
Hearing Mao Zhengzhi's words, Lv Yongchang also frowned.

To be honest, he had the same feeling.

The two stood in front of the holographic 3D projection and fell into silence together.

Perhaps because of the subtle influence, the two people's movements were extremely similar.

Both put their hands on their chins, frowned, and tilted their heads slightly to look at the 3D projection in front of them.

A few minutes later.

Mao Zhengzhi changed his movements.

He put down the right hand that was supporting his chin, raised it slightly, and made a gesture.

Zero easily recognized what Mao Zhengzhi meant.

With almost no delay, the 3D projection shrank rapidly.

A complete Lost Star appeared in front of the two.

The human fleet has only completed the modeling work of the Lost Star's surface and the underground 10,000-meter level in the Arctic region.

Compared with the entire planet, this amount of work is really insignificant.

Therefore, in the holographic projection, the entire planet is extremely dim, and only a small part of the area is flashing a faint blue light.

"Zero, use the underground structure of the Lost Star's North Pole region as a template to deduce the structure of the entire planet's 10,000-meter underground."

"Academician Mao." An electronic synthesized voice sounded, "A large amount of detection data is missing, and the final deduction result may be quite different from the actual situation. Do you want to continue the deduction task?"

Before Mao Zhengzhi had time to speak, Lv Yongchang on the side gave him an order: "Continue!"


[Analyzing relevant data...]

[Analysis completed, deduction modeling work in progress...]


In the holographic projection, words with a faint white light appeared line by line.

[Deduction modeling completed]

The moment the last line of text appeared, the outermost layer of the Lost Star was "lit up"!

The "fine" root systems spread all over the world gradually merged, and through the thick rhizomes that fell straight into the ground, they merged into the huge root system of the 10,000-meter giant tree.

"Nervous system?"

Mao Zhengzhi murmured to himself: "Professor, did you see it?"

Lv Yongchang looked serious, did not speak, just nodded gently.

From the 3D model deduced from scratch, the roots of these 100-meter small trees are like the peripheral nervous system that spreads throughout the human body.

And the thick rhizome of the 10,000-meter giant tree is like the central nervous system of the human body.

These "peripheral nervous systems" are connected to the "central nervous system" to form a huge and complete nervous system!

Things seem to be serious.

An incredible idea emerged in Lv Yongchang's mind.

Perhaps he was shocked by his own thoughts, he swallowed lightly, and his breathing became rapid.

"These trees..."

"It seems to belong to a complete life?"

Lv Yongchang's pupils trembled slightly, and he whispered: "How is this possible..."

Yes, this is the conclusion Lv Yongchang drew from the 3D model in front of him!

In his opinion, these tree roots buried deep in the soil are like the intricate nervous system inside the human body!

As for the soil on the surface of the planet, it is the flesh and blood tissue that constitutes the human body!

"How, how can there be such a life form?!"

Mao Zhengzhi, who has always wanted to explore plant civilization, muttered to himself with difficulty.

At this time, he was like Ye Gong who saw a real dragon, and his heart was full of fear!

Lv Yongchang did not respond to his words, but stared at the holographic projection in the holographic projection, which was surrounded by a faint azure blue and had a dim interior.

Gradually, an extremely absurd and weird picture appeared in his eyes.

In the vast universe, an extremely huge giant gently lay on a desolate rocky planet.

The giant's body is very broad and can easily wrap the entire rocky planet.

His head fell on the north pole of the rocky planet.

Even if he was lying on the ground, his huge head reached a height of 10,000 meters!

This giant just lay quietly on the planet.

Time passed quickly.

The giant did not move.


His body turned into mountains!

His blood turned into rivers and oceans!

His hair turned into small trees that were a hundred meters tall!

His head turned into a towering tree, and his hair turned into the tree's huge crown!

His nervous system turned into the roots of these trees!

The trees absorbed oxygen and radiation, providing the giant with the energy and substances needed to sustain life!

The roots were connected to each other, transmitting various information to the central nervous system...

At this moment, an uninvited guest broke in!

The starship, like a fly, not only landed on the giant, but also used its pitiful weapons to clean the giant's hair and nervous system!

"Professor? Professor?"

There were not very real calls beside my ears.

The voices became louder and louder, and at the same time, the extremely bizarre world in front of me began to shake.

"Professor!" Mao Zhengzhi shook Lv Yongchang's shoulders vigorously and shouted, "Professor, what's wrong with you?!"

Lv Yongchang suddenly came back to his senses.


He panted hard and raised his hand to wipe the fine beads of sweat on his forehead.

Looking at the Lost Star model in front of him, he subconsciously took a few steps back.


His body hit the table behind him hard.

"Professor, are you okay?"

Mao Zhengzhi looked at Lv Yongchang with a worried look in his eyes.

Lv Yongchang's face was livid, and the piercing pain in his back stimulated his fragile nervous system, making his eyes go black.

But even so, he still raised his hand, waved it repeatedly, and said with difficulty: "No, I'm fine..."

"Exploration team..."

He took a deep breath to relieve his brain that was a little short of oxygen.

"Let the exploration team stop the exploration mission immediately, leave the Lost Star, and return to the starship!"

"Now?" Mao Zhengzhi looked at Lv Yongchang with some doubts, and asked softly, "They just landed not long ago, and the trees in the landing area have been cleared. There shouldn't be too much danger, otherwise..."

"Now! Stop the exploration immediately!!"

Lv Yongchang suddenly raised his voice and interrupted Mao Zhengzhi's unfinished words with a roar!

"..." Mao Zhengzhi paused for a moment, nodded with difficulty, "Okay, I'll contact them right away."

Watching Mao Zhengzhi's actions, Lv Yongchang slowly closed his eyes full of fatigue and fear, and took deep breaths continuously.

"...Yes, return home immediately."

"Exploration mission? All suspended, Professor Lv's order, return home immediately!"

Mao Zhengzhi's voice came from the side.

"Lost Star..." Lv Yongchang opened his eyes and looked at Mao Zhengzhi beside him tiredly, "We are safe in space."

"But if we stay on the surface, it will be very dangerous."

"This is my intuition."

Lv Yongchang added softly.

ps: Asking for a leave...I'm a bit stuck today.

(Actually, I'm watching the TV series The Three-Body Problem...To be honest, it's pretty good.)

Also, thanks to the great certification of the centipede king who likes dragon bones!

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