
Accompanied by an electronic synthesized sound, the azure holographic projection appeared in front of Lv Yongchang again, pulling his thoughts back from infinity.

"The probe has arrived at the Gliese 3929 star system, and the preliminary exploration data has been sent back. Do you want to check it?"

The electronic synthesized sound without any fluctuations gradually calmed Lv Yongchang's intense heartbeat.

He then remembered the second purpose of setting the "alarm clock" - to assign corresponding production and construction tasks to Zero according to the specific conditions of the star system.

Theoretically, as a strong artificial intelligence, Zero should have sufficient judgment ability for various emergencies.

But related to the future of human civilization, he had to be cautious.

While thinking about the materials urgently needed by the human fleet, Lv Yongchang nodded.


The incandescent light once again filled the entire room, and the azure holographic image gradually enlarged.

The sudden strong light made Lv Yongchang subconsciously squint his eyes.

The next moment, the room lights dimmed rapidly and automatically adjusted to the brightness he felt comfortable with.

"Professor, according to the data sent back by the probe, there are two solid planets and one gas giant in this star system."

A star map slowly appeared in the holographic projection.

Lv Yongchang carefully read the various data sent back by the probe.

According to the data sent back by the probe, the two solid planets are slightly different.

Among them, the solid planet close to the main star is more similar to Mercury.

It can be easily judged from its mass, volume and density data that under the silicate shell, there is a high probability that there is a huge reserve of iron and nickel core.

As for the other solid planet, because it is far away from the main star and the atmosphere is relatively thin, it is an extremely cold world.

The surface is extremely dry, with only a small amount of solid ice, and there is almost no mining value.

It can be said that this is an extremely barren planet.

Not to mention the gas giant planet.

At any time, it is a qualified energy replenishment station.

Even though the human fleet has used antimatter engines, helium-3 is still an indispensable energy reserve in the fleet.

There are two main reasons.

On the one hand, antimatter production is difficult and relatively expensive. On the other hand, antimatter energy is too wasteful when used on some equipment.

In addition to helium-3, a fusion raw material, a large amount of hydrogen in gas giant planets can also be used as a raw material to drive antimatter engines. Usually, antimatter engines choose to annihilate antihydrogen and hydrogen to generate energy.

After all, hydrogen is extremely common in the universe, and antihydrogen is relatively easy to produce.

Lv Yongchang retracted his gaze, frowned slightly, and carefully thought about the next construction plan.

"First, reorganize the Dyson Cloud antimatter production and reserve base and list it as the first priority task."

While speaking, he stretched out his hand and gently tapped the star in the star map.

"Received, engineering ships and [Taotie] are being dispatched to the target area."

As the electronic synthesized sound sounded, a part of the starship broke away from the main force and flew straight to the distant star emitting light and heat.

"Next is the second priority construction task."

"Build mineral mining facilities and starship manufacturing plants near Gliese 3929b."

(Planet naming, the first is Gliese 3929b, the second is Gliese 3929c, and so on, a represents the star body.)

"Match the star gold and carbonyne carried by the fleet, and make all kinds of war resources with all our strength."

The so-called war resources, in addition to weapons and ammunition, are all kinds of warships.

After two consecutive wars, coupled with the Tail Cutoff Plan, the strength of the Human Fleet has shrunk seriously.

In order to prevent unexpected situations on the way, expanding the fleet is already an urgent task.

But Lu Yongchang frowned again.

Carbonyne is a small matter. Although Gliese 3929c is very barren, some carbon can still be obtained.

The focus is star gold.

There is no ice giant in Gliese 3929, which directly cuts off Lu Yongchang's idea of ​​mining star gold.

Of course, he also knows that not all ice giants have star gold resources.

Therefore, as early as when the Dyson cloud device was built, the Human Union Academy of Sciences spent a lot of resources on artificial star gold technology.

At present, this technology has been completely mature.

But raw materials have become a big problem.

Without raw materials, everything is empty talk!

Gliese 3929, this star system is too barren, so barren that Lu Yongchang only felt a tingling sensation on his scalp.

There must be a star system with relatively abundant supplies nearby, but the primary target of the Human Union Fleet is still the small black hole.

The sooner they reach the black hole, the sooner they can master the curvature technology and become a level 5 civilization!

For this little resource, it is obviously not worth spending hundreds of years.

In desperation, Lu Yongchang could only adjust his instructions with a painful face.

"Reduce the amount of war resource preparation by half."

"We need to keep some supplies for the war that may happen at any time."

"Received, the manufacturing plan has been changed." Zero did not understand Lu Yongchang's expression at this time. As always, it faithfully executed the instructions from the creator.

"The third priority mission is to have the Manta go to Gliese 3929d to collect helium-3 and hydrogen."

Lv Yongchang raised his hands and rubbed his face vigorously, then exhaled a breath of turbid air and spoke again: "Zero, estimate the time required for all tasks."

With almost no waiting, Zero's response sounded again: "It is estimated that it will take 47.69 years to complete all projects."

"Nearly fifty years..."

Lv Yongchang murmured to himself: "It is acceptable."

"By the way, remember to release the probe and create a warning zone in the surrounding area of ​​the star system."

The experience after leaving the earth made Lv Yongchang, and even the entire human civilization, a frightened bird.

The human fleet, fearing that it would suffer another unprovoked disaster, would release a large number of probes even during the voyage to create a large enough warning circle around the fleet.

"The mission has been completed, and the early warning probe has been successfully released."

Looking at the picture of probes coming out of the [Golden Crow] battleship in the holographic projection, Lv Yongchang nodded with satisfaction, and then controlled his body to float towards the hibernation cabin.

"After completing all production and construction tasks, control the fleet to the black hole area."

As he entered the hibernation chamber, he said in a serious tone: "No matter what happens, the distance between the fleet and the black hole must be kept outside the warning value."


The hatch of the hibernation chamber slowly closed, and the pale yellow deep-sea liquid filled the interior of the hibernation chamber again.

Lv Yongchang, who was injected with hibernation hormone, slowly closed his eyes with endless curiosity about black holes.

The lights in the room gradually dimmed until they went out.

The flagship [Earth] fell into silence again.

But the fleet became active.

Under Zero's instructions, a large number of engineering ships carried the corresponding materials and headed towards the preset area!

The desolate Gliese 3929 star system became lively for the first time after billions of years of silence!

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