Botha fleet.

With countless warships taking turns "resisting damage" and the continuous work of laser interception arrays,

Outside the portholes, the densely packed and endless number of detectors finally began to gradually decrease.

Looking at the dark and deep universe gradually appearing outside the porthole window, Commander Botha subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

Is human civilization finally going to run out of damn detectors? !

Is it finally their turn to fight back? !

Thinking of this, its body trembled slightly with excitement!

During that time just now, it was so frustrated!

"All battleships, prepare to counterattack!"


Before it could finish speaking, it froze on the spot, staring blankly at the side window.

Outside the porthole, through the gaps between the increasingly rare detectors, a faint blue light suddenly appeared in the dark universe in the distance.

In just a few seconds, this faint blue light spot quickly enlarged.

Densely packed tiny spots of light reflected in its eyes.

Commander Bosa's bamboo pole-like body trembled violently.

That's a new attack!


"Defend immediately!!"

Although it didn't know what those tiny blue light spots in the distance were, a bad thought arose in its mind when it thought of the suicide attack by the detector just now.

As the tiny blue light spots continued to approach our own fleet, the fleet's active detection device finally detected the true identity of those blue light spots through the dense self-destruction detectors.

"It's a small drone!!"

A Bossa crew member shouted in an extremely frightened voice: "The surface is also covered with high-temperature plasma!"

"The number of drone groups..."

The crew suddenly fell silent.

"How many are there?!" The commander's terrible thoughts became more intense and he asked sternly.

"Currently, the number has exceeded 50 million, and it is growing rapidly..." The broadcast crew couldn't believe their eyes, and muttered to themselves, "60 million, no, it is already more than 70 million!"

"Start the defensive formation immediately!!" Commander Botha's breathing suddenly became rapid, "Small starships give priority to resist the impact!"

The moment the words fell.

The Bosa fleet, which was originally a little loose, immediately began to adjust its fleet formation.

The distance between each battleship quickly decreased.

At the same time, battleships were stacked one on top of another to form a standard spherical shape.

The center of the sphere is naturally the flagship of Botha civilization.

At the outermost edge of the sphere are those small starships that only have magnetic shields.

When the defensive formation was formed, the first batch of [ball lightning] had already arrived in front of the Bossa fleet.

Zero's precise control, coupled with the amazing mobility of [Ball Lightning], greatly reduced the effectiveness of the Bossa fleet's laser interception system.

Under the gaze of Commander Botha, these [ball lightnings], which were all blue in color with golden electric snakes surging on the surface, fiercely bombarded the outermost small starships.

The faint blue plasma outlines the shape of the magnetic field shield. Under the bombardment of [ball lightning], tiny ripples slowly spread out on the magnetic field shield.

This scene only lasted for tens of seconds.

In the command room of Bosa's flagship, shrill sirens sounded one after another.

"Commander, some battleships' magnetic shields have been overloaded!" the Bossa crew screamed.

Commander Botha raised his hand, hammered the console in front of him angrily, and squeezed out a few syllables through his teeth.

"Launch a gravity bomb!"

Originally, in its plan, the final weapons such as gravity bombs should be used in "close-to-hand" hand-to-hand combat with the human fleet.

Level four civilizations that have not yet mastered the grand unified theory have never seen a means of using gravity to carry out attacks!

By surprise, good results are bound to be achieved.

But now...


It hammered the console in front of it hard again: "Damn it, what on earth is going on with this human civilization?!"

"Is their productivity unlimited?"

Its curses were interrupted by an increasingly shrill siren.

"Quick! Launch the gravity bomb directly!"

"The contact war has not yet begun, the fleet cannot be reduced!" Commander Botha's harsh voice echoed in the command room.


"The gravity bomb is being prepared!"

"3, 2, 1, launch!"

The side bomb openings of Bossa's flagship and secondary flagships slowly opened.

Subsequently, several spherical weapons with dark surfaces were ejected from it.

The process of ejection is accompanied by a strong gravitational fluctuation.

The spherical weapon quickly blended into the surrounding dark space with its dark appearance.

At the same time, under the influence of inertia, it quickly rushed towards the [ball lightning] glowing with blue light in the distance.

One second, two seconds...

The distance between the two quickly closed.

Finally, under the watchful eyes of all the Bothans, it successfully rushed into the [Ball Lightning] group.

Those drones controlled by Zero drew a graceful arc and perfectly avoided its path.


A sharp command sounded from inside Bossa's flagship!

Almost at the same time, a bright light burst out from the [ball lightning] group!

Then, there were extremely powerful gravitational fluctuations!

The surrounding light, under the influence of strong gravity, became distorted directly!

The next second, a group of drone-type plasma missiles around the detonation area of ​​the gravity bomb flew uncontrollably towards the source of the light distortion!

In just a few seconds, the strong light dissipated.

A spherical object constructed from the wreckage of drones appeared in the universe.

Surrounding it was a large open area spreading in a spherical shape.

Such scenes continued to appear in the area around the Botha fleet.

In a very short time, these gravity bombs tore a hole for the fleet to break through!

"Fleet full speed!"

Commander Botha gave the order loudly.


At the same time.

A shrill alarm sounded in the [Earth].


"[Ball Lightning] Drone group suffered an unknown attack!"

The moment the electronic synthesized sound sounded, the huge holographic projection screen in front of the command center changed rapidly.

The star map of the Gliese 555 star system appeared in front of everyone.

Outside the star map was the Botha fleet marked in red.

Near the Botha fleet, there were countless tiny blue dots of light.

These dots of light symbolized the [Ball Lightning] drone swarm released by the human fleet.

At first, these tiny blue dots of light were so dense that they almost drowned the red Botha fleet.

But within just a few dozen seconds, the blue dots of light were rapidly decreasing under the gaze of everyone!

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