Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 546: An attack method unique to human civilization

"The second batch of electromagnetic cannon projectiles are about to hit the enemy ship's shield!"

"Projectile survival rate: 9.13%!"

"Third batch of electromagnetic cannon projectiles..."

"Survival rate: 15.76%!"

"Fourth batch..."

In the command center of [Earth], reports rang out one after another.

From the increasing survival rate of projectiles, it can be seen that the balance of this war of attrition is constantly tilting towards human civilization.

But the atmosphere in the command center is still extremely solemn.

Everyone stared at the holographic image in front of them with great seriousness.

On the one hand, Zero is doing his best to analyze the magnetic field shield of the other civilization.

On the other hand, even if the Botha fleet is unable to intercept more and more electromagnetic cannon projectiles, in front of the composite shield, even the projectiles equipped with antimatter are far from powerful enough.

Therefore, although human civilization has a slight advantage in the appetizer of electromagnetic cannon shooting, the Botha fleet is still approaching the human fleet at a fast speed.

At this time, the Botha fleet has come to the edge of the Gliese 555 star system!

"The enemy ship's magnetic field shield has been successfully analyzed!"

Just as Lv Yongchang and Zhao Zijie were thinking about the next war plan, Ling brought them good news!

"Great!" Lv Yongchang's eyes suddenly lit up, and a hint of joy flashed across his face.

Only 40% of the starships of the Botha civilization have composite shields, and the remaining 60% of the starships use magnetic field shields!

In this way, in front of the human fleet, the defense of most of the starships of the Botha civilization will be greatly reduced!

"Has it been verified?"

Lv Yongchang asked hurriedly.

"Preliminary verification has been completed, and the current accuracy rate is 100%."

The slightly stiff electronic synthesized sound gave everyone in the command center a bit of confidence again!

"Should we start the electromagnetic gun invasion program?"

"Not now!" Before Lv Yongchang could speak, Zhao Zijie on the side hurriedly said, "We are too far away from the Botha fleet. If we start the invasion program now, the effect may not be very good, and it will easily make the other party alert."

"I suggest that we wait until they get closer and start the invasion program at the most critical moment!"

Lv Yongchang nodded: "Zero, listen to Zhao's command."

The electronic synthesized voice sounded.


Zhao Zijie pondered for a moment and issued another order.

"Zero, mobilize all the detectors equipped with plasma bombs in the Gliese 555 star system to consume the other side as much as possible."

"Also, speed up the manufacturing of detectors and drones."


Bosa Fleet.

"Commander, the fleet has successfully entered the target star system!"

The scratching sound of nails scratching a blackboard sounded in the command room of the Botha flagship.

Commander Botha stood "straight" and looked at the screen in front of him with impatience.

"What is going on with this human civilization?!"


"Why can so many detectors be deployed near the star system?!"

As it spoke, it waved its slender forelimbs and slammed the console in front of it fiercely: "Damn it, from just now to now, we have destroyed at least millions of detectors!"

It took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed the anger in its heart, and said with gritted teeth: "And... who can tell me why they installed magnetic field shields and plasma bombs on these small detectors?!"

"How much more ammunition do we need to waste on these deadly detectors?!"


No one can tell him the answer.

Commander Bosa looked at the scene outside the porthole, his forelimbs twitched slightly, and a strong sense of powerlessness arose from the depths of his heart.

It swore that

this was the weirdest scene it had seen since it commanded so many interstellar wars!

Outside the porthole of the Bosa fleet, large and small detectors were rushing in from all directions like locusts.

High-energy lasers were fired from the warships of the Botha civilization, quickly destroying the probes that tried to approach the fleet.

For some reason, the flight trajectories of these probes were extremely tricky and strange!

That was why the laser defense array was not particularly effective.

It was like...

Behind each probe, there was an intelligent creature operating it in real time!

As soon as this thought came to mind, Commander Botha shuddered violently.

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

How many intelligent creatures should this civilization have to remotely control so many probes?

It shook its head vigorously, threw away the incredible thoughts in its mind, and cast its eyes to the porthole on the side again.

Outside the porthole.

These probes, relying on extremely strange movements, broke through the high-energy lasers that blocked the layers and launched suicide attacks on the small warships outside the fleet.

The plasma bombs that were constantly detonated were like raindrops, blowing out layers of ripples on the electromagnetic shields of the small warships.


"The magnetic shields of some warships are about to be overloaded!"

Commander Bosa's heart sank suddenly.

The worst situation has indeed happened.

Before seeing the enemy fleet, the magnetic shields of the small warships could not withstand it!

"Switch the fleet formation!"

It gave an order in great annoyance: "Let all warships take turns to resist the attack and buy time for the magnetic shield generation device to cool down!"


Looking at the constantly changing formations of the Bosa fleet in the holographic projection, Zhao Zijie showed a faint smile on his face.

Finally, it's time to let other civilizations see the saturation strike that belongs only to human civilization!

He pressed the communication button for the entire fleet and issued an order.

"Attention, all units."

"The enemy ship has arrived at the designated area."

"Prepare to release [Ball Lightning]."

[Ball Lightning] is a drone-type plasma missile proposed and designed by Tao Yuda.

With the help of the magnetic field generation unit inside the drone, it wraps itself with high-temperature plasma and attacks the enemy at a very high speed.

Under Zero's control, these drone-type missiles are more flexible than detectors!

In terms of power, the [Ball Lightning] that focuses on attacking far exceeds those half-baked detectors!

The moment Zhao Zijie's voice just fell, several spaceport port gates suddenly opened!

Endless drones swarmed out of these port gates!

The moment they left the spaceport, the magnetic field generation unit set up inside automatically operated, and at the same time, the side hatch of the drone quickly opened.

A stream of hot plasma spurted out from it!

Under the action of the strong magnetic field, these blue plasmas with golden arcs quickly wrapped up the drone.

At this point, the drone-type plasma missile was officially formed!

In just a few seconds, a blue "light curtain" suddenly appeared in the dark starry sky outside the porthole!

This light curtain was composed of countless drone-type plasma missiles!

"Covering the sky and blocking the sun..."

Zhao Zijie looked at the scene outside the porthole and whispered softly.

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