Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 270: Counterattack! Fight back


A bad idea flashed through Lv Yongchang's mind.

Being in the deep-sea cabin, he could only give orders to Zero through the brain wave reader.

‘Zero, control the mechanical arm to capture a detector! ’

After receiving the order, Zero quickly controlled the Earth to approach the detector on the side.

When the two were close, a huge mechanical arm stretched out from the belly of the Earth and went straight to the tiny detector.

[Capture Success]

A prompt appeared in front of Lv Yongchang.

‘Zero, send it to the laboratory and disassemble it to see what the structure is inside. ’

Lv Yongchang issued a second order.

A few minutes later.

The holographic projection in front of Lv Yongchang changed quietly.

The internal structure of the detector gradually emerged.

Although the construction method was different and the shape of the parts was slightly different, he still recognized the various modules in the micro-detector.

A set of micro-Hall propulsion devices, a radio transceiver and an active detection device similar to radar.

Three main components were spliced ​​into the detector in front of him that was less than half a meter in size.

While Lv Yongchang was observing the structure, Zero also successfully completed the cracking work.

According to Zero's cracking, its internal radar-like device cannot identify the type of object, and the radio transceiver cannot transmit complex information.

Simply put, it is more like a beacon than a detector.

When a larger object appears nearby, it will send a simple signal to Proxima b.

As for judging whether the large object is an enemy ship, an asteroid or something else, it is completely beyond its ability!

After reading the test results given by Zero, and then connecting to the extremely large number of signal sources, Lv Yongchang's face became more and more ugly!

At that moment, he completely understood the opponent's tactics.

Proxima b.

In the Central Academy of Sciences.

Augustus paced back and forth in the observation room with a solemn face.

It has been a whole day since the micro-detector was sent out.

"How is it, is there any result?"

His voice was full of impatience.

An observer quickly shook his head: "Sir Augustus, the probe did not send back any useful data."

"At present, we have only found a few asteroids."

August's expression changed slightly, he exhaled a breath of hot air, and forced himself to suppress the uneasiness and irritability in his heart.

"Sir Augustus, be patient." Levi's voice sounded in the communication device beside him, "Give those probes some more time, they will help us find those invaders."

"What if they are not deceived?" Augustus said in a deep voice, "Levi, you also know how poor the quality of these probes is!"

At this point, Augustus paused slightly: "They can't even be called probes!"

Levi shrugged: "That's okay."

"When the probes complete the coverage work, they will still be exposed to us."

"As long as they move, our probes will send us a signal."

"What if it is an asteroid?" Augustus subconsciously raised his voice.

In the communication device, Levi's voice became more and more weird: "Is it an asteroid? We can know if we fire a shot?"

August fell silent.

After a long while, he exhaled a hot breath again: "I hope so!"

As soon as the voice fell, a piercing alarm sounded throughout the Central Academy of Sciences!

"Found it!"

The observer shouted excitedly: "The other side has turned on active detection!"

"They are moving!"

August turned his head and looked at the monitor in front of the observer.

I saw a huge white dot appear on the monitor!

[Distance: 0.95AU]

August bit his back teeth hard: "Cunning invaders, I finally found you..."

"Levi, now it's your mission!"


Proxima b, underground city.

After Levi cut off the communication, he stood up from the chair and walked towards the door.


Aquitas' voice came from the side.

Levi's footsteps paused slightly.

He turned his head to look at his daughter, and a slightly stiff smile appeared on the top of his thinking organ: "Aquitas, stay here obediently."

"Father..." Aquitas seemed to want to say something, her lips moved, and thousands of words finally merged into one sentence.

"Be careful."

Levi did not speak, but nodded silently.

Then he opened the door and walked out.

Just a few minutes later, a deafening shout came from outside the room!

"Counterattack! Counterattack!! Counterattack!!!"

Perhaps because of the bombardment for a whole month, all Proxima people held back their anger.

After learning that the coordinates of the enemy ship were exposed, the Proxima people who had the driving qualification got up and ran towards the direction of the parked spacecraft!

An hour later.

With a long alarm sounded, a huge crack appeared on the surface of Proxima b.

Hundreds of disc-shaped spacecraft flew out one after another.

After escaping the gravity of the planet, they rushed straight to the target location!


After understanding the methods of the Proxima Centauri, Lu Yongchang also gave up his guerrilla warfare plan.

‘Yongchang, what should we do now?’

A message appeared in front of him.

It was a question from Fang Xu.

In the holographic projection, the number of detector signal sources has risen to more than 100,000.

‘Retreat first and see how the Proxima civilization reacts. ’

The order was issued, and the originally compact fleet instantly scattered.

As flagships, [Earth] and [Taotie] material storage ships took the lead in heading away from Proxima b.

As for the [Golden Crow] battleship, it was responsible for the rear guard work.

Not long after the retreat operation began, an alarm appeared in front of everyone.

[Alarm! ]

[Enemy fleet detected! ]

[Current distance: 80,000 kilometers! ]

As the alarm popped up, a star map instantly appeared in the holographic projection.

There were 120 red dots marked in the star map!

These red dots were closing the distance with their own fleet at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The moment he saw the picture, Lu Yongchang's face suddenly changed.

What a fast speed!

‘Zero, how long will it take them to catch up with us? ’

Zero immediately gave the answer.

[Estimated contact time: 160 seconds]

It’s too late!

We can only fight!

Without any hesitation, Lv Yongchang issued an order through the brain wave reader again.

The fleet formation changed again.

[Earth] and [Taotie] still maintained their original driving route.

To be on the safe side, they needed to evacuate to a safe distance.

As for the [Golden Crow] battleship, it slowed down and stopped in place.

They slowly adjusted their direction, waiting for the moment when the enemy ship entered the range.

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