


Hearing what Lv Yongchang said, Hope could no longer hold back his temper and asked, “Can [Poseidon] withstand its attack?”

“I’m not sure about that.”

Lv Yongchang answered honestly again.


A long silence.

“Calm down, calm down.” Lv Yongchang smiled and said repeatedly, “I’m just teasing you.”

“The atmosphere over there is too stiff, so I’ll liven it up for you.”

There was still a long silence in the long-distance communication.

Hope: You call this a lively atmosphere?

After a long pause, he asked again, “So, you mean it won’t attack us?”

“Oh, I’m really not sure about that.” Lv Yongchang shrugged and said again.

"After all, it is a species we have never seen before. We don't know its eating habits, let alone its desire to attack."

"I can only say that, at present, after turning off the sonar, its movements have become much calmer."

Hearing this, Hope and Hansent almost couldn't breathe: "..."

Hansent: You call this an honest man?

"But, after all, it is just a creature." Lu Yongchang said with a smile, "I don't think it can destroy our exploration ship."

"Just float up with peace of mind."

Hope breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, he heard a definite word.

He stopped talking and raised his hand to adjust various parameters on the holographic projection.

After the adjustment, he started the [Poseidon] exploration ship without hesitation.

A very slight recoil came from the back of the chair.

The exploration ship began to float up.

In the simulated image provided by Zero, the liquid ammonia creature still stayed in place, slowly spinning, as if watching them leave.

"Professor, it doesn't seem to have a strong desire to attack." Hope breathed a sigh of relief after seeing this scene.

"We should be safe..."

Before he finished speaking, a piercing alarm sounded in the ears of the two!

Hansen quickly glanced at the holographic interface that issued a warning.

When he saw the content of the warning, he couldn't help but stand there in a daze.

"Professor, the instrument shows..."

"We received a very strong ultrasonic signal."

Hansen muttered to himself: "The source... is right below."

"It's the ultrasonic wave it sent!" Hansen's mind flashed, and he blurted out, "It's actively looking for us!!"

The next second, in the simulated image, the huge amino creature quickly floated up and chased in the direction of the [Poseidon] exploration ship!

"Warning!" Zero's electronic synthesized voice sounded at the same time, "Collision warning!"



Looking at the rapidly growing orange-red light source outside the porthole, Hope and Hansen subconsciously reached out and grabbed the seat belts tied to their bodies.


A dull sound came.

At the same time, Hope and Hansent only felt a dizzy sensation in front of their eyes, and violent vibrations came from all directions!

I was hit!

A thought flashed through Hope's mind.

"Warning! Warning!" Zero's electronic synthesized voice still surrounded the cockpit, "Damage to the hull armor: 5%."


"Secondary impact warning!"


In just a few seconds, a series of piercing alarms sounded in the [Poseidon] exploration ship and the command center!


"The hull armor is damaged?!"

"What is the body of that thing made of?!"

When he heard the alarm about the damage to the hull armor, Lu Yongchang's face changed instantly!

What a joke? !

In order to withstand the ultra-high pressure inside the ice giant, the [Poseidon] hull armor uses the latest technology of the Human Alliance.

It is no exaggeration to say that in a sense, even the current flagship [Earth] is not as resistant as it!

"Professor..." Hope's intermittent voice came from the long-distance communication device, "Now, what should we do now..."

"[Poseidon] has, is it equipped with a weapon system?"

Lv Yongchang's face changed slightly.

From the beginning, Lu Yongchang and others did not expect that there would be life in such a harsh environment as the ice giant, and it was an unprecedented and powerful amino life!

Therefore, in order to save space, [Poseidon] was not equipped with any weapons and equipment except for the magnetic field shield.

What's more, from the current situation, ordinary weapons are estimated to be unable to hit this deep-sea monster with a body length of more than 200 meters-its body strength can even go head-to-head with the ship's armor!


Lv Yongchang's face was ugly.

The emergence of this unexpected situation basically means that this mineral exploration mission has been declared bankrupt in advance!

Looking at the deep-sea monster rolling everywhere in the simulated image, Lu Yongchang sighed hard: "Prepare to start the cockpit disengagement program..."

"Professor, wait a minute!"

Mao Zhengzhi's voice interrupted his order.

"It's not attacking the exploration ship, but..."

"Playing." Mao Zhengzhi's lips moved slightly and he said a shocking word.

"Playing?" Hansent's roar came from the loudspeaker, "Academician Mao, are you sure it's playing?"

"We're almost being kicked like a ball!"

"...In a sense." Mao Zhengzhi said with difficulty, "Its current behavior is indeed a bit like playing with a ball."

Lv Yongchang's eyes twitched: "Academician Mao, are you sure?"

Playing and attacking are two completely different concepts.

If it was an attack, he would have issued an escape order without hesitation.

If it was playing...then maybe they still had a chance to operate.

"Professor Lu, do you know killer whales?"

Mao Zhengzhi did not answer Lu Yongchang's question immediately, but asked back.

"Killer whales?" Lu Yongchang hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said, "I don't know much about biological habits."

Mao Zhengzhi suddenly realized: "Professor, if you know killer whales, you should be able to easily find that their behavior patterns are somewhat similar."

"As the overlord of the ocean in the Earth era, killer whales have many confusing behaviors."

"For example, using their tails to slap seals away, using their heads to push turtles forward..."

"Although some of it is hunting behavior, there are still many playful elements in it."

"From the behavior pattern of this deep-sea monster, I am more inclined to think that it regards [Poseidon] as a large toy."

Lv Yongchang fell silent.


"How can we stop it?"

Lv Yongchang glanced at the damage to the armor of the exploration ship: "[Poseidon] can't stand this kind of play."


Lv Yongchang paused and whispered: "I'm very interested in it. Its skin, or shell, is likely to be the high-strength material we are looking for."

ps: Thanks to Jiuli乄 for the third great god certification. Thank you, but I really don't have a drop QAQ

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