A gasp suddenly sounded in the command center: "Hiss..."

Not only was everyone amazed at the extremely high speed of the gravity bomb, but they were also amazed at the method described by Lv Yongchang!

It sounds really simple, but to really do it, it is still necessary to complete the screening and inspection of these data in such a short time...

Is this really something that humans can do? !

For a moment, even Fang Xu's eyes turned strange when he looked at Lv Yongchang.

Lv Yongchang also noticed the strangeness in everyone's eyes, but at this time, his mind was all on the gravity bombs launched by the enemy ship.

He spread his hands helplessly: "I know this method is a bit stupid."

"No way, at present, we have no means of observation for the starship entering the curvature navigation state."

"It is only possible to capture its track by conducting a carpet-style investigation through the weak gravitational changes."

"Therefore." Lv Yongchang paused slightly, "We need a large number of detectors!"

"A lot of detectors." He emphasized again, "Only by real-time monitoring of the gravitational fluctuations of the entire battlefield can we implement evasive operations in advance."

After a speech, everyone temporarily put aside their "amazement" about Lv Yongchang.

Cao Liangcai's steady voice sounded on the side.

"Professor, the existing detectors can be reduced and modified."

"Only the most basic gravitational detection module and communication module are needed on each detector."

"We can remove all other functions, including the power system."

"It only needs to be in a fixed area, just like..." Cao Liangcai paused, as if he was considering his words.

Suddenly, his eyes brightened, he stroked his palm and said loudly: "Float!"

"Yes, it's a float!"

Lv Yongchang was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized.

Very vivid.

Just like the float used for fishing, this simplest gravity detector, when scattered all over the battlefield, can help humans find the gravity bombs "lurking" in the universe!

"Design plan..."

"It will be ready soon!" Cao Liangcai quickly operated the holographic projection in front of him, "The basic detector is a modular design, I only need to make a slight change to put it into production!"

Lv Yongchang nodded with satisfaction and added: "Reduce its size as much as possible to reduce the possibility of it being attacked."

"...Okay." While nodding, Cao Liangcai quickly waved his fingers a few times and made some changes to the original design plan.

Lu Yongchang turned his head and looked at

"Zero, adjust the computing power allocation immediately."

"Put the manufacturing of [Gravity Float] as the first priority."

"I want to see it cover the entire battlefield!!!"


Accompanied by Zero's electronic synthesized voice, space factories quickly stopped their original manufacturing work.

At the same time, a new manufacturing task began to run!

Like laying eggs, one after another [Gravity Float] equipped with only gravity detection function appeared at the end of the production line!

Because there is no power system, one drone after another, under Zero's control, dragged these [Gravity Float] towards the designated area.


Bosa Fleet.

Looking at the latest data presented in front of him, a large stick insect showed a hint of disappointment on his face.

"Commander, the effect of the curvature bomb has decreased."

"It's normal." Commander Bosa looked calm, "This is the defect of the gravity bomb."


"This is precisely the advantage of the gravity bomb."

"Did you find it? Their fleet is much looser than before."

"Isn't this just right?" Commander Bosa's small eyes flashed with fanatical eyes.

"Directly break through their defense line!"

"I want to see how they produce these annoying little gadgets after destroying their production equipment!"

As he said, he glared fiercely at the drone outside the porthole that was rushing towards the warship without hesitation.

A ball of fire from the explosion lit up outside the porthole, illuminating its side face covered with a layer of exoskeleton.

It retracted its disgusted gaze and shouted loudly:

"Tighten the outer defense and break forward!"

"Wait!" The shout of a large stick insect interrupted Commander Bossa's voice, "The enemy fleet is also tightening its front!"

"They have noticed our intention!"

Commander Bossa, who was interrupted, quickly glanced at the picture in the active detection device and couldn't help cursing angrily: "Damn it!"

"This group of cunning fourth-level bugs!"

"Keep firing curvature bombs!"

"I will bomb them so hard that they dare not tighten their fronts!!"

"... Commander!" A Bossa crew member shouted in a high-pitched voice, "The other side has sent out drones again!"

Commander Bossa sneered: "Is it the same attack mode again?"

"When the drones get close, use gravity bombs to bomb them." It showed a hint of disdain in its eyes, and snorted coldly, "I want to see how many drones this ugly fourth-level bug can make!"

Under the gaze of a group of Bossa people, these drones quickly came to the center of the two fleets.


After a short pause, they turned around and left.

"This..." Commander Bossa was confused, "What do they want to do?"

A crew member quickly mobilized a detector and came to the area where the drone had stopped under endless gunfire.

Finally, after sacrificing the "lives" of thousands of detectors, Commander Bossa got an image.

A very small detector.

Compared with warships that are thousands of meters long, this cube detector with a side length of less than one meter seems particularly small!

"Commander, the analysis results are out."

"The detector only has the function of gravity detection, and the detection accuracy is very low."

"According to my guess, the human fleet should rely on these detectors to find the route of the curvature bomb."

Hearing the speech of his subordinates, Commander Bossa couldn't help laughing.

"Interesting, very interesting." Its body trembled slightly, its breathing holes opened and closed quickly, and the mouthparts on its head squirmed rapidly, "No wonder the Lord paid attention to them!"

"They actually want to use these crude detectors to find the gravity bombs that have entered the curvature flight state!"

The crew of Bossa on the side couldn't help laughing.

The maximum speed of the curvature bomb reached ten times the speed of light, and it took only fifty seconds from launch to hitting the target.

In other words, from the detector observing the gravitational fluctuations, to the completion of the determination of the impact area, to the warship completing the evasive action...

All operations must be compressed within 25 seconds.

Commander Bosa sneered and shook his head: "While they are tightening their lines, continue to launch curvature bombs."

"If this group of level 4 bugs can use this to evade the attack of curvature bombs, then there will not be such a big gap between level 5 civilization and level 4 civilization!"

ps: Thanks to the great certification of Jiuli 乄!

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