
Zhao Zijie and Gao Yang sat quietly in the Luanniao starship.

Outside the porthole, there was peace.

The sun shone on the ocean of Titan, and the tiny waves reflected the starry light.

In the distance, several Xuannv starships kept flying at low altitude, trying to lure more jellyfish with the plasma tail flame.

This was the last time they were on duty, and it was also the last few days that humans spent on Titan.

In the past two years, the orbiting [Taotie] went back and forth between Mars and Titan several times, successfully transporting a large amount of hydrocarbons and organic matter.

And a few days ago, Mars sent a long-distance communication to Zhao Zijie and his team.

The Heavenly Court Plan has been successfully completed as planned, and all humans in Mars City have begun to board.

This means that humans have completed all starship manufacturing projects and material reserve plans.

What they face next is a distant star journey of 4.22 light years!

"Calling Luanniao, this is area C3."

A familiar voice came from the radio communication device.

Zhao Zijie retracted his gaze from the porthole and calmly pressed the communication button.

"This is Luanniao, C3 please speak."

The communication device immediately responded.

"We have been circling for more than 5 days and have not found any signs of jellyfish activity."

"Request to return!"

Hearing this, Zhao Zijie was silent for a while.

"Allowed to return."

"C3, you can come back."

The communication was cut off.

Zhao Zijie stretched out his hand and gently swiped on the holographic image in front of him, and drew a big cross on the sea map marked with C3.

"Another area has been ruled out."

Looking at the holographic image in front of him, he whispered softly: "Only eight sea areas have not been checked."

Although the hunting plan can only be carried out at high tide at night, the continuous hunting for two years has completely exhausted the resources of the Kraken-Mare Sea - in recent months, the number of jellyfish they have hunted has been decreasing.

On one night on Titan, fifty Xuannv-2 ships worked for eight days, but only attracted a few hundred jellyfish.

This was an unimaginable scene before.

Therefore, five days ago, in the early morning hours on Titan, Lv Yongchang issued the last order.

After five consecutive days of searching, if no new signs of jellyfish are found, the hunting plan will be ended.

"Zijie, do you think there are still jellyfish in this sea?" Gao Yang's questioning voice came from the side.

Zhao Zijie shrugged and said helplessly: "How should I know?"

"No one can say for sure."

"Unless you drain the seawater from the Kraken-Mare Sea, you can get a definite answer."

"But there is one thing I can be sure of."

Speaking of this, Zhao Zijie sighed: "Even if some jellyfish survive, the population is too small, and they will inevitably go extinct."

"Unless they reproduce asexually."

Gao Yang's eyes were a little puzzled: "Are there no jellyfish in the other oceans on Titan?"

Zhao Zijie rolled his eyes at Gao Yang unhappily: "I really don't know how you passed those basic courses at that time..."

"For two whole years, didn't you notice that we have been hunting jellyfish around the Kraken-Mare Sea?"

Gao Yang laughed awkwardly, scratched the back of his head and said: "I did find it, but I didn't think much about it..."

Zhao Zijie became more and more speechless, he shook his head weakly, and explained patiently.

"According to previous test results, the Kraken-Mare Sea occupies 80% of the liquid on Titan."

"But the discovery of the inner sea has greatly increased this proportion."

"According to the evaluation results of Zero two years ago, the Kraken-Mare Sea occupies more than 95% of the liquid on Titan."

"Not to mention the depth and size of the other oceans on Titan, the inner sea and ice volcanoes alone are not structures that other water bodies on Titan can have."

As he spoke, several return requests lit up again in the holographic image.

Zhao Zijie silently reached out and forked off the corresponding sea areas.

When the last Xuannv II sent a return request, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's go."

He stood up from the captain's seat and stretched: "Our mission is completed."

"It's time to meet up with [Heaven]."


A [Taotie] Nebula-class material storage ship quietly stayed in orbit around Titan.

It was waiting for the remaining fifty or so starship pilots on Titan.

In the next period of time, those pilots will take it from Saturn to Jupiter.

At the same time, the human fleet [Heaven] will also go from Mars to Jupiter.

The two will meet in Jupiter's orbit.

And rely on Jupiter's huge size to avoid the huge solar storm caused by the fall of Venus in two months!

As for the outdated Luanniao starship?

Naturally, it was left on Titan as a proof that humans have been here.

This is also a helpless move.

Compared with the Nebula-class starship, the flying speed of Luanniao is too slow.


A few days later, at the edge of the Kraken-Mare Sea, the Hall thrusters at the bottom of fifty Xuannv II simultaneously sprayed out a series of blue flames.

Under its powerful thrust, these Xuannv IIs slowly took off.

Then, they turned around, drew a graceful arc, and flew towards the sky.

On the beach by the sea, there was a Luanniao starship that had been evacuated of all kinds of supplies.

Next to the starship, a huge jellyfish-killing device stands among the fine waves.

Under the dim sunlight, the two man-made objects seem to be telling the story of the crimes committed by humans in the past two years.

Time flies.

After two Titan days and nights, a group of pale yellow jellyfish suddenly appeared on the beach.

Unlike the original jellyfish, this group of jellyfish has significantly shrunk in size.

They stayed on the constantly undulating methane sea, with their heads facing the Luanbi starship and the killing device on the seashore, seeming to be staring at the two huge man-made objects.

Suddenly, one of the jellyfish swung its body and swam toward the seaside.

Its behavior apparently attracted the attention of the other jellyfish.

Amid a commotion, a group of jellyfish hesitantly followed the first jellyfish and swam toward the seaside together.

After several hours of "arduous trek", the group of jellyfish finally arrived at the killing device and the Luanbird starship.

Then, a surprising scene happened.

These dozens of jellyfish were actually arranged in a circle, "dancing" their round bodies on the beach!

It looks like a human sacrificial activity.

A few hours later, the group of jellyfish lined up neatly and moved towards the Kraken-Mare Sea again.

Contrary to everyone's knowledge, these new jellyfish actually have consciousness!

If Zhao Zijie saw this scene, he would definitely sigh!

‘It’s so scary to follow your words! ’

But unfortunately, with the departure of Xuannv No. 2, this scene will inevitably not be known to anyone.

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