Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 475 Professor, are you sure it won't attack us?

"At least, at your depth, there shouldn't be anything like rocks..."

Lu Yongchang added again.

But obviously, no one here cared about this statement.

Especially when he saw that huge gray shadow starting to make a slow circular motion around [Poseidon].

" mean, this thing is alive?!" Hope's face changed drastically, and he asked breathlessly.

"At present, it should be." Lu Yongchang swallowed, looked at the slowly moving gray shadow in the sonar image, and explained in a hurry, "According to our research, the turbid objects in the seawater should be Organic compounds similar to peptides and amino acids.”

"This creature... let's treat it as a living thing. If it is composed of these peptide-like and amino acid-like substances, then..."

"It should be classified as an amino organism."

As he spoke, Gray Shadow seemed to be stimulated by something, and his movement speed began to slowly increase.

In the sonar map, the distance between the unknown creature and the [Poseidon] exploration ship fluctuates.

The camera also captured a flickering orange-red light.

But unlike Hope's report, the orange-red light flashes more frequently at this time, and it will flash once in about 8 seconds.

"Is it curious?"

Mao Zhengzhi's doubtful voice sounded from the side, "Or... testing?"

Lu Yongchang's expression condensed slightly.

Indeed, as Mao Zhengzhi said, the movements of this deep-sea giant at this time revealed a somewhat tentative tone.

"Professor, what should we do now?!" Faced with the temptation of the unknown giant creature, Hope couldn't help feeling his scalp numb, "Floating?"

"Don't move!"

Before Lu Yongchang could speak, Mao Zhengzhi shouted loudly: "Don't move! Keep hovering!"

"Turn off the sonar equipment first."

"If I guessed correctly, it should have been attracted by the sonar equipment turned on during the dive!"

Hope and Hansent looked at each other and without any hesitation, turned off the running sonar device.

As Mao Zhengzhi said, during the dive, the active detection sonar equipment was working all the time. It was not until the exploration ship hovered in place and performed the seawater sampling task that the sonar detection device was turned off.

It was at this time that this unknown creature emerged from deeper in the ocean.

[Poseidon] turned off its sonar equipment and became completely blind in this vast ocean of liquid ammonia.

But the next moment, a 3D simulation image appeared in front of everyone.

In the simulation diagram, the central area is the [Poseidon] exploration ship with a diameter of less than a hundred meters, and next to the exploration ship, there is a huge creature with a streamlined body and a body length of more than two hundred meters that is quickly circling swim.

"This is..." Hope was stunned and asked subconsciously.

"Combined with the sonar data just now, Zero made a simulation based on the orange-red light captured by the camera." Lu Yongchang simply explained, "The observation data is not enough, and the simulated image may be somewhat different from the real situation."

Hope and Hansent looked a little more relaxed.

Although not as good as sonar, having analog images is better than having nothing at all.

"It slowed down."

Mao Zhengzhi's voice suddenly sounded.

After hearing this, Hope quickly turned his attention to the simulated image provided by Zero.

Sure enough, after turning off the sonar, the wandering movements of the huge deep-sea creature slowed down a lot.

"Sure enough..." Mao Zhengzhi stared at the holographic projection intently and murmured to himself, "Living in such a deep sea, these liquid ammonia creatures will inevitably evolve a matching way of perception."

"You mean...ultrasound?" Lu Yongchang frowned and asked softly.

Mao Zhengzhi nodded slightly.

"It's pitch black in the ice giant ocean. Growing in this perpetually dim environment, vision should be the least needed function."

"But sensing the outside world is an ability that organisms must have."

"It's not difficult to come to this conclusion when you think of creatures like bats."

Lu Yongchang did not speak immediately, but silently watched the huge creature slowly orbiting the [Poseidon] exploration ship in the simulated image.

Suddenly, he asked.

"What about the orange light?"

"How do you explain that thing?"

Mao Zhengzhi was stunned for a moment, then frowned.

He understood the meaning of Lu Yongchang's words.

Creatures that evolve naturally will generally not have useless functions.

Just like the deep-sea fish of the Earth Age, it has a fleshy protrusion that looks like a small lantern above its head.

Under the action of luciferase, this fleshy protrusion that looks like a small lantern emits a faint light.

Most fish living in the deep sea have certain phototaxis.

Therefore, this luminous "little lantern" has become a weapon for fish hunting.

If you compare it to this deep-sea behemoth living in a liquid ammonia ocean, a problem arises.

If these amino creatures have no so-called vision, or in other words, no phototaxis, then what is the purpose of the flickering light emitted by them?

You can't just evolve a bling-bling, twinkling decoration on your body just to look good, right?


Mao Zhengzhi stretched out his hand to hold his chin and fell into deep thought.


"Can you please stop discussing such profound issues?"

"Think about what we should do first!!"

Hansent's slightly trembling shout came from the loudspeaker, interrupting the thoughts of Lv Yongchang and Mao Zhengzhi.

Faced with this unknown deep-sea giant, the fear engraved in human DNA broke out completely.

Especially when looking at the orange-red light floating outside the porthole, and thinking of the terrifying environment outside and the deep-sea giant with a body length of more than 200 meters, deep fear suddenly rose in the hearts of the two!

Even though Hope and Hansent were starship pilots who had undergone various trainings, at this moment, they also came to the edge of collapse.


Lv Yongchang coughed awkwardly.

Faced with amino creatures that they had never seen before, he and Mao Zhengzhi forgot their current situation for a while.

"How about trying to float up?"

Lv Yongchang looked at Mao Zhengzhi and made a suggestion: "See its reaction without turning on the sonar."

Mao Zhengzhi pondered for a moment and nodded hesitantly.

"Yes, but... try to float as slowly as possible."

"We know too little about it at present, and it is possible that it has a strong desire to attack."

Lv Yongchang understood: "Did you hear it?"

"Try to float first, and try to slow down the floating speed as much as possible."

"...Try, try?" Hansen's voice even had a bit of crying, "Professor, are you sure it won't attack us?"

"...Not sure."

As an honest man, Lu Yongchang naturally answered honestly.

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