
"Too quiet."

Mao Zhengzhi stared at the fantastic scene in the holographic projection, which looked like a scroll, and squeezed out a few words from his teeth.

Lv Yongchang also nodded solemnly.

As Academician Mao Zhengzhi said, this forest is too quiet!

Except for the sound of the wind blowing the broad leaves, there is almost no other sound!

Many times, silence is the biggest anomaly!

"Is there no animal on this planet..."

Lv Yongchang muttered to himself in confusion.

While everyone was confused, Zero was still carrying out the sampling task in an orderly manner.

After the leaf sampling work was completed, it was the trunk sampling, soil sampling, and associated fungi sampling.

Soil sampling is very simple.

Under Zero's control, the robot quickly completed this task.

The most difficult thing was the sampling of trees.

The reason...naturally, the hardness of these trunks far exceeded the imagination of Lv Yongchang and others!

But it is understandable.

Judging from their appearance, these hundred-meter-high trees belong to the same species as the 12,000-meter-high tree.

These tree trunks can support such a huge object under 1.5g gravity, so their strength can be imagined.

But all this became a lie after the robot replaced the drill bit with the same material as the starship shell.

Under the impact of the star gold-carbonyne composite drill bit, a cylindrical sample that penetrated the cross section of the tree was taken out.

"Professor, the detector detected some abnormal vibrations on the ground."

As the electronic synthesized sound sounded, all the robots put down their scientific research equipment and revealed the small laser guns installed on the mechanical arms.

Driven by the fusion battery, the muzzle flashed with a lavender light, the surrounding temperature also rose rapidly, and the calm air was slightly distorted.

The vibration disappeared.

But the robots still maintained their original movements, looking around vigilantly.

Ten minutes later.

"No unknown creatures were found."

"Comprehensively determined, the source of the vibration is a minor earthquake."

"The alert has been lifted, and the original sampling mission will continue."

The lavender light gradually dissipated, and the small laser gun was retracted into the mechanical arm.


Half an hour later.

"The sampling work at each landing point has been completed."

"The detector is ready to perform the return operation."

Zero's report sounded in the laboratory.

This should have been a phased progress, but there was no smile on Lu Yongchang's face.

He looked at the holographic image in front of him with great solemnity, with a look of doubt in his eyes: "What do you think of the vibration just now?"

Beside him, Mao Zhengzhi stared at the data in the projection and sighed deeply.

"At almost the same time, all surface detectors detected this slight vibration."

"It looks like an earthquake, but it's not the frequency of seismic waves."

"This is very strange." Mao Zhengzhi turned his head, looked at Lv Yongchang's eyes seriously, and repeated again, "It's really strange."

Lv Yongchang was silent for a moment, and said softly: "You also think this is not an earthquake?"

Mao Zhengzhi nodded silently: "What a coincidence."

"At that time, almost all robots were performing tree trunk sampling work."

Lv Yongchang stared at the robots entering the detector in turn in the picture, thinking carefully about the measures to be taken next.

In his mind, the possibility that this planet was the work of an advanced civilization has been promoted to the first place!

But after all, there is no definite evidence.

Today's human civilization needs all resources that can promote development!

We must never give up these precious resources because of some insufficient evidence!

"All probes loaded with samples are returning."

After pondering for a long time, Lv Yongchang finally spoke again: "The rest of the probes will enter the near-Earth orbit of the Lost Star and conduct real-time observations of the surface of the Lost Star."

"In addition, implement the second batch of awakening plans."

"Send some experienced planetary explorers for the next landing exploration mission."


At the same time as the electronic synthesized sound rang, Mao Zhengzhi's voice also rang.

"Professor, isn't this too risky?"

"There are still a lot of mysteries on the Lost Star that have not been solved. If you rashly send planetary explorers..."

Before Lv Yongchang could speak, Fang Xu on the other side had already interrupted Mao Zhengzhi's voice.

"That's why we need to send planetary explorers."

"You've also seen the surface environment of the Lost Star."

"Complex forest landforms, extremely soft soil..."

"In such an environment, Zero-Sum Robot can only play an auxiliary exploration role."

"If you want to truly unveil the veil of the Lost Star, sending explorers to land and explore is an indispensable link."


The probe left.

Only a part of the probe remained in the near-Earth orbit of the Lost Star, quietly gazing at the forest below.

But under the cover of the tree canopy, the exploration effect was not very good.

The soft soil trembled slightly.

A thick tree root slowly emerged from the ground and stretched to the area where the probe landed.

It lay on the somewhat charred surface as much as possible, as if there was honey on it.

Time passed slowly.

As the Lost Star rotated, night came.

The brilliant accretion disk covering the entire sky slowly disappeared at the end of the horizon.

Since the last "great change in the world", the nights have become increasingly cold.

The tree roots lying on the charred surface twitched slightly, as if they sensed the coldness around them, and retracted into the soft soil again.

At night, this quiet forest finally became lively.

One after another, huge arthropods crawled out of the dense tree canopy, dragging their numerous ventral feet and crawling toward the surface along the thick tree trunks.

They crawled very fast, and in a few seconds they climbed down the hundred-meter-high tree trunks.

After reaching the ground, they did not hesitate at all and quickly crawled to the bottom of the tree trunk.

There, there was the food they urgently needed.

These foods, which looked like the big round plate in the sky, could only be safely enjoyed at night.

After eating, several of the arthropods moved their ventral feet and twisted their bodies to a slightly raised mound.

The soil of this mound was particularly soft, as if it had just been turned over by something.

They put their heads together and communicated with each other using their tentacles.

"It's dead."

"Yes, it's dead."

"What a pity."

"I've told it so many times that it can't go down to find food during the day. That's the devil's bait, but it just won't listen!"

"Oh... What a pity..."

After the communication, the arthropods turned around and crawled away.

While the night was still thick, they needed to find food as much as possible.

As for the regret just now?

After taking ten steps, they completely forgot about it.

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