The order issued by Lu Yongchang was transmitted to the detector through a long-distance communication device.

With almost no delay, all detectors quickly completed attitude adjustments and lit up the antimatter engines at the tail at the same time.


The huge energy changes the detector's original falling motion state at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, the gamma rays emitted by the antimatter engine dispersed in all directions like a storm.

As the attitude of the detector gradually stabilizes, the power of the antimatter engine also gradually decreases.

Under Zero's control, the detectors were carved from the same mold, hovering at the same height in the dense atmosphere.

Then, the detectors adjusted their posture again and flew in all directions of the planet.

The real-time images from the detector are presented to the scientists with extremely clear clarity.


"Are there only forests on this planet?"

An older generation academician of the Academy of Sciences from the Earth Age complained in a low voice: "This greening is really good..."

Lu Yongchang laughed dumbly.

Although it was funny, there was also some confusion in his eyes.

Not only him, but also the academicians majoring in biology in the laboratory had confusion written all over their faces.

"This... is not normal..." Mao Zhengzhi frowned and muttered to himself, "It's so abnormal!"

"With so many forests, is the soil fertility on this planet so high?"

"And the forest density in every place is almost exactly the, how is this possible?!"

Mao Zhengzhi shook his head repeatedly: "I don't understand, I really don't understand this time..."

Lu Yongchang's eyes moved and he asked in a deep voice: "Zero, has the surface scanning and modeling work been completed?"

"Relevant data is being processed, please wait."

Electronic synthesized sounds sounded quickly.

After a few seconds of waiting, a brand new projection appeared in front of everyone.

The 3D model glows with blue light, and thick trees grow on the undulating ground.

At first glance, there seems to be no problem.

"Wait, wait!"

Mao Zhengzhi suddenly widened his eyes and said with a look of horror: "Professor, look at the numbers on the coordinate axis next to it!"

Lu Yongchang was stunned and looked at the coordinate axes on the side of the 3D model with some confusion.


His reaction was even more intense than that of Mao Zhengzhi!

"Fuck..." Lu Yongchang's voice trembled slightly, "How on earth do these trees grow?!"

On the coordinate axis, the number 100 glows with a bright white light.

100 meters.

This is the average height of these trees.

Compared with the earth, the size of these trees has increased several times!

"Professor, the detector detected an abnormality."

This time, before Lu Yongchang could speak, a holographic image automatically appeared next to him.

In the picture is an extremely large tree, like a pillar connecting the ground and the sky, standing quietly on the surface of the planet!

The camera zooms in quickly.

The texture on the tree trunk gradually becomes clearer.

The deep ravines reveal to outsiders the vicissitudes of life it has experienced.

The tree canopy blocks the sun, blocking light from the black hole's accretion disk.

Long branches seem to be unable to bear the planet's gravity and hang down from the canopy of the trees.

At its feet is a lush forest.

From a distance, these forests look like grass at the foot of this big tree!

A single tree forms a forest!

Lu Yongchang's breathing was a little rapid. He suddenly realized that the extremely green Arctic area he saw in the universe at that time was probably caused by this terrifying giant tree!


Lu Yongchang swallowed slightly and asked in a low voice: "How big is this tree?"

"According to the data returned by the detector, the highest point is 12,037 meters."

Even though everyone was mentally prepared, when they heard this number, there was still a gasp in the laboratory!


Lu Yongchang is no exception.

His pupils dilated slightly and he looked at the holographic image in front of him with disbelief.

12,000-meter-tall trees…

I originally thought that those woods with an average height of 100 meters were exaggerated enough, but I didn't expect that there was a big boss with a height of 12,000 meters!

He couldn't help but cursed in his heart: This tnd, a tree is actually bigger than the Earth!

"How on earth does this... grow?!"

Mao Zhengzhi's face turned slightly red, and he complained loudly: "No matter how high the oxygen concentration is, it is impossible for such a monster to appear!"

After a brief shock, Lu Yongchang took a deep breath, calmed down a little, and turned his attention to the data returned by the detector.


It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, you will find the problem once you look at it.

"What about the gamma rays and X-rays produced by the black hole? Where do those radiations go?"

Lu Yongchang subconsciously turned his head to look at the data returned by the other detectors.

No problem.

The planet's atmosphere is filled with high-intensity radiation from all kinds of black holes - except around giant trees.

Mao Zhengzhi also discovered this anomaly.

His eyes stayed on the huge crown of the giant tree, and he raised his hand thoughtfully and touched his chin.

"Professor, let these detectors leave the tree canopy coverage area and take a look." Mao Zhengzhi said softly.

Lv Yongchang's eyes were filled with excitement and confusion, and he gently waved his hand to signal Zero.

With the help of the antimatter engine, the detector quickly left the canopy area of ​​the giant tree.

"A large dose of radiation has been detected."

An electronic synthesized voice sounded.

"Sure enough..." Lv Yongchang murmured excitedly.

"Professor, it's basically certain." Mao Zhengzhi said loudly with some excitement and horror, "This giant tree can absorb gamma rays and X-rays and use them as energy for its own growth."

"Now, everything makes sense!"

"No wonder this planet is in such a bad position, there is still life on it!"

"It feels like the area around this black hole is a paradise for these trees!"

"Life is really amazing!" Mao Zhengzhi looked at the holographic projection in front of him and exclaimed repeatedly.

Unlike Mao Zhengzhi, Lv Yongchang's first thought was the role these trees can play!

Such efficient absorption of large doses of radiation...

These trees are simply excellent materials for building a starship's radiation protection layer!

The scene of the war between advanced civilizations still lingers in Lv Yongchang's mind.

He can fully imagine the extremely large doses of high-energy radiation diffused in the war zone without having to experience it himself!

Therefore, the question of how to increase the radiation protection performance of the starship has always been lingering in his mind.

Now, the plan has been revealed!

He gave Zero an order with some excitement: "Zero!"


"Land immediately!"

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