There was silence in the communication device.

Obviously, this news was also a huge blow to Levi.

After a long silence, Levi's voice sounded again.

"Sir Augustus, I have a suggestion."

Wrinkles appeared on the top of Augustus's thinking organ, and he looked at the communication device in front of him with disdain: "You say."

He didn't believe that an ordinary Proxima Centauri with an ordinary background could make any useful suggestions on such a thing!

"I think we can make a large number of micro-detection equipment to conduct a carpet-style investigation of the surrounding area." Levi whispered, "Only the most basic detection function and communication function are needed."

Augustus was slightly stunned.

This is a good idea.

But then he shook his head and rejected his proposal in a low voice.

"It's a bit difficult."

"Our factory is already at full capacity, and it's hard to make room for so many disposable detection devices."

"What's more, even with the help of the central computer, it's difficult for our personnel to handle all the complicated information sent back by so many detectors."

As soon as the voice fell, a rapid and high-pitched alarm sounded.

"Enemy attack! Second enemy attack!!"

The observer's sharp shout sounded again.

Unlike the last time, this time they were well prepared.

At the moment the alarm sounded, the observer reached out and pressed the white button on the side.


A few minutes later.

The alarm was lifted.

Augustus looked at the observer on the side with a gloomy face: "How is the interception situation?"

The observer quickly tapped the buttons on the console in front of him.

After seeing the data, he responded somewhat helplessly: "The damage is more serious than last time."

"The damage to the affected area reached 15%."

"What's worse is that a projectile fell near our giant land-based laser cannon."

"The laser cannon is not seriously damaged, but it needs some time to repair."

Augus's face became uglier.

"How could this happen?"

In theory, they have enough time to react and intercept this time, and the damage should be greatly reduced!

The observer tapped the keyboard-like keys again and called up a data: "Unlike the last time, this attack lasted longer, and the density of projectiles has also decreased a lot, which has increased our interception pressure."

"The opponent should have adjusted their attack method."

"Our original preset program cannot cope with this attack mode well."

Augus' heart sank: "Is there a remedy?"

A Lyle shook his head: "It's difficult. It will take at least a month to change all the programs, and the defense equipment is basically equivalent to decoration during this period."

"Sir Augustus, why don't you consider my proposal again?" Levi's voice came from the communication device next to him.

"At present, this is the most suitable plan for us."

"We can't keep wasting time like this."

"This will consume a lot of our strategic material reserves. In comparison, the other side has only consumed a few shells."

Augus's face changed several times and he exhaled a long breath.

"Levi, tell me your idea in detail."


In the next month, Proxima b was attacked by electromagnetic cannons from different directions.

Most of the ring planet defense facilities in the orbit of Proxima b were destroyed.

Fortunately, the Proxima civilization has enough resources to replace the destroyed turrets in time, otherwise...

It is estimated that before the probe is completed, Proxima b has been saturated and plowed!

Of course, this approach is also a great burden for the human fleet.

From the beginning of the war to now, they have emptied the supplies of a whole ship of [Taotie]!

Thinking that only 99.6% of the war reserves were left, Lu Yongchang issued an order to continue the attack with tears in his eyes.

He wanted to see how long this Proxima civilization could last!

Not to mention the resources consumed by the constantly changing artillery positions in the orbit of Proxima b, even the increasingly harsh environment is enough to make the Proxima people suffer.

Although the genetic data sent by the Proxima civilization shows that they have extremely high resistance to radiation, as the saying goes, quantitative change leads to qualitative change!

After more than a month of intermittent bombardment, the micro "detector" mentioned by Levi was finally completed.

On this day, dozens of starships took off from the surface, pierced the dim sky, and flew directly into the orbit of Proxima b!

The disc-shaped starship with a diameter of more than 100 meters "scattered" hundreds of millions of micro detectors on the periphery of Proxima b.

Driven by the micro Hall propulsion device, these detectors will cover the area of ​​10AU near Proxima b within a week.

The next day.

Lv Yongchang was preparing to order the fleet to carry out long-range bombardment on Proxima b in the distance as usual.

Suddenly, a rapid alarm interrupted his action!

[Unknown signal source detected approaching! ]

When seeing the warning in the holographic projection, Lv Yongchang's face changed drastically!


Zero's holographic image appeared instantly, and at the same time, a huge holographic projection flashing red light unfolded!

"Professor, a large number of signal sources appeared in the direction of Proxima b. It is initially judged to be detectors. The number... 3672 have been found so far, update, 15803, update, 36709..."

The warning light flashed quickly, and the number of signal sources in the holographic projection was also rising rapidly.

Now, everyone in the command center changed their faces!


"Where did they get so many detectors?!"

Lv Yongchang pressed the fleet communication button in front of him: "Everyone, pay attention, enter deep sea mode immediately!"

"Remove silent state!"

"We have been discovered!!"

"All ships turn on active detection modules, start Hall thrusters, unlock all weapon modules, and prepare to respond to attacks!"


A few minutes later.

In the deep and dark universe, 501 extremely bright light spots suddenly lit up!

That was the Hall thrusters of the human fleet running at full power!

At the same time, all starships turned on their own active detection equipment!

At this moment, in the sight of the Proxima civilization, the human fleet was like a bright light, suddenly appearing in the dim cosmic background!

In the deep sea cabin.

The font in the holographic image became more and more bright red.

[Signal source distance: 10,000 kilometers! ]

[Signal source distance: 5,000 kilometers! ]

[Signal source contact alarm! 】

A series of bright red alarms flashed before everyone's eyes!

Lv Yongchang couldn't help holding his breath.

[Signal source found! 】

As the last message flashed, a 3D modeled image appeared in front of everyone.

Looking at the extremely crude 3D model of the micro-detector in front of him, Lv Yongchang's face instantly turned ugly!

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