Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 483: Analytical Language System

Unlike the exploration ship, in order to pursue a faster escape speed, the separated cockpit directly activated the Hall propulsion device.

Although under ultra-high pressure, the boiling point of liquid ammonia has risen to an extremely exaggerated level.

But even so, the high-temperature plasma flow ejected by the Hall thruster is still a temperature that these liquid ammonia seawater cannot withstand.

The faint blue light emitted by the thruster nozzle was like a small sun, rising slowly in this dark and deep sea, illuminating the surrounding sea area.

The figures of the four giant fish were also exposed under this blue light.

(ps: It took me a long time to make up a picture. This is already the best picture drawn by AI. Let’s just make do with it.)

Because of the slow speed of sound propagation, they did not notice anything unusual at this time and still rushed towards the exploration ship that kept making "noise".

On the other side, hot ammonia bubbles formed by the vaporization of a large amount of liquid ammonia formed a winding track at the rear of the cockpit.

Under the faint blue light, an extremely magnificent but dangerous scenery emerges from the depth of -261km of liquid ammonia ocean!

It's a pity that this magical scene was not seen by any aboriginal people - they have not evolved visual organs, so they naturally have no chance of such "beautiful scenery".

Driven by the Hall thrusters, the cockpit quickly rushed toward the sea.

The giant fish that took the lead in charging finally slowly realized the problem with the help of ultrasonic detection methods.

But it's too late!

It rushed directly into the extremely hot ammonia bubbles!

The hot ammonia bubbles slowly rise, and the heat in them is quickly transferred to the surrounding liquid ammonia seawater.

The giant fish returned to the liquid ammonia seawater.

Although it only touched for a short moment, it still let out a huge cry.

The thick "armor" on its body saved its life.

It swung its body quickly, escaped from this land of right and wrong, and then stayed quietly in the distance, using ultrasonic waves to carefully explore the situation near the exploration ship.

The scream of the first giant fish sounded the alarm to the other three giant fish.

They all stopped their forward movements and observed carefully.

As the cockpit moved away, the ammonia bubbles gradually dissipated, liquefied again under the extremely high pressure, and then merged into the surrounding seawater.

The deep sea returns to silence again.

The exploration ship still hovered in place quietly, as if nothing had happened.

Time passed by minute by minute.


A high-frequency ultrasonic wave came from the mouth of the giant fish in the lead, and traveled along the liquid ammonia seawater to the other two uninjured giant fish.

The movements of the two giant fish seemed extremely tangled.

They were spinning back and forth.

Obviously, after "seeing" the miserable condition of their companions, they were unwilling to step forward to test them.

The ultrasounds are getting louder and more frequent.

Under the constant urging of the leader, the two giant fish finally swam slowly towards the exploration ship, which they originally regarded as a "buffet supply point".


A huge splash exploded on the undulating sea.

Driven by the Hall thruster, the cockpit jumped out of the liquid ammonia seawater.

Then, the cockpit rushed straight into the sky.

Its target is the ice giant's synchronous orbit.

"Escape successful."

"The cockpit has successfully entered geosynchronous orbit."

A familiar electronic synthesized voice sounded in the command center: "Both pilots have entered hibernation."

Lu Yongchang nodded with satisfaction, then turned to look at Mao Zhengzhi beside him.

"Let's go, a new research task is coming."

After speaking, he pouted at the holographic image that was still refreshing data: "Before the [Poseidon Type II] is completed, we have to find the rules of their language."

"Relying on ultrasonic waves to drive away these extremely curious amino giant fish should be the most convenient and quick way."

After saying that, he walked directly towards the gate of the command center.

Mao Zhengzhi hurriedly followed Lu Yongchang: "Professor, I recommend someone to you."

"Engaged in language research."

"Who?" Lu Yongchang paused and turned to look at Mao Zhengzhi.

"Meng Lu?"

In the main laboratory, Lu Yongchang looked at the female researcher in front of him who was wearing a white coat and with short short hair, and asked softly: "I heard from Academician Mao Zhengzhi that you have a deep research on language?"

Facing Lu Yongchang's inquiry, Meng Lu did not hesitate at all and nodded without humility: "Yes."

"Although I was born from Proxima b and have never seen the earth, I have been studying ancient human written languages."

"I think..."

Lu Yongchang raised his hand to interrupt Meng Lu: "It is not the language of ancient humans."

"It's the language of other civilizations, are you confident?"

Hearing this, Meng Lu couldn't help but be stunned.

But the next second, her eyes flashed with excitement, and she nodded without hesitation: "Yes!"

"Very good." Lu Yongchang nodded with satisfaction, stretched out his hand and drew a holographic image in the air.

"This is the sound of a giant ammonia creature deep in the ice giant's liquid ammonia ocean."

"They have no vision, no perception of light, and rely on ultrasound to detect their surroundings and communicate."

"Currently, we have collected more than 100,000 sound wave spectra."

"Unfortunately, we haven't found any repetitions so far."

"But I'm sure they definitely have their own language system."

Meng Lu stared blankly at the holographic image in front of her.

Lv Yongchang's words deeply impacted her cognition.

Amino organisms? Ice giants? One hundred thousand sound clips without any repetition?

She took a deep breath, calmed down the shock in her heart, and thought carefully: "Professor, are you sure they are not shouting nonsense?"

"One hundred thousand sound clips without any repetition, this is simply too..."

"Definitely." Lu Yongchang nodded without hesitation, "They will cooperate with each other, just like a lion group hunting prey."

"Besides...even if it's shouting nonsense, one hundred thousand sound clips without repetition is a difficult thing to do, isn't it?"

Meng Lu nodded silently.

It is indeed as Lu Yongchang said, even if it is shouting randomly, there should be some repeated fragments in the shouting sound.

She didn't say anything else, but frowned and looked at the holographic projection in front of her, trying to find the hidden rules from these complicated sound wave spectra.

Lu Yongchang waved his hand and turned to walk towards Mao Zhengzhi: "Don't worry, there are 100,000 clips, you can take your time to look at them."

Meng Lu didn't say anything, but frowned, quickly swiping the holographic projection, flipping through all the sound clips.

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