The image in the holographic projection made Lv Yongchang and others change their faces slightly.

In such a short period of time, the battle situation was reversed in an instant.

This overwhelming result made Lv Yongchang think of a single possibility.

"They used brand-new weapons and equipment!"

Lv Yongchang ordered hurriedly.

"Zero, call up the relevant data immediately!"

As the voice fell, a series of data that had been preliminarily screened continued to emerge in the huge holographic projection.

At the same time, the video data sent back from the impacted area also began to play.

When he saw the extremely distorted light, Lv Yongchang's face showed a hint of surprise.

"Gravity weapon?"

He murmured softly.

"It should be." Fang Xu's voice came from beside him, "Looking at this effect, this weapon should rely on creating a short-term strong gravity to cause damage to the enemy fleet."

"However, it is not clear how strong gravity it can create."

Lv Yongchang did not speak, but just silently looked at the image in the holographic projection.

When he saw the extreme darkness in the center of the picture, he finally lost his temper!

"Artificial black hole?!"

He subconsciously wanted to stand up, but was pulled back to his seat by the electromagnetic adsorption device behind him.

The next moment, the extremely tiny extreme darkness disappeared in the universe, as if everything that happened just now was an illusion.

At the same time, the gravitational lens effect in the surrounding area also slowly dissipated.

Lv Yongchang looked at the holographic projection in front of him in doubt and muttered to himself: "Is it a black hole?"

In the holographic projection, the drone-type plasma missiles in the surrounding area were now flattened into a pile of scrap metal.

"Unbelievable... This weapon can actually create a micro black hole..."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and swiped a few times in the holographic image in front of him.

When he saw the data sent back by the detector, he exhaled a long breath and said with a sense of relief: "Yes, they created a micro black hole."

The data clearly showed that during the dissipation of the gravitational lens, that is, during the demise of the micro black hole, extremely strong Hawking radiation appeared around it.

And Hawking radiation is a kind of thermal radiation emitted by a black hole!

"Professor, the gravitational data has been analyzed."

Accompanied by the sound of Zero's electronic synthesis, a curve chart appeared in the holographic projection.

Looking at the "peak" that instantly towered in the curve chart, Lv Yongchang swallowed hard.

At this moment, he suddenly realized the gap between human civilization and Botha civilization.

Human civilization still needs to find a black hole in nature to analyze the gravitational field, while Botha civilization can already artificially create micro black holes!

Although the existence of a black hole is extremely short, it is a black hole after all!

"The enemy fleet is accelerating!"

A crew member reported loudly: "It has reached the orbit of the ice giant!"

Lv Yongchang's heart sank.

Ice giant's orbit.

That is to say, the two fleets are about to face off!

"Attention, all units."

"Prepare for a head-on battle!"


The front battlefield was opened by a high-energy laser from the Botha fleet!


The surface armor of the [Golden Crow] battleship that was hit was instantly burned with a big hole.

But the next moment, a white smoke gushed out from the big hole.

This is a passive high-energy laser blocking armor inspired by the Latour civilization.

When the surface armor is burned through, the liquid nitrogen and smoke bombs hidden in it will explode instantly, creating a small "haze" zone in the armor-hit area to avoid the continuous damage of the high-energy laser.

At the same time, the adaptive repair technology began to operate.

A large number of nanorobots were transported to the damaged location, and under the guidance of the ship-borne artificial intelligence, the ship repair work began!

Not fighting back when being beaten is definitely not the style of the human fleet.

Almost at the same time, under the control of the captains and crew, more than 5,000 [Golden Crow] battleships simultaneously started the antimatter engines!

Driven by the tremendous energy brought by the antimatter engines, the huge [Golden Crow] battleships rushed straight towards the aggressive Botha fleet!

Like the choice of the Botha fleet, the human fleet also took the lead in using high-energy laser weapons!

Before the fleets of both sides came into close combat, the open area in the middle was already filled with various weapons.

High-energy lasers, electromagnetic cannon projectiles...

These are the most common means of attack.

In addition to these basic attacks, high-intensity ion beams also irradiated the opponent!

As soon as the frontal battle began, it entered a white-hot stage!

On the battlefield, the shield generation device of the battleship was overloaded from time to time, and then exploded under various attacks.

However, there seemed to be something wrong with the battle loss ratio of the fleets of both sides.

"Commander, we have lost 37 small warships!"

"Update, 52 small warships have been lost so far!"

Sharp and harsh voices continued to ring out in the command room of the Bosa Fleet.

Looking at the growing number of casualties, Commander Bosa's "face" became ugly!

"What about the other fleet?"

"How many warships did they lose?!"


In an instant, the noisy command room suddenly became quiet.

"Commander, Commander..."

"So far, we have destroyed... 6 enemy ships."

Commander Bosa felt a surge of blood rushing to his head.

It waved the two pairs of forelimbs on its chest and screamed: "Why?"

"I need to know the reason!"

"They are only a fourth-level civilization!"

"Don't tell me that our weapons and equipment are not as good as a weak fourth-level civilization!"

A few seconds later, the picture taken by the detector was projected in front of Commander Bosa.

"This is..."

Looking at the picture in front of it, it was stunned: "Damn... How did they do it?"

In the picture, a [Golden Crow] battleship was being attacked by high-energy lasers, high-energy ion beams, high-energy plasma and countless electromagnetic cannon projectiles.

Faced with such an exaggerated offensive, this [Golden Crow] battleship did not sit still and wait for death.

With the help of a powerful antimatter engine, it constantly maneuvers at various angles to avoid most attacks.

At the same time, the secondary guns on its side continuously emitted lasers and electromagnetic cannons, accurately intercepting each electromagnetic cannon projectile fired at the key position.

For high-energy lasers, it continuously released bursts of white smoke on its surface, and used these white smoke to quickly weaken and block the attack of laser weapons.

When the white smoke dissipated, the pits that had just been ablated by the laser weapons had automatically recovered.

More importantly, for those high-energy ion beams and plasma weapons that can only be resisted by shields, this warship of human civilization did not activate the magnetic field shield covering the entire ship, but instead released a regional magnetic field shield in a targeted manner!

This move greatly increased the limit of the magnetic field shield generation device!

Relying on these miraculous operations, the human fleet resisted the artillery attack from the Botha civilization!

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