Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 251: Falling Venus, Bunker Plan

Two months later.


In the huge orbit of Jupiter, dozens of [Rays] silently absorbed the helium-3 resources in Jupiter's atmosphere.

Although humans have begun the evacuation plan, they still have to stick to their posts until the last moment.

Even a tiny gram of helium-3 is extremely important to the human fleet that is about to sail far away.


The back of Jupiter.

The fleet composed of 1,251 Nebula-class starships silently adjusted their routes to keep themselves on the side of Jupiter that is facing away from the sun.

In the fleet, there is a starship that is particularly eye-catching.

Its extremely large size and its position in the center of the fleet all show its unique status.

That is the flagship of human civilization: [Earth].

The [Earth], which inherited the name of the previous generation of flagships, has a total length of 2,500 meters, which is 1,000 meters longer than the other starships.

As the saying goes, an inch longer, an inch stronger. As the flagship of human civilization, [Earth] naturally has unmatched performance from other Nebula-class starships.

In addition to having independent large-capacity material storage units and independent large laboratories, the Earth has thicker armor, a more powerful power system and a more powerful weapon system!

In addition, the Earth also stores a large number of biological gene samples.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if the human fleet encounters an accident, human civilization has a glimmer of hope for a comeback with the Earth.



The huge command center is filled with an atmosphere of anxiety and uneasiness.

Thousands of top scientists and starship pilots sit in their seats with nervous expressions.

Everyone's eyes are fixed on the huge holographic image in front of them.

In the holographic projection, real-time observation images of the sun and Venus are presented.

The observation screen is provided by the observation satellite in the orbit of Jupiter, so there is a delay of about 43 minutes from the real picture.

"Zero, how much time is left before the impact?"

Standing on the command platform, Lv Yongchang frowned and asked in a deep voice.

The huge holographic projection screen in front of him changed instantly.

A countdown appeared in front of everyone.


"Venus is expected to fall into the solar atmosphere in 48 minutes and 36 seconds." Zero's voice was flat.

"Only 48 minutes left?"

Lv Yongchang's face changed slightly, and after a moment of silence, he spoke again: "Everyone, check the status of each starship again."

"No mistakes are allowed in this bunker plan!"

Time passed by minute by minute, and the countdown returned to zero.

"Professor, Venus has already fallen."

Zero's flat voice sounded in the command center.

The next second, the countdown in the holographic screen was refreshed again.


This is the countdown that humans can observe the specific scene of Venus falling.


The countdown returned to zero again.

The holographic image screen changed slightly.

It was very similar to the scene of Mercury falling, but the whole scene was more grand and spectacular.

Under the deceleration effect of the solar atmosphere, Venus was unable to maintain its original orbit and fell directly into the interior of the sun.

At this time, Venus has lost all its atmosphere and has become a huge lava ball like Mercury in the past.

When it fell into the interior of the sun, a huge hole was "smashed" in the sun's corona!

The brightness of the impact area instantly increased, and at the same time, endless coronal matter was ejected into space!

The power of Venus's fall is obviously much greater than that of Mercury. The ejected coronal matter was even accelerated to escape velocity in a short period of time, flying straight away from the sun!

"The solar storm is expected to arrive at Jupiter in ten days." Zero's reminder sounded just right, "With Jupiter's magnetic field 14 times that of the earth, we can safely avoid this solar storm..."

Lv Yongchang didn't care about Zero's reminder, but just stared at the ejected coronal matter.

"Zero, don't worry about the solar storm for now."

Lv Yongchang's voice was a little nervous: "Calculate the trajectory of that group of coronal matter!"

In just a few seconds, Zero gave the answer.

"Professor, according to the simulation results, these coronal materials will be deflected under the gravity of Jupiter and eventually captured by Jupiter."

Lv Yongchang subconsciously held his breath: "How long will it take?"

Not only Lu Yongchang, every researcher present held their breath and quietly waited for Zero's answer.

"Calculation results show that the capture time is five years later."

A burst of exhalations sounded in the command hall.

"I'm scared to death..." Fang Xu reached out and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, "What happens five years later has nothing to do with us."

"Yeah!" Cao Liangcai's voice followed, "I guess we will all be outside the Kuiper belt by then, and what Jupiter is like has nothing to do with us."

"Academician Fang, you don't know, just now, I was sweating coldly on my back!"

Unlike the relaxed look of the people around him, Lu Yongchang's face was still solemn and serious.

"Zero, based on the situation of Venus falling into the sun, simulate the scene of the earth falling into the sun."

A few seconds later, a simulated scene of the earth falling into the sun appeared in the holographic projection in front.

Slightly different from Venus, the moment the Earth fell into the sun, a helium flash erupted at the same time.

But the same thing is that the Earth's fall into the sun also "smashed" out some coronal material.

"Zero, roughly estimate, if all these coronal materials are captured by Jupiter, how much will its mass increase?"

This time, Zero "thought" for several minutes.

"Professor, there are too many variables, and the calculation results will be quite different from the actual situation."

"It's okay, just tell me a range." Lu Yongchang waved his hand and said, "No need for precise data."

"Jupiter's mass will increase to between 5.11 and 23.17 times the current mass."

The moment Zero's voice sounded, there was silence in the Earth Command Center.

"Brown dwarf?"

Fang Xu's voice broke the silence of the command center.

"Yes, Academician Fang." Zero responded in an orderly manner.

"After the mass increase, the probability of Jupiter becoming a brown dwarf has reached 27.96%."

The so-called brown dwarf is equivalent to a star with incomplete development.

Its mass does not meet the minimum threshold to become a star, but it is much heavier than an ordinary gas giant planet.

Unlike stars, the mass of brown dwarfs is not enough to maintain the nuclear fusion of normal stars, but they can carry out deuterium fusion inside.

Therefore, the surface temperature of brown dwarfs will be much lower than that of stars, generally not exceeding 3000K.

"27.96%, this probability is not low..." Lv Yongchang muttered to himself.

ps. In addition, Saturn's magnetic field strength is slightly smaller than that of the Earth, and the magnetosphere only extends beyond the orbit of Titan.

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