Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 492: Entering the interior, a simple biosphere

In the dark ocean of liquid ammonia, a giant fish about 200 meters long kept swinging its powerful body and drilling into the depths of the liquid ammonia ocean.

A silver-white exploration ship with an incandescent searchlight was following it with difficulty.

From time to time, the giant fish in front would slow down its diving speed and float in place waiting for the exploration ship to catch up with its "footsteps".

What a harmonious picture.

If you ignore the dense words expressing disgust in the translation device.

"I didn't expect..."

Hopeson leaned back helplessly on the chair behind him, staring blankly at the orange-red ring of light looming outside the porthole: "These giant fish are still chatterboxes?"

But think about it, it's understandable.

In such a vast ocean of liquid ammonia, perhaps only talking to yourself can relieve the loneliness in your heart?

Thinking of this, Hope couldn't help but feel a little sympathy in his heart.


The diving time is extremely long.

As the depth increases, the pressure around the exploration ship increases sharply, and the temperature of the liquid ammonia seawater also rises a lot compared to the beginning.

Like Neptune, this ice giant planet also has its own heat source inside.

"Kelvin-Helmholtz principle." Hope looked at the gradually rising thermometer reading and said to himself, "When the surface of a star or planet cools, it causes the star and planet to depressurize, and eventually this depressurization is compensated in the form of contraction."

"In the process of contraction, the potential energy of the material falling inward is converted into heat energy, which heats the core of the star or planet in disguise."

"Usually occurs on gas giants, ice giants, or brown dwarfs."

Hansent: "..."

My head itches, I feel like I need to grow a brain.

"A large number of unidentified objects have been detected."

The electronic synthesized sound interrupted the "discussion" of the two.

Hansent subconsciously raised his head and looked out the porthole.


The soul-stirring quintessence of the Chinese nation once again echoed in the small cockpit of the exploration ship.

Looking out the porthole, at least dozens of orange-red rings of light slowly swam in the dark ocean of liquid ammonia.

Hope breathed rapidly, his body trembled slightly, and he stammered: "Teacher, professor... I, we..."

"It seems that we have broken into the opponent's lair..."

Lv Yongchang, who was far away on the Dawn Star, looked at the picture sent back by the camera and was a little impatient.

"Don't, don't panic!"

He took a deep breath, calmed down his mood and said in a deep voice: "Theoretically, they can't find you."

"Follow the giant fish leader at ease and try to find the mineral vein."

"Theoretically again..." Hope and Hansen swallowed hard, "Professor, are you sure we can escape from the cockpit?"

"Theoretically..." Lv Yongchang's voice suddenly paused, and then he was silent for a moment.

"Don't worry, we can definitely escape!"

"Okay, okay..."

Hope rubbed his palms and held the control rod of the exploration ship with slightly trembling hands.

A "stream" of water gushed out from the stern of the exploration ship, pushing the exploration ship forward slowly.

These giant fish showed extremely strong curiosity about the arrival of the "newcomer".

In just a few dozen seconds, more than a dozen giant fish of varying sizes appeared near the exploration ship.

In order to avoid collisions, the exploration ship's forward speed was repeatedly reduced.

The giant fish leader leading the way in front obviously noticed this scene.

It turned around and quickly returned to the exploration ship, opened its big mouth, and emitted a series of strong ultrasonic waves.

A few seconds later.

The giant fish watching the excitement around the exploration ship silently retreated a distance and made way for the way forward.

The giant fish leader "glanced" at the exploration ship, swung his body again, and swam forward.

Hope wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and whispered, "Why does it look a little proud just now?"

Hansent also nodded in agreement: "It's a bit like showing us its ability, a typical animal courtship behavior."

After speaking, Hansent's face suddenly became ugly.

Animal courtship behavior is not terrible.

But if the courtship object is oneself, it is terrible.

Especially if the other party is a 200-meter-long amino giant fish!

Without the interference of the giant fish, the exploration ship followed the giant fish leader and swam forward slowly.

"The sea water is getting more and more turbid."

Hope looked at the picture in the camera and said in a deep voice.

Before Hansent spoke, a "slender" shadow flashed in the picture.


"What is that?!"

Lv Yongchang, who was in Dawn Star, naturally saw this picture. He immediately shouted: "Zero! Replay the picture!"

After a short wait, a clear image appeared in front of everyone.


Lv Yongchang looked at the image in the holographic projection and said in a daze: "Is there a biosphere in this liquid ammonia ocean that belongs to it?!"

"I'm afraid so."

Mao Zhengzhi looked at the image sent back by the camera and whispered softly: "These creatures should be similar to krill in the earth's ocean, but their size is much larger than krill."

"If nothing unexpected happens, they should be one of the food sources of these giant fish."

"How do you know?" Lv Yongchang asked subconsciously.

Mao Zhengzhi did not speak, but pointed to a holographic picture.

In the picture, under the illumination of the main searchlight, a large group of krill-like creatures swam in the turbid liquid ammonia seawater.

The next moment, the leader of the giant fish opened his mouth wide, swallowed the seawater, and swallowed all the krill-like creatures into his stomach.

"If I'm not mistaken..." Mao Zhengzhi muttered to himself, "these krill-like creatures should have rich deuterium and tritium resources in their bodies."

"They can provide raw materials for the fusion reactor of the giant fish."


The depth continued to decrease.

In addition to krill-like creatures, some strange creatures appeared around the exploration ship.

In the warm liquid ammonia seawater, they swam freely.

"Unbelievable..." Mao Zhengzhi's voice came from the loudspeaker, "In the depths of the ice giant, there is actually a simple biosphere!"

Yes, it is a simple biosphere.

So far, they have only found more than ten species of creatures.

Among these more than ten species of creatures, except for the giant fish, the rest are less than one meter in size.

According to current observations, the giant fish is the undisputed overlord of this liquid ammonia ocean!

As the depth continues to increase, the temperature of the liquid ammonia seawater continues to rise, and the surrounding creatures gradually decrease until they disappear.

"This is no longer a habitable zone." Mao Zhengzhi nodded thoughtfully, "It seems that, except for the giant fish, the range of activities of these small creatures is still very small."

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