The order was given.

Ling meticulously carried out the orders from Lu Yongchang.

For safety reasons, the detectors scattered throughout the Forsaken Star drive the antimatter engines and focus on several preset landing sites.

The sky of Forgotten Star, which had been calm for who knows how many years, appeared at this moment with countless dazzling rainbows!

The light from the black hole's accretion disk reflects the chaotic and orderly rainbow in the sky.

The high-energy gamma rays produced when the antimatter engine is working are like a tide, rushing to every corner of the Forgotten Star in waves.

Under the impact of these high-energy gamma rays, this forest-covered planet has undergone some extremely small and unknown changes.

Even a detector equipped with countless advanced observation equipment could not detect this small change during high-speed flight.

As time passed, the originally messy leaves slowly adjusted their orientation - they pointed the front of the leaves towards the rainbows in the sky.

It's as if the trees are staring at the tracks left by the detectors!

This strange scene did not last long. As the rainbow in the sky slowly faded away, the leaves of these trees returned to their original orientation.

The equatorial region of the Forsaken Star.

Above the A1 landing site, 20,000 meters in the air.

Dozens of detectors adjusted their postures and then reduced the operating power of their antimatter engines.

As the light from the nozzle gradually dimmed, the heights of these dozens of detectors also gradually decreased.

The land area of ​​the Forgotten Star is covered by dense forests, which makes the landing of the probe somewhat difficult.

At the beginning, Lu Yongchang prepared to adopt a "violent landing" method, that is, using laser weapons and high-power bombs to clear a safe landing area.

However, this proposal was strongly opposed by Mao Zhengzhi.

As an academician of biology, he couldn't bear to see such a magical ecosystem destroyed.

Of course, the most important reason is that humans currently do not know the growth cycle and cultivation methods of these trees.

If its growth cycle is too long, or if its cultivation is too difficult, the forest on the Forgotten Star will basically become a non-renewable resource.

Even though the number of trees on this planet is extremely large, once it is determined that it has good radiation resistance properties, the needs of the human fleet are not vegetarian.

Therefore, in order to preserve these precious resources as much as possible, the probe gave up its original landing plan and instead chose to land on the Forgotten Star through the gaps between the tree canopies.

Observed from a high altitude, the forest on the surface of the Forsaken Star is extremely lush and dense.

But in front of us, there are still many gaps between the crowns of each big tree, enough to accommodate small detectors.

In the [Earth] laboratory, everyone looked curiously at the images sent back by the detector, trying to see the true appearance of this lost star for the first time!

As for the data returned by the black hole detector?

Let the probe fly for a while longer.

They also need a lot of time to cross the huge accretion disk and reach the area where the distortion of space-time is high enough.

The detector gradually descended, and the scenery inside the forest came into view.


Mao Zhengzhi, who was originally full of excitement, frowned and let out a light sigh.

"Something feels wrong..."

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, stretched out his hand and dragged the 3D model aside, marking several areas on it: "Zero, help me calculate the distance between these tree crowns."

For Zero, this task is extremely simple.

As soon as he finished speaking, detailed data appeared in front of Mao Zhengzhi.

Looking at the numbers on the holographic model, the remaining excitement in his eyes dissipated instantly!


He turned his head and looked at Lu Yongchang beside him: "There is something wrong with this forest!"

"No, I'm afraid it's not this forest!"

"It's the whole planet!"

"You mean..." Lu Yongchang looked thoughtfully at the statistics that kept beating in front of him, "This forest may be artificially planted?"

Looking at the gradually increasing data samples, he changed his words: "No, the forests on this entire planet are artificially planted?"

"...Yes." Mao Zhengzhi nodded with some confusion, "It sounds a bit incredible."

“The trees range in size from small to large, and the size of their crowns varies.”

"Normally, it should be easy to see the overlap between tree crowns."

"But so far, the distance between all tree crowns is basically similar." Mao Zhengzhi showed a hint of fear in his eyes, "Moreover, on this planet, except for the Arctic region, the vegetation density of all forests is basically the same. "

"One more thing..."

"Professor, there is only this kind of tree on this planet!"

"How could such a situation happen without human intervention!"

Lu Yongchang's eyes were a little more solemn than before.

He was silent for a while, without giving any conclusion, but said in a deep voice: "Continue to log in."

"No matter what, we can only find out the truth behind it by landing on this planet."

"If it were the work of other advanced civilizations..."

Lu Yongchang did not continue.

But everyone present understood the meaning of his words, and everyone's expressions became a little gloomy.

Just escaped from the tiger's mouth and turned around and entered the wolf's den again?

While everyone was discussing, the probe successfully passed through the gap between the treetops and crossed the last distance, "stepping" on the surface of the Lost Star.

Logically speaking, with a surface gravity of nearly 1.5g, plus these 100-meter-high behemoths, the surface soil should be quite solid!

But the actual situation is completely opposite to Lv Yongchang's imagination!

The soil is very soft.

According to the data sent back by the sensor, the softness of these soils far exceeded Lv Yongchang's expectations.

It is even softer than the soil on Earth.

It's like... someone has been loosening the soil for it.

Who could it be?

Lv Yongchang shuddered slightly, shook his head to get rid of the thoughts in his mind, and then turned his attention to the holographic image in front of him.

The light and shadows are sparse.

The light from the black hole accretion disk shines directly on the soft reddish-brown soil through the gap between the leaves and the treetops, forming patches of light spots of different sizes.

There are a few fallen leaves left on the reddish-brown soil.

Although the number of leaves is small, the area is very large.

Two or three adult human men can lie on one leaf!

At the bottom of the tree trunk, some fungi like mushrooms grow.

The cap is wide and brightly colored.

It is like the accretion disk of a black hole.

Coupled with the towering trees that are often hundreds of meters high, a fantastic picture is clearly presented in front of everyone.

Under Zero's control, the hatch on the side of a detector slowly opened.

Several small robots quickly walked out of the hatch and walked towards the leaves with firm steps.

Sampling, storage...

The robot that completed the leaf sampling quickly stood up and put the sample back into the detector.

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