"Quantum consciousness?!"

Mao Zhengzhi was shocked and subconsciously repeated what Lv Yongchang said.

"Yes, just like the lost giant tree." Lv Yongchang cast his eyes on the transparent aluminum curtain wall not far away. "Their thinking is based on quantum signals triggered by bioelectric signals."

"My brain should also be in this state."

"However, compared with these giant trees, my brain seems..."

Mao Zhengzhi raised his eyebrows and added softly: "A little more advanced."

Lv Yongchang shrugged: "I feel the same way."

"And I feel that this should be a good thing."

"Without the constraints of the carbon-based structure, I feel that my thinking is much smoother now than before."

As he said this, Lv Yongchang flipped through the dense data in the holographic projection in a trance.

With the help of overclocked thinking, inspiration continued to rise in his mind.

Special energy shock caused the brain to quantize?

It should be.

The vibration of the technology tree space is very likely to release a certain form of energy that humans have never touched before.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but imagine.

The brain can be quantized, what about the body?

The quantized brain can unlock the original overclocking restrictions, so what about the quantized body?

Since there was a first transformation, will there be a second transformation?

Just as Lv Yongchang was immersed in his inspirational reverie, a strong sense of dizziness rose up.

Lv Yongchang's face changed slightly.

This familiar feeling instantly reminded him of the sequelae of the overclocking of the technology tree space at that time.

With overclocking thinking, Lv Yongchang instantly figured out the reason.

Although the quantization of the brain has greatly improved his thinking ability, his weak body has borne a burden far beyond the past!


Lv Yongchang cursed in his heart and tried to suppress his rapidly spreading thoughts.

But, it was useless.

Inspirations continued to rise in his mind, like bubbles constantly rising on the sea.

Even though he tried his best to suppress his desire to spy on those inspirations, his instinct of curiosity still drove him to pursue inspirations one after another.

The direct consequence of this behavior was the rapidly increasing dizziness.

"Professor?" Mao Zhengzhi on the side couldn't help but glance at Lu Yongchang's head again, as if he found his abnormality, and asked in a low voice, "Are you okay?"

Lu Yongchang took a deep breath, raised his hand and patted his "empty" head hard, endured the dizziness and changed the subject: "It's okay!"

"I'm just thinking about a question, how do you think this thing is realized?"

Hearing this, Mao Zhengzhi's face flashed a trace of sorrow and entanglement: "Professor, I don't know either."

"How can this person's head become quantum state?"

"This... This is unreasonable!"

For scientists, an event beyond the scope of cognition is like a sword of Damocles hanging over their heads.

Lv Yongchang shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "Forget it!"

"Since you don't understand the reason, just put it aside for now!"

"The superstring gravitational field equation has just been released, and we still have a lot to do."

Mao Zhengzhi sighed helplessly and murmured in a low voice:


"I can't do much research on superstring gravitational field, let me study it for a while."


"Maybe I can find something?"

Mao Zhengzhi's tone was not confident. Obviously, he also knew that this miraculous change was far beyond the current technological level of human civilization.

As he spoke, Lv Yongchang felt dizziness worsen.

As the dizziness worsened, the inspiration rising in his mind became more intense.

If it was just bubbles occasionally appearing on the sea surface at the beginning, then now, it is a huge bubble machine spewing bubbles to the sea surface!

He opened his mouth and tried to say something else.

But the discomfort of his body stopped him.


"Okay, okay, come on."

"I have to go."

"I just thought of a question about the superstring gravitational field equation..."

As he spoke, Lv Yongchang walked quickly out of the laboratory.

He couldn't stay here any longer!

These data, these instruments, each of them would cause a surge of inspiration in his mind!

"Professor, I'll take you..." Mao Zhengzhi hurriedly said after hearing this.


"No need! Just focus on your research!"

Lv Yongchang waved his hands repeatedly and walked out of the door of the biological laboratory like he was running away.


After leaving the biological laboratory, the relaxed expression on Lv Yongchang's face disappeared instantly.

He raised his hand and gently supported his forehead, trying to endure the strong dizziness as much as possible.

Overclocking thinking obviously comes at a price.

After the brain becomes a quantum state under the impact of energy, it unlocks the original confinement and can enter the overclocking state at any time.

But the impact of the overclocking state on the body has not disappeared.

In fact, in a sense, because of the extended overclocking time, the burden on Lv Yongchang's body has increased several times more than before.

His face was pale, and he leaned against the wall of the corridor of [Earth].

The cold touch slightly dispelled some of the dizziness.

He took a few deep breaths and tried his best to restrain his thoughts that were gradually starting to run rampant.

"Professor, you don't seem to be in good condition. Do you need to call Dr. Wen for you?"

Zero's avatar appeared next to him, and at the same time, a slightly cold electronic synthesis sounded.

Lu Yongchang closed his eyes tightly, restrained his thoughts that were running around like a wild horse, and said with difficulty: "No, no need."

"Just leave me alone for a while."

Time passes slowly.

With deep breaths again and again, the reins of this fierce horse finally returned to Lu Yongchang's hands.

He slowly opened his eyes, looked at the azure holographic image in front of him slightly absentmindedly, twitched the corners of his mouth, and revealed a bitter smile.

"have to."

"I didn't expect that at my age, I still have to learn how to use my brain..."

Lu Yongchang shook his head as if mocking himself, stood up straight, and staggered towards his office.

Zero's avatar followed him silently, as if guarding its creator.

ps: Thanks to Mr. m729426 for the master certification!

I don’t have time to write tonight, but there will be another update (plus more) tomorrow morning!

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