red fungus in front of him.

At this moment, his thoughts, which had been silent for a long time, gradually became active.

At the same time, the expression on his face gradually became active.

"What? Do you have an idea?"

The old man's voice was full of laughter.

Lv Yongchang nodded vigorously and cast a grateful look at the old man.

"Okay!" The old man laughed and turned to walk back the way he came.

"Since we have an idea, we should go back."

"Yongchang, remember, don't push yourself too hard."

"You have done well enough. Even if humans can only go this far, I believe no one will resent you."

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