Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 636 [Universal Gravitation] (Updated)

A few days later.

[Earth], Lv Yongchang's office.

After a few days of adaptive training, he has basically mastered the use of the quantum brain.

At least now, he can restrain his instincts and no longer pursue the rising bubbles of inspiration in his mind.

He carefully raised his hand and tapped the holographic projection in front of him.

A line of bright white formulas quickly appeared in the azure holographic image.

Superstring gravitational field equation.

Lv Yongchang silently looked at this line of equations that he had poured a lot of effort into, and breathed a long sigh of relief.

Past memory scenes quickly emerged in the quantum brain.

[Preliminary application of superstring gravitational field equations: curvature navigation technology]

A faint heat flashed in Lv Yongchang's eyes.

Curvature navigation.

Perhaps this is why the technology tree space classifies superstring gravitational field equations as the threshold of cosmic civilization.

Just like the nuclear fusion technology at that time, it was classified as the threshold of interstellar civilization.

Only by mastering the curvature navigation technology can the fleet's speed exceed the speed of light and truly step onto the stage of cosmic civilization.

Otherwise, just sailing between star systems will take more than 95% of a civilization's time.

Such a civilization may be called an interstellar civilization, but it can never be called a cosmic civilization.

Thinking of this, Lv Yongchang said softly.

"Zero, notify all academicians of the Academy of Sciences in relevant majors to gather in Laboratory No. 1."


As the electronic synthesized sound sounded, the virtual image waiting on the side turned into light particles and slowly dissipated into the air.


"Professor, in the past few days, we have conducted comprehensive verification and analysis of the superstring gravitational field equation."

In the laboratory, Tao Yuda had a faint excitement on his face, followed Lv Yongchang in a hurry, and told him about his discovery in a low and hurried voice.

"You were right."

"The Randall-Sundrum model is correct."

"Although there is no direct observational evidence to prove this, I believe that gravity definitely exists across all dimensions."

"The space-time we live in is five-dimensional."

"But we all live on a 1+3-dimensional hyperspace membrane."

"Electromagnetic force, weak force, and strong force are all transmitted on this membrane and will not enter the fifth dimension."

"Only gravity can pass through this membrane and enter the so-called fifth-dimensional space-time."

"As for higher dimensions..." Tao Yuda spoke The voice paused slightly, "It should have curled up in the microscopic particles, and it is difficult to reproduce it."

Lv Yongchang chuckled, slowed down his pace, turned his head and looked at Tao Yuda who was following closely beside him: "Do you remember what [Hua] said?"

"The dimensional creatures of the pastoral school need to consume a lot of energy to resist the assimilation of the universe."

"Now it seems that it may be because of this 1+3-dimensional hyperspace membrane."

Tao Yuda was slightly stunned, and then his eyes suddenly lit up: "That makes sense!"

But the next second, Tao Yuda's expression dimmed a little.

"This hyperspace membrane should have strong restraint and recovery capabilities. It seems that it is not so easy for us to jump out of this membrane to realize wormhole technology..."

Lv Yongchang showed a gentle smile on his face again. He waved his hand gently and said, "I am going off topic."

"Wormhole technology is too far away for current human civilization."

"Our primary goal now is to control gravity with the help of superstring gravitational field equations."

"Then use gravity to realize curvature navigation technology!"


Earth calendar year 3265.

In the blink of an eye, seven years passed.

In the distance, the brightness of the black hole accretion disk dimmed a little.

At the same time, the lush greenery on the Lost Star also decreased a little.

Seven years of precipitation and research and development have brought leapfrog progress to human civilization.

Under the leadership of Lv Yongchang, the Academy of Sciences finally relied on superstring gravitational field equations to achieve the control of gravity to a certain extent.

"I declare that the first gravitational field generation experiment has officially started!"

In the No. 1 laboratory, Lv Yongchang's somewhat excited voice came.

In order to eliminate the influence of the black hole's gravity and ensure the smooth progress of the experiment, and of course, to ensure the safety of the Earth and the human fleet, the experimental site was not arranged in the Earth.

Not even in the human fleet!

In the endless deep space one light year away from the human fleet, a small fleet consisting of more than a dozen starships quietly stayed in place, waiting for orders.

In the center of the fleet, there is a square, cube-like starship.

Rather than a starship, it is better to call it a mobile gravity laboratory.

Inside the cube, the latest gravitational field generator developed by the Academy of Sciences is installed.

It is for this reason that it has been given a very meaningful name.

[Universal Gravitation]

Around it, there are dozens of starships loaded with various high-precision detection equipment quietly parked.

Their role is very simple-after the gravitational field generator is activated, the [Universal Gravitation] is observed in all directions.

"Attention, all units!"

In the Earth one light year away, Lv Yongchang's voice sounded again.

"Prepare to activate the gravitational field generator!"

ps: Thanks to Wo.Zhendes.Nidie for his great certification!

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