After a few minutes of explanation, Lu Yongchang looked at the "video of the incident" thoughtfully.

"You mean, the roots of these giant trees can attack living things like animals?"

Zhu Ziwen nodded quickly and affirmed: "I'm afraid it's more than that."

"Professor, do you still remember the abnormal vibration during the first landing operation?"

"At that time, detectors from various places detected abnormal vibrations almost at the same time."

Lu Yongchang nodded slightly and frowned slightly: "What do you want to say?"

"I..." Zhu Ziwen raised his hand and scratched his forehead anxiously.

After all, he is not a biology major. When it comes to professional knowledge, he is a little blind.

"I feel that these giant trees may be alive... No, I can't say that. It should be said that they are conscious."

"They can pass..."

"Tsk!" Zhu Ziwen clicked his tongue irritably, "Professor, I don't know how to express..."

"You mean, these giant trees are living beings with consciousness and thinking, and they can communicate with each other in real time, right?"

A familiar voice sounded from the side.

The next moment, Academician Mao Zhengzhi approached the camera.

His eyes were filled with a faint light of excitement: "Interesting, this is an interesting point of view!"

"Plant civilization, I have imagined such life forms a long time ago."

"I didn't expect to meet you here!"

Lu Yongchang frowned: "Civilized?"

"Can these giant trees be called civilization?"

"Professor, don't think so." Mao Zhengzhi flipped through the video data sent back by Zhu Ziwen and said with great excitement, "What's wrong with plants? Can't plants develop intelligent civilization?"

"Wisdom has never been the privilege of animals."

"Think about it carefully."

"In the first landing operation, the detector started sampling after successfully landing."

"Because the specifics of each area are different, the sampling process is also different."

"But the abnormal vibration phenomenon occurred at the same time!"

"What does it mean if these giant trees are causing these tremors?"

"Communication network?" Lu Yongchang's face changed slightly and he asked in a low voice.

"No, no, no, it's not just the communication network." Mao Zhengzhi raised a finger and shook it slightly, "The point is not around the world, but at the same time."

Hearing this, Lu Yongchang reacted instantly.

He exclaimed: "No delay communication?"

"Quantum communication technology?!"

"That's right!" Mao Zhengzhi clapped his hands vigorously and said excitedly, "They may have mastered quantum communication technology!"

"Can't this still be called civilization?"

Lu Yongchang took a deep breath and suppressed the violent shock in his heart.

According to the classification of the technology tree, quantum communication technology is at the top of the first-level civilization technology tree.

In other words, once this conjecture is confirmed, the giant tree on this lost star will be an intelligent creature that is about to enter a second-level civilization!

"How to prove it?"

Mao Zhengzhi's words aroused Lu Yongchang's curiosity.

He couldn't imagine what these plants relied on to achieve quantum communication!

"Proof?" Mao Zhengzhi raised his hand, gently touched his chin, and thought carefully.

Suddenly, he shouted.

"Who is that...Zhu Ziwen, right?"

"Fortunately, you are in Forsaken Star. Tell those explorers not to mess around. If you offend these giant trees, the consequences may be disastrous."

"If that group of barbarians has done what they did in the past, who knows what will happen in the end..."

The corners of Zhu Ziwen's mouth twitched slightly and he nodded hastily.

While sending a message to Xia Zhou and others, he turned to look at the huge "apron".

Is it possible that they have pissed off these giant trees?

"As for the method of proof..." Mao Zhengzhi pouted towards the giant holographic projection in the distance, "It will take a lot of time to model the entire planet's underground, but the underground modeling work in the Arctic region is almost completed."

"If I guess correctly, the root systems of these giant trees should be extremely developed."

"Moreover, many of their root systems are connected to each other. This should be their communication network."

Time passes bit by bit.

Without orders from Lu Yongchang and others, the planetary exploration team could only stand on standby.

The day gradually passed and night fell.

Inside [Earth].

Lu Yongchang and Mao Zhengzhi stared at the giant holographic image in front of them with solemn expressions.

As the huge holographic 3D model appeared bit by bit, an extremely complex world gradually appeared in front of the two people.

On the surface, a giant tree with a height of 12,000 meters towers into the sky!

At its feet, countless "saplings" hundreds of meters high form a lush forest around it.

The camera gradually moves down.

Hundreds of meters underground.

Here, there are intricate tree roots almost everywhere.

Rather than saying that the soil is mixed with tree roots, it is better to say that the tree roots are mixed with a little soil.

According to the detection data returned by the detector, the diameter of most tree roots is between 0.5m-2m.

It is easy to judge that these "small" tree roots belong to those "saplings" of a hundred meters level.

Viewed from a distance, these dense tree roots look like a tangle, entangled with each other.

But as the camera zoomed in, Lv Yongchang was surprised to find that the arrangement of these tree roots was in a very high order!

Yes, it was order!

Just like a planned highway, the tree roots with thicker diameters were connected to each other, forming a "main road" that runs through each "sapling".

And those tree roots with slightly thinner diameters were evenly distributed around these "main roads".

The thinner tree roots were distributed obliquely in the shallow surface area, like hunters ready to go, waiting for the arrival of prey.

The camera continued to move down.

As the depth decreased, the number of "small" tree roots became fewer and fewer.

They gradually intersected and gathered into large tree roots with a diameter of more than 3 meters!

Thousands of meters underground.

Here gathered a large number of tree roots with a diameter of up to five meters.

Around them, it was difficult to see the shadows of those "small" tree roots.

Unlike the near-surface area, these thick tree roots no longer intersected with each other, but stretched directly underground.

It was as if there was something attracting them underground.

There was nothing special here, so the camera could only move down quickly.

Unlike the first 1,000 meters, the next journey seemed extremely boring.

The increase in depth did not increase the diameter of the tree roots.

It was as if they had reached their limit.

Until 10,000 meters underground.

These straight "falling" tree roots, like water pipes, all converged into the same destination.

A section of tree roots with a diameter of 100 meters!

This section of tree roots came from the 12,000-meter giant tree!

It extends to all sides in the 10,000-meter underground area. Although the underground modeling of the entire planet has not been completed, Lu Yongchang can foresee that this section of tree roots must surround the entire Lost Star!


"Strange." Mao Zhengzhi frowned slightly and snorted softly.

"I always feel that the distribution of this root system is a bit weird..."

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