After finishing a day's work.

Xu Ting returned home.

Her husband Qi Yang, as a pilot of a small transport ship, was not at home most of the time.

After finishing her dinner casually, she took a deep breath and lay down on the sofa in the living room.

The next moment, the family smart housekeeper turned on the holographic projector in the living room.

In the projection, a technology talk show was playing.

Xu Ting subconsciously raised her hand and placed it on the button to switch programs.

"Artificial womb? Can this technology really perfectly replace the human womb?"

The host's voice came from the surrounding speakers: "Is there really no risk?"

Sitting opposite the host was a man in a white coat.

From the man's temperament and dress, Xu Ting easily recognized the man's identity.

A researcher at the Academy of Sciences.

Except for those researchers, no one should dare to wear this unique "uniform" in public programs.

"Of course not."

Facing the camera, the researcher talked freely: "Even, in a sense, this technology is the liberation of mankind."

"Oh? What do you mean?" The host immediately echoed and asked.

Perhaps because the unique name of artificial uterus aroused her curiosity, Xu Ting slowly moved her right hand from the channel switch button and turned up the volume.

"After various tests, artificial uterus technology can perfectly replace the human uterus." The researcher's face was filled with a confident smile, "Since ancient times, women have been suffering from the pain of childbirth."

"I believe you all know that childbirth means a lot of sequelae and side effects for women."

"For example..."

As a woman, Xu Ting nodded deeply.

"However, the emergence of artificial uterus technology can perfectly solve these annoying problems."

"You only need to provide sperm and eggs from both parents. After artificial insemination, put the fertilized eggs into the artificial uterus for cultivation. After ten months, you can get your own children without any pain."

"Of course, in order to avoid ethical issues, this technology will only be open to legal couples. At the same time, both husband and wife need to pass various qualification reviews."



Time passed by bit by bit.

The interview program had already ended.

But the impact did not dissipate so quickly.

The next day.

Whether on the way to work or during work, you can almost hear arguments about this technology.

Some of them are naturally opposed.

These voices mainly come from the old people of the Earth era.

For these old people with traditional thinking, this "novel" technology is too sensational.

Can humans born from machines still be called humans?

There are objections, and naturally there are also supporters.

In the Dawn Star era where the cost of childbirth is getting higher and higher, artificial womb technology has undoubtedly touched the hearts of all new generations.

No need to be pregnant for ten months, no need to endure the pain of pregnancy and childbirth, and even no need to worry about sequelae...

This is simply perfect technology!

Xu Ting is naturally part of the praise.

Last night she even had the urge to try it.

But when she thought of the long nurturing period after ten months of pregnancy, she still silently dispelled the urge in her heart.

Human Union Academy of Sciences, Sociology Division.

"How is the publicity effect?"

Lu Yongchang asked solemnly.

A researcher in a white coat carefully analyzed the various data collected by Zero: "Very good."

"Only a small number of older generations from Earth expressed opposition, accounting for less than 5% of the total population."

"The rest... 35% of people did not clearly express their attitudes, which can be understood as waiting and watching."

"More than 60% of people agree."

"If we adjust the age of the statistical population slightly... then more than 98% of people expressed their expectations for this technology."

Lv Yongchang looked at the data in the holographic projection and nodded with satisfaction.

"Continue to maintain the current publicity efforts."

"In half a year, launch the next publicity plan."


Half a year later.

"Have you heard it?"

Xu Ting sat at her workstation and suddenly heard her colleagues whispering.

"Because the overall fertility rate of civilization continues to be low, the Academy of Sciences decided to launch the artificial womb project."

"Of course I heard about it!" Another colleague turned his head and joined the discussion, "It's only been half a year, right? It seems that the Academy of Sciences is really anxious this time!"

"That's right, the fertility rate continues to decline, which is a matter of life and death for human civilization!"

"I also heard that, unlike the original publicity, this artificial womb project has added a function."

"What function?"

"Nursing of newborns." The colleague who spoke first was full of mystery, "I heard that the new generation born from the artificial womb can not only choose to be raised by their parents, but also be raised by the Human Union Nursing Center."

"What?! Surrogate raising? Is the Academy of Sciences crazy?"

There was a deliberately suppressed exclamation around: "Is the child born still yours?"

"Hey!" The colleague looked at the person who exclaimed with disgust, "What are you talking about?"

"Surrogate raising, it's not like I won't give it back to you!"

"You can go to the synchronous orbit nurturing center to accompany your child at any time!"

"Besides, do you really want to live in the sky for 20 years?"

"That makes sense..." The colleague who exclaimed was confused, "It's just... I always feel weird."

"Tsk... You're the only one who feels weird." Another colleague said disdainfully, and turned to look at Xu Ting, "Tingting, haven't you always wanted a child? If the Academy of Sciences really launches this project, will you try it?"

Looking at the eyes of everyone, Xu Ting was a little flustered for a while.

She subconsciously raised her hand to tidy up her hair, and said with a slightly dodging look: "I... I don't know..."

"But, maybe?"

"But it hasn't been launched yet..."

"Rumors... Rumors can't be trusted."

After saying that, she quickly turned her head and cast her eyes on the documents in front of her that had not been sorted out.

But at this moment, she could no longer calm down like before.

ps: I will add one more chapter, thanks for the support... I can't do it anymore, three chapters a day is too difficult.

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