Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 637 Gravitational Field Generator

Through the quantum long-distance communication device, this command instantly crossed a distance of one light year and was transmitted to the [Universal Gravitation].

Under Zero's remote control, the power of the antimatter engine began to increase first.

The huge energy generated by the annihilation of positive and antimatter flowed into a huge device located in the central area of ​​the [Universal Gravitation] along the complex and neat pipeline system.

This is the core component of the [Universal Gravitation] - the gravitational field generator.

The device is a silver-white hemispherical structure.

Its surface is very smooth, without any extra interfaces or protrusions.

The entire gravitational field generator is firmly embedded in the starship deck, without any gaps, as if it was cast in one piece.

And near it, all the devices are also firmly fixed on the starship deck.

All of this is to prevent any unexpected situation under the huge gravitational force.

Inside the gravitational field generator is an extremely complex line and pipeline structure.

These lines and pipeline structures wrap a huge high-purity vacuum cavity.

The cavity is filled with a large number of captured gravitons.

This is also the core component of the gravitational field generator.

Similar to electrons.

The movement of electrons will form an electric current, thereby forming a magnetic field.

The regular movement of gravitons will form a regular gravitational field.

Due to the particularity of gravitons, it is not easy to control their regular movement.

Therefore, in the absence of sufficient technical conditions, the gravitational field that this experimental model can produce is not very strong.

According to the estimates of Lv Yongchang and a group of academicians of the Academy of Sciences, the intensity of the gravitational field it can produce is not much different from that of the earth.

The space-time curvature produced by this intensity of gravitational field is also extremely weak.

Therefore, the observation accuracy of the equipment inside the surrounding observation starships has reached the top level of human civilization today.

With the continuous influx of energy generated by the antimatter engine, the gravitational field generation device also began to operate.

Under a series of complex processes, a large number of gravitons began to move in the predetermined direction.

A regular and weak gravitational field began to appear, and gravitational waves were born, transmitting gravity to the surroundings at the speed of light.

At this moment, if observed from the perspective of gravity, it was as if a huge celestial body suddenly appeared in the empty universe.

As time went on, the mass of celestial bodies was increasing rapidly.

From asteroid level to satellite level, and then from satellite level to planet level...

Almost at the same time, the surrounding exploration starships adjusted their postures under Zero's control and started the antimatter engine - because the distance was too close, they needed to rely on the power generated by the antimatter engine to maintain their posture.

Otherwise, under the action of gravity, these exploration starships would crash into the [Universal Gravitation]!

In the distant [Earth].

On the holographic projection in front of the laboratory, the gravitational field strength value from the exploration starship is growing rapidly!




9.75N/kg! !

Finally, the gravitational field strength stayed at 9.8N/kg!

Looking at this familiar value, Lv Yongchang's face suddenly showed a touch of ecstasy!

9.8N/kg, this is the gravitational field strength of the earth!

In other words, the real artificial gravity technology has been realized at this moment!

Only a little improvement and adjustment is needed, and humans living in the starship can live without relying on electromagnetic boots, electromagnetic adsorption devices and gravity cabins!

"Success... Finally succeeded..."

Lv Yongchang stared at the straight line in the holographic projection with almost no fluctuations, and murmured in a low voice.

The next second.

Warm applause and cheers came from all directions, directly drowning out Lv Yongchang's voice.


The experiment is not over yet.

The successful start of the gravitational field generation device is only the first step of this experiment.

Therefore, after a brief cheer and celebration, the laboratory quickly returned to its original calm.

"Start directional adjustment of the gravitational field range and intensity!"

Lv Yongchang straightened his face and said in a deep voice.

If the successful generation of the gravitational field is the basic work of this experiment, then the directional adjustment of the gravitational field is the core of this experiment.

Only when it is determined that the gravitational field generation device can adjust the gravitational field in a directional and quantitative manner and thereby generate different degrees of space-time curvature, can this experiment be considered a complete success.

And all this is just the first step in the development of the curvature engine.

"The first gravitational field range adjustment, starting now, the preset adjustment direction is as follows:..."

"The detection area of ​​the detection starship has been changed successfully!"

"Adjustment countdown: 3,2,1!"

"Adjustment begins!"

The reports of the scientific researchers sounded in the laboratory one after another.

The moment the order was issued, Zero began to control the precision instruments in the gravitational field generation device through the long-distance communication device.

The gravitational field that originally spread evenly in all directions slowly dissipated, and was replaced by a gravitational field that spread forward in a fan-shaped area.

The reduction in range has increased the intensity of the gravitational field a lot.

According to the data sent back by the detection starship, the gravitational field strength value even reached 14.7N/Kg, which is about 1.5g.

"Successfully observed the change in space-time curvature!"

"The first gravitational field adjustment experiment was successful!"

"Experimental data storage completed, group one, start analyzing relevant data."

"Second gravitational field adjustment experiment, ready!"


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