Lv Yongchang's shout made He Bilin's body tremble violently.


He dropped the work in his hands and turned to the door of the laboratory.

"Professor, please tell me clearly, what is successful?!"

He Bilin's voice trembled slightly, and he asked Lv Yongchang who was walking towards him eagerly.

As a core member of the Academy of Sciences, He Bilin naturally knew what Lv Yongchang had been doing some time ago.

Therefore, the moment he heard Lv Yongchang's words, a faint guess emerged in his mind.

Grand Unified Theory?

He couldn't believe his guess.

How much time has passed? !

The test machine of the gravitational shield has not been successfully operated yet, and Professor Lu has taken down this crown of physics alone?

"Grand, grand unification..." He Bilin swallowed hard and cast his expectant eyes on Lv Yongchang in front of him.

Lv Yongchang smiled gently and nodded, and raised his hand to pat He Bilin's shoulder.

"Yes, you guessed right."

"I have figured out the grand unified theory."

The moment he heard this understated statement, He Bilin felt his breath suddenly choked!

Then came a feeling of ecstasy and excitement that came from nowhere!

"How did you integrate gravity with the other three forces!?" He Bilin exclaimed, "It's hard to imagine that you can complete this complex theory in such a short time!"

"You are really, too, too..."

His face flushed slightly, and after holding it in for a long time, he finally came up with the simplest and most plain words: "Too awesome!"

The laboratory was briefly silent for a few seconds, and then a burst of laughter broke out.

He Bilin scratched his head awkwardly, quickly made way, and extended his hand to invite him in: "Professor, please come in."

"Just in time, the first test of the gravitational shield has begun."

"According to your instructions, this gravitational shield is developed based on the curvature bubble technology."

Lv Yongchang smiled and waved his hand: "I didn't instruct you."

"This is your credit, no one can take it away."

As he spoke, he took a step and strode into the laboratory.

"Attention all units, the first live-fire test of the gravitational shield begins now!"

He Bilin's excited voice came from behind.

Looking at the [Golden Crow] battleship in the holographic projection, whose muzzle began to shine, Lv Yongchang felt a little bit of emotion in his heart.

Thoughts, then returned to more than ten minutes ago.


In the office.

Lv Yongchang's eyes flashed with an extremely strong excitement.

He reached out to untie the electromagnetic adsorption device on the seat and whispered a complaint.


"Once I have figured out the Grand Unified Theory, I will tear you apart sooner or later!"

As he spoke, he stood up and walked to the locker beside him.

He gently opened the top door of the locker and carefully took out a black box from it.

The box was not big, just slightly bigger than the palm of your hand.

He gently brushed off the scattered dust on the black box and quickly returned to his desk.


The sound of the electromagnetic adsorption device sounded again.


Lv Yongchang took a deep breath and solemnly pressed a switch on the side of the black box.


The sound of airflow followed.

When the sound of airflow disappeared, he rubbed his hands and gently opened the lid of the box.

A fountain pen with obvious signs of wear and tear appeared in front of him.

Looking at the fountain pen, Lv Yongchang's eyes suddenly showed a strong sense of nostalgia.


This was a gift from Su Yutong to him in the Earth era.

It was the eve of the helium flash crisis. He almost exhausted all his energy to lead humans to escape from the earth and the solar system.

Naturally, he didn't care about this gift at the time, nor did he care about the date of the gift.

He just treated it as an ordinary gift.

Until later.

When human civilization successfully left the solar system and was able to take a short breath, Zero "woke up" him.

'Professor, according to the human humanities information I have, you should return the gift to Professor Su Yutong. '

At that time, Zero said so.

'Return the gift? Why return the gift? Does this gift have any special meaning? '

Lv Yongchang, who was lying in the hibernation cabin, asked Zero in confusion.

Accompanied by a slight pain, the hibernation hormone was injected into Lv Yongchang's body, and Zero's voice sounded.

'You received the gift on February 14th of the Earth calendar. '

Lv Yongchang suddenly realized.

But the effect of the hibernation hormone has already appeared, he slowly closed his eyes, and his consciousness gradually stagnated.


After entering space, because there is no gravity, traditional pens can no longer be used normally.

For this purpose, he specially added an electromagnetic micro pump to the pen.

But the service life of the pen is limited after all.

Seeing that the pen was wearing out more and more seriously, and paper was a scarce resource in space, he had to seal it in a vacuum box.


This pen that spanned thousands of years was taken out again.

Lv Yongchang carefully took the pen out of the box and pulled out a stack of precious paper from the side.

He spread it flat on the table and pressed it flat with an electromagnetic ruler.

"Swish, swish..."

Writing in space is not an easy task, but he still struggles to keep his handwriting neat.

Accompanied by the rustling sound of the pen rubbing against the paper, neat lines of formulas appear on the paper!

At the same time, under the real-time capture of the camera, the same content is also presented synchronously in the holographic projection.

Zero's idle computing power is mobilized in large quantities to this office.

In the universe, the theories and formulas that every fourth-level civilization dreams of are slowly taking shape on this light paper!


The tip of the pen gently taps on the paper, leaving a small black dot.


Lv Yongchang took a deep breath and whispered softly: "Human civilization has become a fifth-level civilization at this moment!"

The moment he said this, his eyes were filled with sourness.

Thousands of years of hard work have finally paid off.

Weak humans can finally make their own voices to the universe today!

He was silent for a moment.

After turning his head to look at the date, he waved the pen again and left a sentence at the end.

——On February 14, 3276 in the Earth Calendar, Lv Yongchang gave Su Yutong a gift in return.

He carefully closed the pen and put it back into the black box.

With a sound of airflow, the inside of the black box was evacuated again.

After putting the box back in place, Lv Yongchang reached out to move the electromagnetic ruler and picked up the thick manuscript paper.

"Zero, help me send this manuscript to Academician Su Yutong."

"Tell her for me."

"This is my return gift. I've kept her waiting for a long time."

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