Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 653 Curvature Communication 1.0 Program

The moment the order was issued, the experiment officially began.

Under Zero's control, the antimatter engine inside [Curvature No. 1] began to work at full power.

"The gravitational field generator is ready!"

"The anti-gravitational field generator is ready!"

"Curvature bubbles begin to form!"


The announcements rang out in the laboratory one after another.

At the same time, the peaceful space-time gradually became hideous.

But at the core of the "storm", it was calm.

A small, constantly fluctuating gravitational field smoothed out all the wrinkles in space-time and constructed a small peaceful paradise.

And [Curvature No. 1] is located right in the center of this paradise!

"Prepare to enter curvature navigation!"

"Countdown: 5,4,3..."

Looking at the data flashing rapidly in the holographic projection, Lv Yongchang clenched his fist slightly and subconsciously held his breath.

As the countdown ended, [Curvature No. 1] also disappeared from everyone's sight.

The noise in the laboratory became more and more "noisy", and almost every academician began to get busy.

"Quick!" Lv Yongchang shouted in a hurried tone, "Zero, confirm the working status of the quantum communication device!"

The moment [Curvature No. 1] entered the curvature state, it meant that ordinary electromagnetic wave communication had failed - it left the electromagnetic wave behind!

According to the situation near the black hole, the quantum long-distance communication device will also experience quantum decoherence under the action of a strong gravitational field.

If the long-distance communication device also fails completely...

That means that every time the human fleet enters curvature navigation, the quantum long-distance communication module will be damaged in all directions!

Thinking of this situation, Lv Yongchang's face suddenly became ugly.

"Current entangled state quantum loss rate: 1.72%."

"Communication connection status is normal."

"Information loss rate: 1.72%."

"[Curvature No. 1] has successfully entered the curvature navigation state, current navigation speed: 1.1c!"

The moment the electronic synthesized sound sounded, Lv Yongchang suddenly breathed a sigh of relief!

As the [Event Form] theory says, under the influence of gravity, quantum entangled pairs will have a probabilistic loss.

In the process of detecting micro black holes, Lv Yongchang found that the probability of quantum entangled pairs being lost is directly related to the strength of gravity.

When the gravitational intensity exceeds a threshold, that is, when the space-time curvature reaches the threshold, the entangled quantum state has a probability of decoherence.

The greater the gravitational intensity, the higher the space-time curvature, and the greater the probability of decoherence!

Therefore, after careful calculation, Lv Yongchang had a conjecture.

When the curvature navigation speed is below 10c, the quantum communication device will not completely lose its function!

This means that at present, human civilization can still use quantum super-distance communication to communicate!

However, the probabilistic loss of entangled quantum states means that the transmitted information will also have a probabilistic loss.

But this can be compensated!

By regularly disrupting the order of information and transmitting information at a high frequency, humans may be able to avoid the loss of information during transmission.

Simply put, it is to arrange and combine a sentence through a specific algorithm, and then send all these combinations out.

In this process, information will be lost probabilistically.

After the receiving end receives the information, it will restore the information through an algorithm.

By comparing each missing piece of information, the complete information can be obtained.

The second purpose of the [Curvature No. 1] experiment is to verify the feasibility of this plan!

"Report! The No. 1 exploration starship has detected curvature fluctuations!" An academician reported excitedly, "The state of space-time curvature is normal!"

"Good! Good! Good!" Lv Yongchang said with a flushed face.

"Zero, start the curvature communication 1.0 program and check the integrity of the transmitted information again."

After a short wait.

"Curvature communication 1.0 has been successfully started."

"The communication connection status is normal."

"Current information loss rate: 0%."

Before Lv Yongchang could speak, there was an extremely warm applause behind him!


11 light minutes.

(Light minutes, the distance that light travels in one minute.)

The last exploration starship quietly stayed at the end of the "runway".

It needs to collect relevant data when [Curvature No. 1] exits the curvature state.

Time flies.

Ten minutes are almost up.

"Professor, the 30th exploration starship has detected the fluctuation of space-time curvature!"

He Bilin's excited voice came from the side: "The experiment was successful!"

"We have successfully mastered the curvature navigation technology!"

"Wait a little longer!" Lu Yongchang took a deep breath and suppressed the excitement in his heart, "It's not too late to celebrate after [Curvature No. 1] safely exits the curvature state."

In the distance, a series of broadcasts sounded again.

"The gravitational field begins to weaken."

"The curvature bubble is working normally!"

"Prepare to exit the curvature state!"

"Countdown: 10,9,8..."

The bright red countdown jumped in the huge holographic projection, affecting the heartbeats of all the academicians present.

At the moment when the countdown returned to zero, the broadcast sounded at the same time: "[Curvature No. 1] has successfully exited the curvature state."

"Everything is normal on the ship."

Before the academicians could smile, the piercing alarm filled the entire laboratory!

The azure holographic projection instantly turned blood red.


"The signal of the 30th exploration starship is lost!!!"

"Re-establishing the connection..."

"Connection reconstruction failed!"

"Correction, the 30th exploration starship has not been observed yet."

"Repeat! The 30th exploration starship has not been observed!"

"Suspected of being attacked by an unknown person!"

"The fleet has entered the first level of alert!!"

Accompanied by the flashing blood-red warning lights, an extremely rapid electronic synthesized sound echoed in the [Earth].

At the same time, the [Golden Crow], which was in a silent state, began to move under the control of Zero, circling the [Earth].

Countless gun barrels began to slowly turn their direction, pointing to the test site 0.1 light years away!

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