"Following the target, the dive has stopped."

"A large-scale unknown object has been detected ahead."

The electronic synthesized sound sounded just right, attracting everyone's attention.

The water jet propulsion device began to run in reverse, and the forward speed of the exploration ship also decreased rapidly.

Hope frowned and looked at the porthole in front of him.

Outside the porthole, under the illumination of the main searchlight, a thick "wall" appeared in front of him.

The "wall" was pyramid-shaped, standing quietly in the dark and deep liquid ammonia ocean.

Under the illumination of the searchlight, it had a dark brown metallic luster, which was basically the same color as the armor on the giant fish.

"This is..." Hope murmured in a low voice, "Star Gold Vein?"

Star Gold is the name given by the Academy of Sciences to this alloy that was just discovered not long ago.

The origin of the name is also very simple.

The alloy born inside the ice giant is Star Gold.

Looking at the scratches and impact marks on the top of the "wall", Hope could even imagine the scene that had happened here in his mind - giant fish used all their strength to hit this huge "wall" continuously, and "woven" the fallen debris into armor and "worn" it on themselves.


Do those newly born giant fish have the power to shake this huge star gold vein?

If so, how strong would the physical fitness of these giant fish be? !

Hope suppressed his doubts and turned his head to look at the holographic projection on the side.

Over there, there was a high-definition picture taken by the camera.

The lens slowly moved down, and the direction of the searchlight also moved down.

The dark brown "wall" gradually widened and thickened until it became a huge shadow hidden in the endless liquid ammonia ocean.

"This is simply..." Hansen's exclamation came from the side, "It's a large mountain range!"

Looking at the huge pyramid-shaped vein slowly depicted by the sonar device, Hope nodded excitedly.

"We've made a fortune!"

"This mineral vein is enough to meet the current needs of mankind!"

After a brief moment of daze, Hansen also reacted: "What the hell?! How many contribution points and credit points does this have to be converted into?!"

"We've made a fortune..."

"Ahem!" Perhaps because he heard the conversation between the two, Lu Yongchang coughed lightly, "Remind you two, this exploration mission..."

"There shouldn't be many credit points reward."

Hansent: "..."

Hope: "..."

Oh no, I almost forgot about this.

This is not a mineral vein discovered by the two of them alone.

Strictly speaking, the two of them are equivalent to wage earners, and at most they can only share some wages.

"However, there are quite a few contribution points." Perhaps because he noticed the two people's momentary depression, Lu Yongchang chuckled and said a "supplementary clause" lightly, "Of course, it depends on the completion of your mission."

Hope's spirits lifted.

Compared with credit points, contribution points are undoubtedly more important.

He turned his head and looked at Hansen.

Thinking of the huge contribution points that were about to be obtained, both of them seemed to have a ball of fiery sparks in their eyes.

Kill gods if they are in the way, kill fish if they are in the way!

At this moment, it seemed that nothing could stop the strong belief in their hearts.

Until three seconds later.

Just as Hope was about to control the exploration ship to approach the Star Gold Mine, the orange-red ring of light in the distance quickly approached - the giant fish approached.

The exploration ship immediately stopped its action of approaching the Star Gold Mine.

The giant fish swung its powerful tail and slowly came to the front of the exploration ship.

It was suspended in the scorching liquid ammonia seawater, quietly "watching" the "partner" in front of it.

Under the illumination of the searchlight, it opened and closed like a mouth in the abyss, swallowing and spitting out liquid ammonia seawater, and emitted one ultrasonic wave after another.

"It asked us to stay away?"

Hope looked at the words in the translation program, turned his head and glanced at the star gold vein not far away, frowning: "What on earth does it want to do?"

"It took a long time to bring us here, and now it wants us to leave."

"This, isn't this just playing with feelings?!"

At this moment, a resentment arose in Hope's heart.

"Professor, is the second generation [Poseidon] equipped with a weapon system?" Hansen, who was standing aside, stared straight at the dark brown vein in the distance and muttered to himself.

Lv Yongchang on Dawn Star: "..."


"Compared with the first generation, the second generation is indeed equipped with some small-power weapons and equipment..." Lv Yongchang changed the subject, "But I don't recommend you to use them."

"Not to mention that the ultra-high pressure and temperature here may affect the effect of the weapon system, don't forget that there are more than a dozen of its subordinates above your head."

Hansent fell silent.

A few seconds later.

"I think we should do what it says." Hope reached out and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, pulled the joystick, and controlled the exploration ship to slowly retreat. "Don't you think so, Hansen?"

"Yes, yes, yes..." Hansen nodded like a chick pecking at rice.

He didn't want to experience the feeling of the cockpit ejecting again!

Lu Yongchang's faint voice came out of the speaker again: "Although we can't use weapons, we can use ultrasound to expel it."

Hope's eyes lit up slightly: "Professor, you said earlier..."

"But I suggest that we see what it wants to do first." Lu Yongchang interrupted Hope, "The reason... is also very simple."

"We are not sure whether the ultrasonic expulsion function will work."

Hope, Hansent: "..."


Under the "watchful eyes" of the giant fish leader, the exploration ship slowly retreated.

Until a thousand meters away.

The giant fish moved again.

Under the observation of the main searchlight and camera, it swam quickly into the distance.

Looking at the scene in front of them, Hope and Hansent's eyes showed some doubts.

But the next moment, the giant fish cleverly changed its swimming direction and accelerated towards the star gold pulse!

"No way..." Hope had a vague guess in his mind.

Seeing the distance between the giant fish and the star gold vein getting closer and closer, he subconsciously held his breath.


The giant fish hit the top of the pyramid-shaped star gold vein hard.

The huge sound came along with the liquid ammonia seawater.

The power of this collision can be seen from the violent vibration of the liquid ammonia seawater around it.

A small gap appeared at the top of the star gold vein.

At the same time, a large number of tiny debris splashed out from the vein.

Under the resistance provided by the liquid ammonia seawater, the speed of these debris quickly decreased and slowly sank to the bottom of the sea.

The giant fish turned around and swam quickly towards these tiny star gold debris. At the same time, its big mouth opened and closed, sending one ultrasonic signal after another to its "partner".

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